PG-13 | 13 September 2008 (USA)
Ba'al Trailers

A world-renowned archaeologist must reawaken the storm god Ba'al by collecting four ancient amulets scattered around the world. As each amulet is uncovered, Ba'al's fury threatens to destroy everything in its path with the most powerful storm mankind has ever seen.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
PodBill Just what I expected
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Film_monger Yes, the film was a valiant attempt at making a movie. The 'Leutenant' at the beginning was wearing COrporal stripes AND LT. bars, AND NO epaulets. The aircraft were erroniously identified, the list goes on and on. Was this a good film? no. Would a bigger budget have fixed it? doubtful. Would different actors fix it? no. Would different directing or FX fixed it? Doubtful. Would it have been a good film if made in the US? no.What is NOT noticed by one other reviewer (JoeB131) is that low budget films are made all the time. This is common. there are probably 10-20 made of this calibre for every blockbuster. Suck it up man. Calling every film made in Canada cheesy is a national insult. There have been MANY blockbuster big budget films done in Canada, and many top TV series are filmed in Canada. The difference in the dollar offers producers a chance to make a lot more for the same budget.Yes there was weak acting here, and there was some good work too. The specific work of Lexa Doig was certainly professional.Don't let an obvious 'hater' make you think nonsense. OK, the film was low budget, it was weak, but some comments were a blatant slam and unwarranted.
ithinkmyemailaddressis I could watch Lexa Doig dust book shelves, so fortunately, not knowing she was in this monster of a movie, I was otherwise sparred the wasting of 2 hours of my precious life on this celluloid crap-heap of a flick. Although I doubt even she could have held my attention in this stencher.Is this a fair review? Of course not. I actually only saw about 20 seconds of it! 18 seconds too much, I fear... Probably near the end, a scene that struck me as a bad rip from the Mummy movie, that looked like the angry-mummy-face-in-the-sand-storm scene. That's all it took, and I hit the "next-channel" button, musing to myself, like others have mentioned, that it had "Bad Sci-Fy Channel Movie" written all over it.It was on "Show Case". I wonder what they would classify as a "Bottom-Of-The-Shelf-Case" movie on a Saturday night, if this was the event of the evening? The mind recoils at the possibilities...When are we as a civilization going to man-up and just start culling our archives of this crap? Stick with the bank commercials, Lexa. At least there's a little dignity in that pay-cheque.
aliway I went into this film expecting a terrible piece of film that should not ever see the light of day. It's probably because of this I actually started to enjoy it.Don't get me wrong, the special effects are as good as other bad films such as 'Boa vs Python' and 'Megashark vs Giant Octopus', some iffy acting here and there, and a bizarre plot, but somehow I started to get into it.Lexia Doig, however, despite being a good actress, always seems to make me develop a hatred for whatever character she plays. Elias Toufexis I really like and, unfortunately I can't remember who plays the FBI guy who tries to arrest Helm (played by Jeremy London), but he was the best in my opinion.There are some other downsides, such as Doig somehow hearing a beep in her van whilst inside the house, and travelling seems to take 5 minutes. Oh, and I missed the meeting when blood was classed as water.But strangely enough, despite this being a bad film, I can't stress this enough, I actually enjoyed the film. For once I will not say "ignore this", give it a chance. It's most likely a hit and miss, but it's worth a shot.
friedman-8 This is a ridiculously funny TV movie, though I doubt the producers planned it that way. The dialogue is stilted, the acting is wooden and the plot is completely nonsensical. However, it's really good for a laugh. Canadians will get a kick out of watching for the ridiculous Canadian goofs. (Like much on SciFi, this picture was produced in Canada -- Vancouver, natch.) Listen for the secondary characters with their Brampton accents... the Canada Post mailbox in the background... and my favourite, the US Navy Lieutenant with bars on his collar and corporal's stripes on his sleeve (reminds me of the MASH episode where Radar gets a "field promotion" to a Captain-Corporal). To make things even better, the rank chevrons point downward, a-la Commonwealth usage. Hell... you'd think someone in the crew would have noticed this?
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