The Warrior and the Sorceress
The Warrior and the Sorceress
R | 07 September 1984 (USA)
The Warrior and the Sorceress Trailers

The mighty warrior, Kain, crosses the barren wastelands of the planet Ura, where two arch enemies, Zeg and the evil degenerate Balcaz, fight incessantly for control of the village's only well. Kain sees his opportunity and announces that his sword is for hire... but his eyes stay clearly on the beautiful captive sorceress Naja, and his newly awakened purpose.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
BA_Harrison Gotta love the artistic license taken with the poster for The Warrior and the Sorceress, which shows an oiled up, muscle-bound David Carradine striking a heroic pose. It's a misleading image: Carradine, 48 years old at the time, is far from the buff barbarian depicted, keeping his presumably less-than-ripped physique covered throughout. Still, who can blame the producers for trying to generate a Conan vibe with their promotional material, given just how lame this fantasy remake of Kurosawa's Yojimbo actually is?Carradine plays swordsman for hire Kain, who outwits two neighbouring tyrants, Bal Caz (Guillermo Marín) and Zeg (Luke Askew), playing them off against each other. Along the way, he rescues a Sorceress (played by Maria Socas, who spends the whole movie topless), is treated to an exotic dance by a four-breasted woman, battles a toothy monster with rubber tentacles, kidnaps a lizard puppet, defeats an evil slaver with a face like a turtle, and frees the downtrodden people of Yamatar, who only want to be able to visit the village's well in peace. While this sounds like a whole load of silly fantasy fun, the leaden direction, weak script, charmless central performance from Carradine, and a general air of cheapness make the film a real B-movie bore.
Sinister_Zombie I was in two minds about buying this. I mean, an 80's fantasy flick in the vein of Conan sounds interesting doesn't it? At least thats what I thought. So I decided to buy this, and now I sort of regret it.Let me summarise the story:A "holy" warrior, Kain (David Carradine) comes across this little village that is dominated by two tyrants. Each of these have their little following of people, and both of them are arch-enemies. Basically, they're both locked in a struggle for control of the village well which is (conveniently) situated right in between their encampments. Cue our Hold Warrior, who plays the sides off against each other, to collect the rewards for doing so, but he also has his eye on a captive sorceress (Maria Socas). I suppose you can guess where the story is going from here - he tries to free the sorceress while staying alive and then there's a whole army of traders to contend with, most of which are quite angry as they were massacred before.Its a very simple plot, but there's just something that doesn't hit it off. The action is slow, and in between the few and far between fights, there are some quite tedious and boring places. I don't have a problem with the acting as such - I've seen much worse (but also much better) but Carradine seems a bit wooden throughout. Violence is nearly non-existent. The only blood you see is on a sword blade, and I mean, the ONLY place. The swords must be made of plastic or wood or something, because when they fight, it looks like they're fighting with stick, whacking each other over the head with not a drop of blood in sight. Maria Socas (the sorceress) goes about topless the whole movie, as you've probably heard by now. And along with the 4 breasted erotic dancer (no, its not that good) its a veritable display of female nudity. If you're after the nudity, there's far better in just about every other movie, so there's no way you should buy this just on that.Its a way to spend a mindless hour or so, at 77 minutes (I think) its not that long, but you'd probably be better off randomly switching on the TV. There are worse films, but this is pretty bad.
Jesse Acosta Well, first off you can't expect much from the man who produced the Deathstalker Series.. =) But this film I think is the better of the whole sword and sorcery films he's released. The story is set in a slave town where two clans are at swords with each other to control the well and the people in this desert wasteland. The film circles the adventures of the Dark One(according to the box and creds, Carridine's character's name is Kain, which I don't want to call him. Its just stupid to name him the same thing from Kung Fu. He's only called the Dark One in the movie), who has stumbled into this town, and begins selling his skills as a swordsman to the higher pay. The film is pretty decent, but don't expect Conan the Barbarian, or Beastmaster. The only two questions I have are:Why doesn't Naja(Maria Socas) EVER put on a bra or a shirt? The whole entire film she is topless. At first I thought it was because she was a slave wench to one of the clans, but even when she was free, she still didn't put anything on.If the Sword of Ura can cut through an anvil, why doesn't it chop through everyone's swords like a hot knife through butter?Eh, oh well. Watch the film if you have nothing better to do.
penelopes_loom Whenever I get into a discussion with someone about the worst movie ever, this turkey comes to mind. Every woman in this movie is nude but it's beyond gratuitous...there's no point. This isn't a feminist diatribe...I live with an artist who does figure work. It is the outcry of an affronted sensibility. This movie simply fails in everything that makes a movie worth seeing. The acting is atrocious, the story is nonexistent, the sets are cheesy and the plot convoluted and uninteresting.David Carradine should be ashamed of himself for giving this offal an excuse for being made. It's been 15 years since I saw this movie yet it lingers in my mind like the taste of spoiled milk glibly drunk in the middle of the night right out of the carton. If there were a negative score, I would have marked it lower.