Monster in the Closet
Monster in the Closet
PG | 30 January 1987 (USA)
Monster in the Closet Trailers

After several people and a dog are found dead in their closets a "mild-mannered" reporter, a college professor, her son and a befuddled professor band together to uncover the mystery but not without involving the U.S. Army and mass panic.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
bfp13108 I was 30 when the movie was made and, then, just starting out on my career. The very first thing to grab my attention was Paul Walker who was obviously a kid back then. I have to wonder if he would have willingly taken the fame ride if he knew, even subconsciously, that it would end when it did. Of course, no one knows the day they will die but it's still a tad bit creepy to me to see this in retrospect. Then, I tried to find out more about Donald Grant online and there is NOTHING. I'm gay. I went through the whole AIDS thing (lived in San Francisco, now a NYer) which surely damaged my psyche and killed so many of my friends. I wonder if this was Donald Grant's fate. If you know otherwise, please tell me. I don't know; I can only speculate.I thought the movie was hilarious. I loved Howard Duff playing a priest! On first viewing I wondered whether the Alien monster copied Troma's monster until I looked it up and found that Alien preceded Monsters in the Closet by 7 yrs. So we know (wink, wink) who was copying who. This movie is very enjoyable and especially if you have Amazon Prime where you can see it for free.....WATCH IT! Luvs all of ya.
Rainey Dawn This one is sorta a mixed spoof of science fiction alien-like monster that hides in the closet, creature horror and silly comedy. We have a helpful scientist wanting to communicate and study the monster. There is a news reporter wanting his first big break looking like Clark Kent. A Priest that is willing to exercise the demon creature. And the military out to hunt down and kill it. The film is pretty much what you think it would be - silly non-sense that is kinda funny at times. The film does not take itself seriously so it easy to kick-back and enjoy.It's a shame that John Carradine's character was killed off very early. They missed out on some potentially really funny scenes.This one is not a bad watch if you like these type films - it's nothing special but OK if nothing better on or you are just in mood for a film of this nature.6/10
Lee Eisenberg If you know any Troma movie -- an example is "The Toxic Avenger" -- then you should have an idea of what to expect in "Monster in the Closet". This is a very tongue-in-cheek flick. After three people get killed in their closets, a San Francisco reporter goes to the town to investigate, and discovers that there's literally a monster appearing in people's closets! Nothing can stop this beast! One of the interesting things is the mixture of characters. There's the nerdy reporter (Donald Grant), a teacher whom he loves (Denise DuBarry), her hyper-intellectual son (Paul Walker of "The Fast and the Furious"), a scientist (Henry Gibson) who resembles Einstein and wants to communicate with the monster, a nervous priest (Howard Duff), a general (Donald Moffat) who knows nothing except brute force, and a number of other people. Watch for John Carradine and Stella Stevens in small roles.As I was saying, this movie is not meant to be taken seriously. The whole thing is pretty much a joke. I wonder if the title subtly implies that the monster is gay or something. Whether or not it does, this movie is just plain funny. And Stella Stevens sure is a fox!
Backlash007 ~Spoiler~ Monster in the Closet is another dumb horror/comedy that is neither funny nor scary. This one is from Troma, but it looks a little glossier than what the studio normally puts out. I say that because of the cast and the creature design. I've never heard of the leads, but some of the supporting cast are rather famous. Henry Gibson, Claude Akins, John Carradine, Donald Moffat, Paul Dooley, and Stella Stevens are some good character actors to have in a project like this. Also featured are a young Paul Walker and Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson. I bet they don't even remember this one, and wouldn't admit to it if they did. Kevin Peter Hall (Predator) is playing the titular closet monster. The plot is simple: The monster comes out of the closet and kills people and nothing or no one can stop it. There are many attempts at humor, but most of it is just boring. It all ends in a silly finale where the world has to destroy their closets. The movie was apparently filmed in 1983 but didn't get released until 1987. I wonder why?