R | 01 May 1989 (USA)
Offerings Trailers

Ten years after he was pushed down a well, a young man kills off the neighborhood bullies who tormented him and leaves their body parts as presents for the one girl who was kind to him.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
terminator-mjc This movie does have some good moments. It didn't scare me, at all. I should've known there'd be a goofy police officer. There was also a few predictable scenes of when someone was going to die.I won't be in denial, but I admit I liked this movie a little bit. It is obvious it isn't an award worthy movie. There are much worse movies and horror movies out there, compared to Offerings.The one soundtrack song, in this movie, is really from Haloween's theme. There's no doubt about it. Notice: This is my very first review, on IMDb, so I'm still new to typing reviews. My first one was on Yahoo, years ago.
anxietyresister You're a kid, right? You go to all the trouble of befriending the town weirdo who is a loner and a mute. Everybody else hates him, and yet you still stand by the guy, even in the face of public ridicule. One day, a gang of them push him down a well. He receives a nasty head injury which stops him from developing a conscience. After he is rescued and returns home, he then proceeds to murder, and then eat his own mother. The men in white coats arrive, and he spends the next decade in a mental asylum. He escapes after a nurse forgetting to give him his tranquiliser is impaled through the head with it herself. He returns to his old neighbourhood, and how does he repay you for all those times you supported him years ago when no-one else would? Why, he kills all your best mates of course.. and delivers their severed body parts to your door! AND he bakes you a nice pizza with a new topping.. cooked human flesh! Ever get the feeling that winning his friendship wasn't worth the effort??This is a standard slasher flick with the usual assortment of dumb teenagers who just wanna make out, an overweight sheriff who becomes slowly more exasperated about what is happening in his formerly peaceful town and the remorseless killer who has just one line of dialogue at the end. The murder scenes are directed reasonably well, but in a predictable, stale fashion which leaves no room for surprises. There is a strange moment in a cemetery when a weird gravedigger is interviewed about what he saw.. his performance is so strange it's like something out of a different picture. But this is the only off-kilter moment in a film that could have done with a few more of them. Don't think you're a genius if you can guess the rest of the plot after 20 minutes. I did, and I'm certainly no member of MENSA.. 4/10 P.S What DID happen to Gretchen's dog?!
Tikkin As everyone has said, this is a Halloween rip-off. The killer is a guy who makes the same robotic gestures as Michael Myers and has a similar eerie glow to his face. The scene at the end shows this the most. Don't let the "Halloween rip-off" thing put you off. Personally I don't care that it rips off Halloween, if anything I see it more as a tribute.The concept is good - a mute young boy is pushed into a well by local bullies, kills his abusive mom when he gets out, and ends up in mental hospital (he must have put a lot of weight on while in hospital, I might add). He escapes, and then the film descends into a stalk-and-slash formula. There isn't much gore, but we get several body parts (a finger, an ear, a nose, etc). The killer is giving these "offerings" to the now grown up girl who was kind to him as a kid. In the last scene before he dies, he utters his one and only word: "love". Which is sweet in a way. This is a decent slasher film that has its own unique charm, I recommend all slasher fans give it at least the once over.
comedicactor2840 Okay, what movie's plot goes like this:A young man, after killing his mother, breaks out of an insane asylum ten years later, and starts killing teenagers as a three noted theme song is played on a piano?If you guessed any of the Halloween movies, I'm sorry, you're wrong.NO, this is Offerings. which, if it were a parody, would be a great movie! Unfortunately, it was meant to be serious... or as serious as a slasher film could be... Luckily, I'm watching it on Svengoolie's late night movie show, so it's been pretty enjoyable.1/5 stars as a serious horror film.5/5 stars, as a parody of horror films, or to give the MST3K treatment.