One in the Chamber
One in the Chamber
R | 21 August 2012 (USA)
One in the Chamber Trailers

A seasoned assassin plays both sides in a Russian gang war and becomes the target of an unknown enemy.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Prismark10 One in the Chamber is o one of the better straight to DVD action films.Cuba Gooding Jr and Dolph Lundgren play assassins for rival Russian mobs. Gooding turns on his paymasters when he fails to complete a hit. Lundgren has been called in to finish the mess.Gooding brings a quiet dignity to his role, now looking older, he has been given a bit of a back-story and plays his role with less histrionics and gets to do some action scenes well.The presence of an Oscar winner means Lundgren has to raise his game and gives a sardonic performance as the lone wolf, almost moving as a lounge lizard. He is even called Sinatra on steroids at one point. You do sense that Lundgren is getting a bit long in the tooth for the action scenes and they do seem to be a tad lethargic or speeded up.There is nothing much of interest in the story, it is a pretty standard gangland mobsters with Russian accents and plenty of tattoos. There is a damsel in distress at the climax with enough fight action and plenty of shooting. An entertaining film of its genre type but not exceptional.
Maziun I don't know if Dolph Lundgren isn't attractive star for fans of B-class action movies anymore, so he has to work with Steve Austin or Cuba Gooding Jr. to sell his movies . I doubt that is a good idea since neither Austin or Gooding Jr. are "hot" stars , even in the B movies range. I can bet that most fans of this type of movies would watch it for Lundgren only.Anyway , Lundgren is the best thing here . He's fun as the eccentric Russian assassin . He brings a lot of humor and quite decent acting. When he's on the screen the movie lives , because you don't know what he will do. I wish the whole movie was about his character.Unfortunately, Lundgren has to share screen time with Gooding Jr . He's completely boring as another assassin who looks for meaning of live and is hunted by his past. Seriously it was done before and with much better results ("Leon The Professional") . Gooding is not one bit charismatic and it's a ridiculous idea to promote him as action star . His strength has always been comedy and he doesn't have chance to show this here.The story about two rival mob families trying to kill each other is lame and the writer wasn't able to put any new ideas . The acting with exception of Lundgren is bad . The fight scenes are decent , while shootouts are rather chaotic.For fans of Lundgren and bored action movie fans only . I give it 1/10.
netmange Based on reviews by other 3 reviewers, I decided to give this movie a go especially since Cuba Gooding Jr and Dolf Lungdren were in it. Couldn't be all that bad right? After all Cuba Gooding Jr did hell of a job in Jerry Maguire. I gotta say, I was rather disappointed with the movie. Guess its OK if you're bored stiff and brain dead from a long day at work and don't wanna have to spend more brain juice figuring out the plot. This movie has an incredibly weak plot. It almost seems like it was written by a pimpled teenager who's trying hard to produce a work comparable to Mission Impossible or the Bourne series of films. Attempts at being "cool" fall flat time and again. Dolf Lungdren, who is dress perpetually in a tacky Hawaiin shirt and a hat appears in corners in the middle of gun fights looking as unperturbed as a beach goer looking at a fly buzzing round his pina colada. Utters a "cool" punchline, pulls out a couple of 9mm guns and kills 10 machine gun totting baddies in the room within 10 seconds. Meanwhile, the baddies spray a million bullets at him but seem to miss totally for some obscure reason. Cuba Gooding Jr just doesn't look the part. He's supposed to be some super skilled hit-man with Jason Bourne type fighting prowess and shooting skills which would make the top marksman in the US army writhe in inadequacy. But the woeful lack of character development and his wiry physique just doesn't cut it. Will I recommend this movie to anyone? Nope. Will I watch it again? Nope Will I remember watching this movie in 3 months? Maybe. Just because it's pretty bad Will I watch it if I had known it was this bad? Nope. Unless my white noise machine was broken and the sound of silence was killing me. And I desperately needed some background noise... Then maybe. Just maybe......
Tony Heck "When one mob family has a problem with another they call me. For the right price I solve it. I'm a fixer that's what I do, but that's not the only reason I'm here." Ray Carver (Gooding Jr.) is the best assassin money can buy. After being hired by both sides of a Russian gang war he sets out to do his worst. When he refuses to shoot a woman he himself becomes a marked man. Aleksey Andreev (Lundgren) is sent to take care of Ray before things get out of hand. I know what your thinking...a movie with Dolph Lundgren!! How can that be bad?? Without trying to totally disappoint you this is not really good at all. I'm not sure what happened to Cuba but after winning the Oscar he really lowered his movie standards. Dolph's were never that high to start with but I am really wondering why his Russian accent in Rocky 4 was better then his in this one. I assumed the more movies you do the better you get but I guess I'm wrong. I have to say though that I am not into the B-rate action movies though and if you like them you will probably like this one. Overall, exactly what I expected, maybe a little worse. I give it a C-.
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