R | 26 April 2002 (USA)
Vulgar Trailers

Vulgar is about a man who is a children's clown but has not been getting much luck lately. He lives in a cheap apartment which he can't even afford. Bums are constantly sleeping in his run down car and crashing on his lawn. He has a nagging mother who lives in a nursing home, and his best friend is a moocher. One day he comes up with the idea to become a bachelor clown.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
barrykelly1982 one of the worst acted movies I've ever seen I don't care if its a b movie, plenty of b movies have a decent storyline and some decent acting but this is just pathetic, a complete waste of time! its up there with the devils rejects, run bitch run piggy banks for the worst acted movies I've ever seen!! gimme back that hour and a half of my life please!!! avoid like the plague!!!! I bought this on DVD and now I just wish I hadn't, its not even vulgar to say the least, its down right useless! its not even one bit amusing, sometimes I laugh at stupidity in movies but this couldn't even manage to make me smile at how ridiculous it was! all i can say is this is terrible, I can't emphasize how enough just how pathetic this film is!!! rant over, find something more amusing to watch rather than this, Id rather watch paint dry than go through that again!
Steve Pulaski Kevin Smith's dark Comedy Vulgar reminds me of World's Greatest Dad that I reviewed about two months back. Sure it's way newer, but they both have a way of mixing dark humor with Comedy. Plus this one is very clever on dialogue (typical Kevin Smith). I don't think there has ever been a KS movie that has disappointed in terms of dialogue.Vulgar features one of my favorite actors, Brian O'Halloran who plays a twenty-something loser on the verge of becoming suicidal. He is a party clown at kids birthday parties under the name of "Flappy". His dad is dead, his mom hated him, and he is harassed every day by his redneck neighbors. He then decides to become a party clown, then gets gang raped on his first gig, and is taped doing it too.On the edge of becoming suicidal and mentally depressed about the situation, he decides to do something daring, and saves a young girl from her abusive father. Flappy, who was once a loser, is now a big time clown with his own TV show.I don't want to say the conflict, but this movie, surprised me much so. I didn't think I would like this, but ultimately I fell in love with it. I cant figure out why this is quoted "the unknown Kevin Smith movie". This had a pretty low budget like Clerks and Mallrats, but it seems other Kevin Smith movies like Chasing Amy and Zack and Miri Make a Porno covered it up as well. All I have to say is, this movie is not what you would expect from Kevin Smith. This is about as extreme has I would want a KS movie. If you saw the original ending to Clerks, you could see that Kevin Smith wants nothing but misery for poor Brian O'Halloran.
tabolt okay. this is a very bad movie. it is not because of the subject matter, which is occasionally disturbing but so nonsensical that even the darkest moments tend to undermine themselves. kevin smith(whose work i sometimes really like) has his fingerprints all over this movie. the stilted dialogue, the poor plot logic, the uncanny ability to pick a cast who have no acting ability. brian o'halloran is always awful and the rest of the cast deliver their lines as if from cue cards. the one exception is smith himself, whose cameo role is the best actual performance he's turned in to date. i really sort of believed him.anyhow, one of two things will happen. you will either get irritated with the illogical, aimless plot and clumsy acting and struggle to wade through the final 30 minutes (by the climax i couldn't have cared less about what happened) or you will find something in the concept and odd execution here that makes you forgive all that. for me, not possible.
98bird Geez, dunno how people can like this movie.It tries for the snappy dialogue of Pulp Fiction. Failed miserably. Really bad acting.You wonder why there are so many starving actors around...well this movie's a good reason why.It was a little interesting in the beginning, but just went completely downhill from there.Still can't get over how bad the acting job was.Don't these people watch their own movies and reshoot mistakes and crap?