Don't Go in the Woods
Don't Go in the Woods
R | 05 September 1981 (USA)
Don't Go in the Woods Trailers

Four backpackers decide to take a hike in the mountains of Utah. But within the woods lurks a killer. But who...or it? The lazy local sheriff blames bears. But the escalating body count seems to point to a human killer. Ignoring the warning signs, our campers remain lost in the woods...alone...awaiting their fate.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Cortechba Overrated
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
LasKeepsItReal Don't Go In The Woods is a horror film like others in the early 1980's which appears to rip off some elements of the Friday The 13th films although it fails miserably at doing so.The following review does contain some spoilers throughout!Four campers Peter, Ingrid, Joanne and Craig hike through the woods with the intentions of having a relaxing weekend. Whilst our four main characters are venturing further into the woods an unknown killer is dispatching random people who come into the woods in bloody fashion. Will any of the campers manage to escape the woods alive to civilisation.Don't Go In The Woods does initially have something going for it despite being low budget however the film at times is all over the place and lacks purpose. The killer murders his victims without any motive and to make up for the disappointing effects there is a little comedy here and there.As for the carnage scenes the most memorable scene for me is when one of the female characters discovers the killer's cabin and when he returns she tries to escape through a small window and is slashed to death with a machete. There is also a cringeworthy scene with a couple who are celebrating their honeymoon in a caravan before they are both eliminated.When most of the secondary characters show up some of them have little or no dialogue before they get killed and the ending to the film is very strange involving a minor character who has been abducted. The music at times is not always fitting although the track that is playing during the end credits of the movie is comical.I would rate this film 4 out of 10.
maynard1210 Don't Go Into The Woods is not a good movie for several reasons. Bad acting, story, dialogue, scenery, camera work, sound. These are all obvious right away. The kills/gore aren't stylish enough or at the very least interesting enough to save this movie. There are two that are pretty good but that's it.They decided instead of concentrating on the main campers, they would intermittently sprinkle in scenes of other campers being murdered. It's incoherent. By the time anyone survives you barley remember who they were to care. Some of the awful dialogue can be unintentionally funny or grating depending on your preference. One thing that stood out was the nonsense. For instance, camper is by himself under an overhang. Fisherman comes by and spots him. But the wildman is standing above the camper where he can't see him. The wildman swings a bear trap and hits the fisherman in the face. Camper watches in shock but doesn't yell out. So you think "Oh, this guy will spot the crazy man, keep quiet and then run back and warn his friends". Instead as soon as he sees the wildman, he yells like a girl and runs off. Why didn't he react right away? Could have set up a nice scene where the camper sneaks off to warn his friends. Then right be for he reaches them surprise kill by the wildman. The movie does this 4 or 5 times. Girl hears friend screaming 2 separate occasions, doesn't react, thinks it's only friends horsing around. Friend screams a third and she comes running.Movie seems to only take a place in one day but it doesn't match the story. Guy and girl survive. They are in the hospital. Guy feels guilt for leaving other girl back in the woods. He's able to run from the hospital back to the woods before the cops leave the cafeteria. But before, when they broke into the cabin, the guy said, "We are going to need food if we're gonna survive". Later the girl is seen licking a plate as if starving. Really? In running distance from a hospital? Also, no rhyme or reason to the killing. They can't be that deep in the woods (Hospital) and there were at least 5 other people died in that vicinity in the same time span. Should have been called don't go 50 ft into the woods. The posse is waiting on a helicopter to search the woods. Meanwhile the camper has beating them back on foot. The movie takes a scene and then just throws logic out the window. It'a actually impressive.
callanvass Do you really need a plot? You should know what to expect from the titleI've strayed away from this movie for many years due to all the bad reviews. I love cheesy slashers, especially stuff from the 80's, so I figured what the hell? It turned out to be a huge mistake. This wasn't cheesy in a so bad it's good way, it was just unbearably bad. It is excruciatingly amateurish in every way possible with many plot holes. I'm not even gonna mention any of the actors, what's the point? Everybody is horrible. There is gore in this movie, but it is so cheap that it negates the impact. I wouldn't go in these woods if I were youDUD
Tromafreak Some people seem to think that if you've seen one 80's slasher, you've seen them all. Not only is that not true, but the mere thought makes me chuckle. And when you see Don't Go In The Woods, you'll see what I mean. The thing is, you got your good slashers, your bad slashers, awful slashers, and so bad they're good slashers. Then, there's stuff like this. Don't Go In The Woods is one of those rare breeds of Horror. The ones that have an amazing amount of inept qualities, to the point that it may be a spoof. Then again, perhaps not. Hard to tell. It's astonishing movies like that that really makes watching bad Horror films so worthwhile. Well, the first thing I noticed about Don't Go In The Woods is the score that goes back & forth from depressing to nerve-racking. I don't know what they were thinking. The discomfort is a small price to pay for the fun that's to be had. Such as some mountain man (with what looks like a bicycle chain wrapped around his face) walking around the Utah mountains slashing idiotic campers. Some of which aren't even using their own voice. Nothing complicated about it. Just terrible acting, confusing dialogue, and ridiculous people being slaughtered for no reason. What exactly happened to make this film so confusing & just flat out strange, is a mystery to me. Aside from the alleged unintentional humor, Don't Go In The Woods is also a rather harsh Horror movie, with some pretty ferocious killings. So, it looks like you're all set, as I couldn't possibly think of any other qualities that matter for an 80's slasher. Looking for a good "unintentional or not?" double feature? Well, pair this one up with The Last Slumber Party. You won't regret it. 8/10