Off the Minnesota Strip
Off the Minnesota Strip
| 05 May 1980 (USA)
Off the Minnesota Strip Trailers

A teenage runaway attempts to readjust to home and family life in Minnesota after returning home after years of working on the streets of New York City as a hooker and tries desperately to regain her parents' understanding and love.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
MartinHafer Micki (Mare Winningham) plays a 15 year-old who ran from home and spent months in New York City prostituting herself. The police have found her, beaten by her pimp and ready to come home. But this won't be a happy reunion and you have a general idea why she ran when you see her parents' crying, no hugs, nothing! The father (Hal Holbrook) often deals with things by NOT dealing with things and the mother (Michael Learned) is just angry. Obviously the homecoming is going to be a bumpy ride! As for Micki, she isn't completely committed to being home either...and she drinks and is a mess. As for her classmates in her high school, she is NOT made particularly welcome--and most of the guys just see her as a chance for an easy trick. In light of all of this, does Micki stand a chance?! And, why did she leave in the first place?!For 1980, this is pretty intense stuff...very adult for a made for TV film. I am NOT complaining or saying it's inappropriate...just a bit unexpected. The acting is excellent, the story filled with twists and surprises and it seems very sad but very real as well. A good film, available on YouTube if you're looking to see it...and one with no magical happy endings.
moonspinner55 Rarely have television-made movies explored misguided youth so well as in "Off The Minnesota Strip". Mare Winningham gets to utilize her full-range as an actress, portraying a young runaway who is forced to return home to her confused, exhausted parents and go back to school. Mare Winningham is tender, stubborn, annoying, maddeningly smart but easily swayed. She's an exciting presence on the screen, singing "Just My Imagination" in the police station or auditioning for the school play. The parents, played by Hal Holbrook and Michael Learned, are pretty much the standard forehead-rubbers that we usually get in youth movies, and Holbrook's line-readings are occasionally overwrought, but the film is extremely well-directed and presented.
oliverpenn When I saw this, I was deeply impressed with the young actress, Mare Winningham. Everything she did (as an actress) was brilliant -- even when she smoked (blowing smoke from the side of her mouth).If I'm correct, she had been sexually abused by her father (Hal Holbrook) when she was a little girl, but didn't hold it against him after she became a teenager. Yes, she was troubled, but I think her biggest headache was a very critical mother (Michael Learned), who, obviously put up with the abuse.When Mare comes back from her New York jaunt as a prostitute, she bravely goes back to high school. She even dabbles in a little hooking upon her return. Boys, of course, are "after" her sexually, and then she has to deal with her NY pimp, who arrives to take her back to the street. Leon Isaac Kennedy as the pimp gave a marvelous performance.Funny, why a great film like this is allowed to get lost in the shuffle. This should be restored and put on DVD. I'd love to hear comments from Miss Winningham and the other living cast members about their experience while making the picture.I have seen Winningham in many TV movies since, including the wonderful, "Amber Waves," and felt that she could be the next Bette Davis or Shirley Booth. What an actress! "Off The Minnesota Strip" was certainly Mare Winningham's finest hour.
susanj50 This is one of the best made for TV movies I have ever seen. It could very easily have been an exploitation flick and come across as cheap and tawdry, but it doesn'tIt treats its characters, including the black pimp with respect and creates an image of a world in which all the characters are struggling with their inner demons. It is a movie which I have not seen for 20 years, and I wish that I could get to see it again.
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