PG-13 | 04 April 2014 (USA)
Jinn Trailers

From the beginning, stories of angels and men have captured our imaginations and have been etched into our history crossing all boundaries of culture, religion, and time. These two races have dominated the landscape of modern mythology for countless centuries, almost washing away the evidence that a third ever existed. This third race, born of smokeless fire, was called the jinn. Similar to humans in many ways, the jinn lived invisibly among us and only under dire or unusual circumstances were our paths ever meant to cross.

mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Leoni Haney Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
KDCarson ***Spoilers***Needed more detail to make it a good story. However, it was obvious that the production team had only so much money for the effort. To their credit, the movie did not lapse into mindless gore. An attempt to keep to some involved plot was tried. Acting was fair (not great), special effects were good, production was good. A pretty good Bollywood type effort. Tried and done story of young lad growing up to be defender of the world against evil spirits. Some people show up to help him. He kills big spirit baddie. Scares the rest of them. Roll credits. Credits did look cool, probably best part of the movie. All in all, okay effort, watched it free from offer from cable company for one free on demand movie. Glad did not have to pay for it. Recommend you wait for this one to come out with commercials so you don't wind up mad at yourself.
enderozd I watched this movie to learn what shouldn't do when shooting a movie.If your time is not important to you and if you curious about how a movie can be done without a story and acting this is the right movie for you.The guy who played Gabriel in this movie is known as Darth Maul and snake eyes; lets just say if this guy doesn't has a mask on his face don't watch the movie.Who wrote this movie shame on you, you just used Islam for such a bad story.Whole movie looks like written at weekend for a homework of a highschool student.
Kerem Gogus I have a lot of fun watching this movie. The Master Symbol which puts together the Jewish, Christian and Islamic symbols touched me because I dream a unity like that since I was a child. I'd wish to see it in the real world.Movie is good, I enjoyed VFX and Practical FX work because I know how hard they could be by the first hand - especially on limited budgets.Viewers who thinking its a car commercial should watch movies like Gone In Sixty Seconds, Vanishing Point, Fast & Furious and Need For Speed. Obviously the designer of the new Firebird is involved with the movie but car is not overused and its really cool to watch it rides actually. It looks great.Acting is not top notch I should say, director could work on actors a lot more to get the most out of them and inspire them to achieve their full potential. And my opinions will probably be extremely biased about The Goddess Serinda Swan so its not necessary to write here how much I worship her...Well anyway; Story is solid actually but its based on false assumptions and misinterpretation of the holy books, ancient texts and scriptures. The demons are the demons inside of us (repeating memories, unsolved issues from the past etc.) and Jinn described on the Quran is not actually a devilish creature working against humans. So the story is based on a total fantasy. And since its a fantasy movie its cool...I'm giving 10 stars to balance unfair 1 star reviews since we are living in a world that loves HungerGames/Twilight and hates Prometheus - enough said.
Begrundaren This movie is just pointless. It seems to be a unfortunate pregnancy of a car designer company and a wannabe movie director. The story has so much holes and just doesn't make sense at all. There is a horrible car chase scene where I suppose you should think that the car is cool, but all it brings is bad will to the movie, the car, the director and the actors. It's just so pointless. Let's say, you are being chased by a supernatural being, for some reason you decide to flee in your car, and for some reason this supernatural being can't keep up with the car, but it seems to be able to jump freely between dimensions and teleportate on free will. That might be an absurd example, but still it sums up this movie, its mainly a very unfortunate attempt at advertise a car through a movie. It stays of the 1 point rating just cause of some half decent CGI effects but other than that, it's just sad. Watch it just if you are utterly bored and need to kill some time without any demands on quality or entertainment whatsoever.