The Prophecy II
The Prophecy II
R | 20 January 1998 (USA)
The Prophecy II Trailers

In this direct-to-video sequel, Gabriel returns to try to destroy the human race he despises so much, with the help of a suicidal teen and the opposition of the angel Daniel.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Boba_Fett1138 I'll give this movie one thing though, I enjoyed watching this one better than the original. It had a more coherent story but thing with it story still was that it just wasn't very good. Not very good is perhaps not the best way to describe it. It's more that it's just very standards stuff all, like we have seen in literally dozens of movies before.So no "The Prophecy II" does not take any originality prizes but at least the movie was watchable, which is not something I can say about the first movie, from 3 years earlier. Seems like I'm one of the few people who doesn't like the fist movie "The Prophecy", so it was sort of surprised with the fact that I sort of liked watching this sequel and thought that it was an improvement over the first movie.Even though its an incredibly standard movie there are still some elements in it that make it stand out. The biggest one is Christopher Walken. He really enjoys playing this role, which must be the reason why he also is in the first 3 movies out of the series. I mean, I don't think he got rich from playing in these cheap and straight-to-video movies. He is the foremost and perhaps only reason why the overall movie is still a fun one to watch. He plays his character with lots of passion and dark humor without ever going too over-the-top with it.There are some other well known actors in this movie as well, such as Russell Wong, Jennifer Beals, Brittany Murphy and Eric Roberts. Never quite understood why these movies always managed to have such a great cast with some big name actors in it.It certainly also helps that the movie isn't too long. It keeps the pace pleasantly high and luckily there is also plenty of action happening, though it's far from anything too impressive, just as the overall movie is.Forgettable but a good enough movie and sequel.6/10
stbartusis Actually, although a lot of what was in the Prophecy II isn't in the canonical bible, the angelology of it was in fact right on. I've done mounds and mounds of research on the subject of angels. And what was written in the Book of Enoch as well as in much of the medieval angel speculation is accurate. And it is a film, let's remember. It's an interesting twist on the perception of heaven. I don't know if I'd call is laughable on second guesses when you actually look at the derivations of the research instead of relying solely on the Bible. If you're really interested, you can look at the non-canonical scripture that was accepted in the times of early Christianity on I don't know, sometimes I get frustrated thinking that people who think the Bible, although the primary text is the ONLY text of the religion.Just a thought.
antialias11 Gabriel (Walken) is back, and he's got his pals with him. This part is the darkest of the three and has more angels in it than you can shake a stick at. There's a lot of nifty fights, heart ripping and cool looking customers - though I found the 'ethereal' look of the angels under par for the series.In 'The Prophecy' Stoltz, Walken and Mortensen had something unearthly about them that made you almost believe they could be supernatural beings. This time most of the angels look like thugs or -in the case of Danyael- like a Haynes underwear model. I found Roberts to be a particularly bad choice for Michael...oh well.The music is great. They kept the score from the original which was a good idea. The choir music gives the characters that 'divine' aura and serenity, while the driving beat underneath lets you know that things are happening - fast. There is also more humor in this one than in the last.Not a movie I'd recommend seeing as a stand alone, but as part of the series. Enjoy.The only problem I had was at the beginning. It is never really explained why Gabriel comes back (and how he manages it), but without Walken this movie wouldn't work.7/10
slayrrr666 "The Prophecy 2" is a worthwhile entry in the series.**SPOILERS**While driving to work, Nurse Valerie, (Jennifer Beals) accidentally hits a man, Danyael, (Russell Wong) who fell out of the sky. She takes him back to her home. At the same time, fallen angel Gabriel (Christopher Walken) escapes from hell and stalks around LA looking to get back into heaven, killing rival angel Rafael (Glenn Danzig). Danyael escapes and disappears into the LA underworld. Gabriel finds out about Danyael and Valerie and starts to stalk her. Valerie discovers that she is already pregnant with Danyael's child, and starts to go looking for him. Gabriel thinks that the best way to track down Valerie is with a human disciple, and recruits Izzy (Brittany Murphy) to help him. Digging dipper into Danyael's disappearance, she learns that she has stumbled onto an ages old war between the rival factions of God's angels. The child she is pregnant with is to be the person who unites the two warring factions of Heaven. Danyael is able to save her from an attack from Gabriel. Together they go in search of the one person who can fulfill Valerie's fate, Michael (Eric Roberts). Gabriel has also tracked them to Michael's location, and begins to tear it apart looking for Valerie to stop her from delivering the child and ending the war of the angels.The Good News: I really enjoy this movie, and I think it is nearly as good as its predecessor. The main improvement over the first one is the heightened gore in the film. There is far more heart ripping in this one than in the first one, which allows for more bloodletting in the time of death than in the other one. We also get to see more gore in the attacks on the two angels in the film. As both are perceived, unknowingly, as a threat to humanity, there are several fine shoot-outs with the police and the two angels. Even Izzy has a few cool gore scenes when she is learning that Gabriel has made her immortal to aid in his search. Being rammed into a wall, impaled by steel rods and even shot several times are all bloody revealed. It was nice to see that after a near-bloodless part 1. Even though it was a little shorter, it never really felt short at all. It always held your attention for the duration, and it keeps enough action coming to entertain anyone.The Bad News: Anyone who has even a small amount of religious doctrine will be able to smell the baloney in this movie. It is really so obvious how preposterous this movie is that it almost makes no sense why this is made. A lot of it could be construed as religious at some point, but it does take a lot of construing to believe most of the story. The plot is interesting enough, but a lot of the back-story involved is the main problem.The Final Verdict: If you don't have too much of a problem with a lot of religious banter in a movie, this one isn't all that bad. It does have enough to offset the religious parts of the movie, and at least give the film a rental. Gorehounds will be the most pleased with this film.Rated R: Graphic Violence, a strong sex scene, and Brief Nudity