Wicked Blood
Wicked Blood
NR | 04 March 2014 (USA)
Wicked Blood Trailers

Hannah and Amber Baker are trapped in a dark Southern underworld of violence, drugs and bikers. Both live in fear of their "Uncle Frank" Stinson, the ruthless leader of a crime organization.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Rainey Dawn This one is better than I guessed it would be. Sean Bean makes a great Louisiana crime lord - southern accent and all! :)8.5/10
boeush The cast is not bad, the direction's not bad, the story mediocre at best.On the whole, this movie is a pale imitation of the 1994 film 'Fresh':http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109842/Though of course there are many differences. The original was set in an inner city ghetto, and involved a mostly Black cast (including Samuel L. Jackson, among others.) This one is set in the hillbilly rural South, and involves a very nearly all-White cast. The original protagonist was a boy; here the protagonist is a girl.However, both movies/plots involve drugs gangs, life circumstances of hopeless, abject despair, and a chess-minded wunderkind emerging against all odds in such a setting, then plotting and manipulating to extricate themselves and their loved ones from the deadly morass, culminating in a violent denouement with numerous "chess pieces" sacrificed along the way.Yet in my opinion, the original was vastly better in every respect. It had a more nuanced and intelligent plot, deeper character development, fantastic acting, and overall a more realistic setup and more believable motivation. It was bold, poignant, in some ways ground-breaking and in some heart-breaking. It was in fact 'fresh' -- both in concept and by virtue of being the original. And despite its age, it is -- unfortunately -- still as urgently topical in 2014 as it was back in 1994. To anyone contemplating 'Wicked Blood', I would strongly recommend 'Fresh' instead.
MrGKB ...pretender to the throne of films like "Winter's Bone," this predictable thriller from writer/director Mark "The Killing Jar" Young and his regular cinematography collaborator Gregg "Ditto" Easterbrook isn't a terrible watch, but it's a dispensable one. The cast does well enough with their roles (although Sean "LotR" Bean seems a bit bored with it all), Easterbrook's DP work is at times quite beautiful, and I'm not really faulting Young's direction. Nonetheless, nothing really quite jells; I couldn't manage to buy into this world of backwoods meth labs and a pretty little thing who would settle for ten bucks a pop to be a drug mule. If you're a fan of any of the actors, I suppose it's not going to embarrass any of them too much, but this is one of those films that you're going to forget almost as soon as you've finished viewing it.
tfmiltz OK, maybe 10 is a bit high.This movie really surprised me, terrific acting, the cinematography is outstanding. Maybe mid way through, I felt like the price of this stock was about to crash, but it just went up up and up.Give this movie a view - it's the first time I can say you get manipulated into liking a meth user. Great acting. The story can be cliché at times.But each character is believable- I'm going to go watch the other half now !