| 01 October 1993 (USA)
Outrage Trailers

Marco Vallez (Antonio Banderas) is possessed by the beauty of a circus sharp shooter, and from the second they meet he is willing to give up everything to be with her. But one horrifying night sends them both down a road of revenge leaving behind a trail of bodies to the ultimate showdown with justice.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
ma-cortes Outrage deals with a journalist from El País newspaper who is assigned to carry out engaging reports . As Mario Vellez's (Antonio Banderas) last asignment results to be a traveling circus . Bored and tired with the usual acts , he is intrigued by the beautiful Sharp-shooter called Anna (Francesca Neri , Rosalba Neri's daughter) and asks her for an interview , which leads to passion . She is an equestrian sharpshooter from a circus called Wonderland , he is a stubborn journalist and both of whom fall in love . But she finds that primitive savagery exists beneath the most peaceful surface and then occurs a an unhappy happening and things go awry . This is an interesting story about a traveling circus , a grisly event and subseguent vendetta . A frightening and violent film reaction to the violence of the 1980s and 1990s ; this is a tale about rape and revenge in Straw Dogs style . Based on a story : "Spara che ti passa" by expert Giorgio Scerbanenco and screenplay by Carlos Saura himself . The plot is plain and simple , a circus artist falls in love for a reporter and while he's in Barcelona to cover a concert, three young men assault her , being attacked and raped in her tráiler , then , rather than calling the police Anna decides to take his own retribution , as she seeks a merciless vengeance . It is paced from point of view Francesca Neri and Antonio Banderas . Although it relies heavily on the loving relationship between the reporter and the circus artist . Gorgeous Rosalba Neri gives an enjoyable acting ,she speaks Spanish language blending Italian/Spaniard words . Banderas is acceptable but he delivers an inferior performance than Neri . They are well accompanied by a fine support cast , such as : Eulàlia Ramon as Lali Ramón, Carlos Saura's wife , Walter Vidarte ,Coque Malla , Chema Mazo and Achero Mañas . The movie displays an atmospheric cinematography by prestigious Javier Aguirresarobe , though a perfect remastering being really necessary . And a sad and atonal musical score by the Oscar Winner and magnificent composer Alberto Iglesias . Along with adequate production design by the notorious Rafael Palmero . The motion picture was well directed by Carlos Saura , being the first genre movie from this magnificent filmmaker . He is a good Spanish movies director. He began working in cinema in 1959 when he filmed ¨Los Golfos ¨(1962) dealing with juvenile delinquency ,it won Golden Bear in Berlin Festival . Saura is a well recognized filmmaker both nationally and internationally, and in proof of it he won many prizes among which there are the following ones: Silver Bear in the Berlin Festival for ¨ La Caza or The Chase¨ (1966) his most successful film , and for Peppermint Frappé (1967), in 1967. Special Jury Awards in Cannes for La Prima Angélica (1974), in 1973, and for Cría Cuervos (1976), in 1975. Also, the film Mamá Cumple Cien Años (1979) got an Oscar nomination in 1979 as the best foreign film, and it also won the Special Jury Award at the San Sebastian Festival. In 1990, he won two Goya , The Spanish Oscar , as best adapted screenplay writer and best director. Saura made some biographic movies as ¨Llanto para un bandido¨, ¨Goya in Burdeos or Bordeaux ¨, ¨Buñuel and la mesa del Rey Salomon¨ , ¨El Dorado¨, and ¨Antonieta¨. Saura became an expert on Iberian musical adaptations as ¨Carmen , Amor Brujo , Bodas De Sangre or Blood wedding , Sevillanas ,Iberia , Salome, Fado, Flamenco , Tango ¨ and even recently Opera as ¨Io , Don Giovanni
Claudio Carvalho In Madrid, the journalist Marcos Vallez (Antonio Banderas) is writing an article about a circus and he schedules an interview for the next day with the lead attraction Anna Meltzer (Francesca Neri) a.k.a. the Amazon Queen Guiditta, who simultaneously rides a horse and sharply shoots in balloons in her performance. After the interview, they feel attracted for each other and they spend the rest of the day and the night together. In the morning, Marcos travels to Barcelona to cover a concert and promises to meet Anna on the next day and follow her to hell. However, three men gang rape Anna during the night after her performance with extreme violence and the disturbed Anna takes her rifle and ammunition to chase the rapists, but with tragic consequences."Dispara!" is a depressing and heartbreaking travel to hell of a sweet character magnificently performed by the extremely beautiful and talented Francesca Neri. This movie is great but the plot is not simply a revenge of a woman brutally attacked but a very sad, realistic, dark and quite unpleasant drama, reason why it is not among my favorite movies. The character of Anna Meltzer is very well developed in the beginning; therefore when the rape happens, the viewer is entirely connected feeling empathy for her nice character. The attitude of Marcos Vallez is despicable, mixing feelings with his profession, telling his suspicious about Anna to his editor without any evidence. I regret that the DVD released by Brazilian Distributor Spectra Nova is awfully dubbed in English without option to the original language (Spanish). My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "Dispara" ("Shoot")
NewEnglandPat This film is a fine drama about a woman who gets raped by three men then hunts then down one by one with a cold determination of a professional assassin. After years of being an equestrian circus performer, Francesca Neri meets Antonio Banderas, a journalist, and romance seems to be in the offing but fate is unkind to them and sets in motion the tragic events of the story. The pursuit and revenge plot is straightforward with no surprises but the drama really builds when Neri herself becomes the hunted when an all-points alert is issued by Spanish police. Neri's role of a woman who takes the law into her own hands is one-dimensional but she sells her character well and manages to generate sympathy because of what happened to her. Neri and Banderas do have a certain chemistry between them and they make the premise work in spite of the unpleasant subject matter.
Gonzalo Melendez (gonz30) OUTRAGE, or "Dispara!" in Spanish gives us a glimpse of the real Antonio Banderas. If subtitles get in your way, then you cannot judge this movie, directed by the legendary Carlos Saura. The female lead is the versatile Francesca Neri ("Live Flesh") who has made some of the most daring European films of the 90's, switching easily from Spanish to Italian in her prolific 15 year or so career. This trio of great talent delivers a revenge drama/love story worth watching only for the lead actors' performances. Here you see the real Antonio Banderas, who went back to Spain at the height of his Hollywood crossover, to do what he had always done: ACT, and take a break from the tough guy/action hero/Latin lover Hollywood has made of him. The real Banderas is a sensitive actor, who actually has played mostly frail, bi/homosexual and mentally-challenged characters. Though OUTRAGE is not his best performance by any means, it is a rare look into the real actor. His character in OUTRAGE is possessed by the beauty and talents of a mysterious circus performer (Ms. Neri). The two start an unusual relationship and after a fateful night's event, both main characters go down a destructive path of revenge. Check it out. I bought it from Amazon.com, not to plug them, but because it is available from them at a very good price.