PG-13 | 11 April 1985 (USA)
Ladyhawke Trailers

Captain Etienne Navarre is a man on whose shoulders lies a cruel curse. Punished for loving each other, Navarre must become a wolf by night whilst his lover, Lady Isabeau, takes the form of a hawk by day. Together, with the thief Philippe Gaston, they must try to overthrow the corrupt Bishop and in doing so break the spell.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
AverageJoesDriveInPodcast This is such a well crafted beautiful tale. The curse that separates our characters is heartbreaking. You feel for them. Love keeps them at one another's side even after it is the key factor in what tore them apart. The cast is fantastic and it's a very beautifully shot film. What really makes this film so great is the story. It's grounded in reality with just a touch of the fantastical to make it interesting. This is more of a reality-based fantasy, more so than a Dungeon & Dragons type fantasy. So don't expect Elves, Orcs, Dragons, Trolls or other fantasy creatures. Truthfully, this would be a great date movie. It has a little something for everyone. Even as great as this film is there are a few little things that keep it from a higher rating for me. They aren't major issues, but they are things that have always bugged me. The score is great at times but feels weirdly out of place in others. It's not very balanced. This film deserved a much more epic soundtrack. Secondly, it's just a smidge too long, there's maybe ten min or so that could be cut out and I don't think it would affect things very much. If you've never seen this one and love 80's fantasy with a great story, this one is for you. In many ways, I think it's a bit of a forgotten gem. Hopefully, more people will discover and enjoy this. It certainly deserves the attention. My Rating: 8/10
aquaalexhart Richard Donner directs a masterpiece with actors Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer.Captain Etienne Navarre (Rutger Hauer) has been cursed to room the nights as a wolf while the woman he loves, Lady Isabeau (Michelle Pfeiffer), is cursed to roam the sky as a Hawk in the day. Each of them being Human when the other is not. Mix in the young thief, Philippe Gaston (Matthew Broderick), and you have a story of love and romance, of curses and revenge, set in medieval times.There are some spectacular visual images and sometimes the musical score just fits. This movie like Princess Bride is destined to be a classic that can be enjoyed by all ages.
Rainey Dawn This is a pretty good medieval fantasy film concerning humans that are cursed to be shape-shifters - One a hawk by day, the other a wolf by night. It's an interesting tale.I have to agree with one thing some of the other reviewers of Ladyhawke had to say: "Rescore the film". Honestly the film is good (although not perfect) but it is some of the film's soundtrack that is bad for the film. Some of the music sounds like a cheap 80's comedy kids flick or some weird science fiction film. In my opinion, if the entire soundtrack was medieval sounding then it would suit the film. A film's score is highly important to bringing about a feel or ambiance to the scene.Outside of some of the film's soundtrack - the great costuming and sets will definitely have you feeling like you are watching something play out in front of you that is from the 12th century.If you like this movie, you might like other similar films: "Willow", "Labyrinth", "Legend" or "The Neverending Story".8/10
ma-cortes This wonderful flick deals with marvelous adventures about star-crossed lovers caught in an nasty spell . The movie is set in the south of France and, based on certain astronomical events that occur, can be dated to 1239 . Philipe Gastone (Matthew Broderick , though he seem better suited to a teen film) , a wisecracking thief , nicknamed the ¨Mouse¨ escapes from the dungeon at Aquila, sparking a manhunt led by officer Marquet (Ken Hutchison) . As a crafty young pickpocket stole his way out of a tyrant's dungeon and plunged into an adventure beyond even his own wildest imaginings . He is nearly captured when Captain Navarre (Rutger Hauer , though Richard Donner originally wanted to cast Kurt Russell , when Russell dropped out a few days before began, the part was handed to Hauer) riding his horse named Goliath saves him . Stalwart Navarre is condemned by an evil curse in which he and a gorgeous maid (Michelle Pfeiffer is perfectly cast as a pretty heroine) are lovers but separated by night and day . No power on Earth can save them , no force in Heaven will release them . The young along with a priest (Leo McKern) help the protagonists in their quest to break the spell by destroying its creator , a villain bishop (John Wood) . As both of whom become their unlike allied . Imaginative as well as lush fantasy about a weird curse in which our heroes take on several adventures and dangers . This is an imaginative , glamorous , strange fantasy based on the wonderful adventures by a group of heroes against an evil bishop . Fantastic film contains sense of adventure , thrills , and lots of imagination . From start to finish fantasy , action , duels and delightful adventures are interminable . Exciting and interesting screenplay by Michael Thomas , Tom Mankiewicz and David Webb based on a story by Edward Khmara . Edward Khmara took the issue to the Writers Guild Association and was awarded a cash settlement from Warners, but the medieval legend claim wasn't dropped ; and Warner Brothers falsely marketed the movie as being based on a true medieval legend . As this is a mysterious as well as intriguing seven-hundred-year-old legend of horror and love . Starring a considerable cast of top-names performers such as Rutger Hauer , Michelle Pfeiffer and Matthew Broderick . Support cast is frankly enjoyable such as Leo McKern as Father Imperius the Monk , John Wood as Bishop of Aquila , Ken Hutchison as Marquet , and Alfred Molina as Cezar . Marvelous special effects are visually stunning , though a little dated , and magnificently realized with no computer generator . Several different hawks were used , one to sit on Rutger Hauer's arm and another for the flying scenes. Impressive production design by Wolf Kroeger , including luxurious scenarios , filmed on location in Italy , such as Campo Imperatore, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Castell'Arquato, Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, Rocca di Calascio, Calascio, L'Aquila , Soncino, Cremona, Lombardia,Torrechiara, Langhirano, Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Catatombe , Rome and three of the castles used for the film were owned by Italian film director Luchino Visconti . Colorful and glimmer cinematography shot in Technovision by Vittorio Storaro , Bernardo Bertolucci's usual cameraman . Anti-climatic though generally entertaining musical score composed by Andrew Powell by means of modern synthesizer ; however sometimes resulting to be effective and agreeable . This big-budgeted , overlong , appreciated film achieved hit at box office and today is very well considered and it will please the young and the young at heart . The movie was compelling and imaginatively directed by Richard Donner . The picture was nominated for two Academy Awards, for Best Sound Editing and Best Sound Mixing, but failed to win either Oscar . ¨Ladyhawke¨ might be described as an extraordinary fantasy full of imagination and color . It's a tale for teens and adults in which entertainment and amusement are guaranteed . Rating : Good , better than average . Worthwhile watching .