A Royal Christmas
A Royal Christmas
G | 21 November 2014 (USA)
A Royal Christmas Trailers

A young working girl with a blue-collar background is surprised when her new fiancé announces he is actually a prince of a small sovereign country in Europe. After the couple quickly takes off to spend the holidays at his family’s sprawling, royal castle, she must work hard to win over her disapproving and unaccepting future mother-in-law—the Queen—and find out if love truly can conquer all.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
SimonJack "A Royal Christmas" is a very good movie that works as a very good Christmas film as well. That's because it also is a comedy-romance, and one with a different twist. Many a film has been made in which the commoner American (usually) makes all sorts of mistakes and wreaks havoc in and on a royal household. Instead, this film has an American commoner who rises to the occasion and foils the witty attempts of the royal head of household. Thus, "A Royal Christmas" is much more than another tale of princess meets prince charming. The film has a very good cast that bring the comedy off just right. The love interests are Emily Taylor (played by Lacey Chabert) and Leo James (aka, Prince Leopold, played by Stephen Hagan). Emily comes close to being too sugary at times, but fortunately, the timing in the screenplay creates switches at the appropriate moments to contain the syrup. Leo, on the other hand, starts a little cool in the first scenes, but then seems to get into his role with conviviality. There's a handful of supporting cast with smaller roles who do a lot to give life to the plot. But two other major leads stand out and guide the film to its successful finish. Jane Seymour is sparking as Isador, Queen of Cordinia, and Leo's mother. She has a match planned for him in childhood friend and sweetheart, Natasha, Duchess of Warren (played very well by Katherine Flynn). And, she loathes the thought of Leo marrying Emily, a commoner. Her conniving to make it all unbearable for Emily mostly backfires when Emily makes friends with the royal household staff, and takes a quick day-long lesson in royal behavior from Victor, the chief butler. Simon Dutton plays Victor wonderfully. He's the one staff person who isn't intimidated by the queen, while always maintaining his proper place (of course). Naturally, there's a happy ending in this film. There are more details and some small subplots within that add nice touches and enhance it as a Christmas movie. While it isn't loaded with laughter, the many foiled plots and scenarios just bring smiles and chuckles. As a chick flick, this would probably be rated tops. As a very good comedy-romance and Christmas film, it rates eight stars from me. It's a very entertaining movie that the whole family should enjoy.
phd_travel I enjoyed this Hallmark movie. The formula works - a girl falls in love with guy who turns out to be a prince. They travel to his European kingdom where she doesn't quite seem suitable enough a match.The lead actors are watchable enough. Lacey Chabert isn't stunningly beautiful but she is likable and isn't annoying. Jane Seymour acts well as the disapproving queen. She is still very slim. It's refreshing to see an actress not having undergone plastic surgery, unlike some actresses of her age. Her real life daughter Katie Flynn has a role here. The prince's accent sounds a bit un royal at times.One fault: The costumes are a bit cheap looking even taking into account it's a TV movie and not a big budget feature like "The Princess Diaries".Worth one watch.
littlelo94 Look, I love a cheesy romcom as much as the next girl, but can the writers PLEASE make sure the script is at least marginally accurate? There were so many peerage mistakes in this movie that really irritated me. Lacey Chabert was charming and the Prince guy was reasonably believable as a young royal wanting to find a "real" girl but aside from that there wasn't much this film could offer. I really wish that Jane Seymour wouldn't degrade herself to projects like this (speaking as a Dr. Quinn fan). If you enjoy the fluffy, feel-good, holiday films that Hallmark make then this film is for you. If you're after a real life Cinderella tale then look elsewhere. May I suggest "Ever After"?3/10 stars. Sorry Hallmark. Not your best holiday movie.
bookandcandle I love the Hallmark Christmas movies and look forward to the new ones being released each year. The stories are delightful and uplifting with happy endings,and they are always enjoyable during the holiday Christmas season. Bringing joy and happiness to people is never "drivel."The concern I have is that the Hallmark movies have loud, annoying, incessant "bing-bong" music that overpowers the voices of the actors. There should be no music while there is speaking. Every word should be clear. There should be no competition between the music and the speaking.Please stop the loud music when the actors speak. I would love to watch your movies. I watched this movie for an hour and after that I turned it off because the music made the movie so distracting. If I can't finish the movie and it was that annoying, I have to give it a low rating. My brother and his family said the same thing and they turned it off half way through because of the loud, high-pitched music in the background. The older Hallmark movies were classically produced.