| 28 February 1971 (USA)
Necrophagus Trailers

Dead beings and a bloodsucking lizard-man populate this atmospheric and bizarre European gothic shocker! A scientist conducts strange experiments on the transmutation of human cells, which involves hibernating bodies and pumping chemicals into the bloodstream. One night he decides to perform these tests on himself and winds up buried in the local cemetery. When he returns to consciousness, the results will leave you screaming!

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
preppy-3 A Spanish movie that was (badly) dubbed into English and released here direct to TV. There's no nudity, sex or violence and there's very little blood so it's perfect for TV.It deals with this handsome guy traveling to his ancestral home to see his wife (who died after giving birth to a still-born baby). But he can't get into the cemetery to view his wife's grave and everyone is VERY evasive on giving answers as to why.The plot is all over the place with WAY too many people and situations to keep track of, the special effects are terrible and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. However this often played on a local TV station when I was in high school. It played from 11:30 at night to 1:30. I saw it and, back then, was scared silly! There's eerie organ music playing through most of the movie, the settings are atmospheric and the plot is so confusing that you have to play strict attention to follow it! Cool monster at the end too. Not a great or even good horror film but not a bomb either.
Steve Miller What if someone made a horror movie that was completely devoid of plot?Well, I think it would probably end up a little bit like this one. I don't think I've ever seen a move was so steady it its slide from hackneyed (at the beginning) to complete crap (by the end). I only stuck with it, because I kept thinking it couldn't possibly get worse. Well, up until the very end, "Necrophagus"/"Graveyard of Horror" proved me wrong.Who would have suspected that a movie with an undead lizard-man, evil grave-robbing cultists, and mad scientists tossed in for no discernible reason could suck this bad? One would think there'd at least be some humor value... but not here.
w00f The English translation of the title on the DVD version of this film is "Graveyard of Horrors," but I think that must be an error. It should have been called "Graveyard of Horribles." Horrible acting, horrible editing, horrible story, and horrible music all make this a horrible film best left in a horrible graveyard.Horrible.
gimpwilkinson Firstly a warning: this film is a very aquired taste. If you like 'hip' new American Slasher films such as Wes Craven's "Scream", then this film is probably not for you (your head may explode!) But, if you are a devout fan early-70's Spanish horror films like me, this is very highly recommended. You may feel somewhat dis-orientated - but that is the film's intention, it does not want to you to have a clear idea of exavtly what is going on for the first 50 minutes! The director plays with the viewer by fragmenting the narrative in a jarring way backwards and forwards so the chronology can only be worked out at the end. The wintery locations and gothic imagery give the whole film a sense of unease and melancholy. There would be no point in me trying to explain the plot of this movie as it would ruin the dis-orientating experience. The title has become very mis-leading since Jorg Buttgereit unleashed "Nekromantik" upon the world: there is NO gore, NO nudity, NO graphic depictions of necrophilia. But it certainly IS as disturbing as Buttgereit's film because of all the dark undercurrents in the film's depictions of rural family life and the decay of heritage. However, it is advised that the movie be watched in the language it is shot in, Spanish, as the English dubbing in the American and Scandinavian video releases is truly appalling. Unfortuantely, the Spanish video release (Norma Video) is very very rare.