| 24 September 2015 (USA)
Darling Trailers

A young woman slowly goes crazy after taking a job as the caretaker for an ancient New York home.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
jtncsmistad Talk about a movie that tests your patience. Well, that's sure as hell not the recently released, exceedingly atmospheric horror flick "Darling". No, your patience won't be tested......because it'll flippin' be TORTURED all to shreds! Good GOLLY does it take an ETERNITY for anything to happen in this thing. And then when it FINALLY does, you're like, "All that interminable build-up to THIS???"Writer/Director/Co-Producer Mickey Keating clearly is trying to evoke the feel of late '50's/early '60's Hitchcockian suspense as his black and white film lens depicts present-day New York City, together with the story's main characters, as though what we are witnessing is somehow suspended in time during this bygone era. Keating also borrows heavily here from Roman Polanski's "Repulsion" and Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" in terms of plot, structure, vibe and effect. In step with what is an apparent homage to the classics, Keating gives a grotesquely macabre nod to Audrey Hepburn in what may best be described as a perverse version of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" on a bad, and I do mean RANCIDLY bad, acid trip.Lauren Ashley Carter (whom Keating also directed in 2015's equally offbeat horror mystery "Pod") does what she can in the title role. And she's really pretty effective as a lonely young woman gone nuts, or rather even MORE wacko, as would appear to be the case in "Darling". There's even a Sean Young sighting (remember her, kids?) as a super creepy matronly type name of "Madame". EWWW-HEW-HEW-HEW. But in the end, it's all been done before.And enormous quantum leaps better than it's done here, darlin'.
maryann_blair I liked this movie and I think others will also. This reminded me of Polanski's repulsion. A black and white art house flick with a twilight zone feel to it. This blurs the line between mental deterioration nightmare's and reality. Lauren Ashely Carter was top notch maintaining an innocent look even when she's doing something wrong. This film takes me back to a different time. It also sends off a different feel to it. You get a little Hitchcock mixed with a lot of Polanski. I wonder if they used the infamous Hershey Syrup as blood? If anyone knows please let me know, being black and white one cannot tell. Mickey Keating might be going places. This is a good way to spend 78min. You won't regret it!
mjsreg Its nice to see a film maker do something different that works - and works well.This film isn't the usual offering of horror/thriller fare. The whole story is not handed to you on a plate, and you have to fill in some of the blanks yourself. Intentional or not, it seems to work. I think this is a film the viewer will either love or hate.No doubt this was made with the psychological thrillers of the 50s and 60s in mind, with a bit of film noir thrown in to complete the mix.Lauren Ashley Carter plays the main character in the film. In fact, apart from a few short appearances by other characters, she is the film. And what a character she is. Sweet and adorable yet... well its best to watch the film.There were a couple of things that could have done with a bit more explanation, but no film is perfect.I for one will certainly be on the lookout for Lauren Ashley Carter in the future.
susannaepatterson This movie is a psychological thriller and a great one. The story and setting are simple which makes it even more interesting as well as the black and white film. The trouble with 'Darling' becomes apparent later in the movie. The acting is fantastic! Darlings descent into madness is beautifully drawn out through her isolation and only periodic phone calls from her employer. Whether her madness was brought on by the possible demonic activity in the house or her own past mental inability is unclear but it only adds to the mystery. There is also the possibility that the man she encounters meerly resembles that of a man from her past that she feels necessary to take out revenge on for what he did to her in the past.