Rustlers' Rhapsody
Rustlers' Rhapsody
PG | 10 May 1985 (USA)
Rustlers' Rhapsody Trailers

A singing cowboy roams the Wild West with his sidekick, dancing horse and fancy wardrobe.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
bkoganbing Rustler's Rhapsody is a salute to those gazillion B westerns made back in the day of the studio system. Even those who were kids back in the day can enjoy this one as satire and as the real thing.In those days westerns were just churned out because people could not get enough of them. Shot in the outdoors using stock footage over and over and over again lots of fly by night studios just shot out in the country and the plots just seem to run together. Reviewing as many films as I do I can tell you that. If it's a major western with some major stars you remember them, but these B westerns are where the clichés come from.Just about all of them are used here as Tom Berenger plays the immaculately tailored western hero who just comes to town, rights all the wrongs of the town and then rides on. But here Berenger is facing villains Andy Griffith and Fernando Rey who are up on all the clichés and throw Berenger a few curves. We also find out about the sex life or lack thereof for a cowboy hero, but with Marilu Henner and Sela Ward in the cast one of them will cure that before the film is over.Back in the day when Mel Brooks offered a role for John Wayne in that other great satire of the western Blazing Saddles Wayne turned him down. But the Wayne family got into this one with Patrick Wayne coming in to play the part of another western hero who's hired by the bad guys. He wars pretty good on Berenger psychologically but Berenger of course takes him on in the end. Wayne looked he was having a great old time in this film.Rustler's Rhapsody is not as bawdy and outrageous as Blazing Saddles, but it certainly has good entertainment value. It also obeys one rule of the B western from the day. Westerns were often given titles that had nothing to do with the plot as they are here. There's not a bit of cattle rustling in Rustler's Rhapsody.But there's a lot of fun.
disdressed12 i found this movie quite entertaining,and even amusing.i didn't think it was laugh out loud funny,(i don't think it's that type of movie)but it was still a good's a send up(spoof) of the western genre).one thing it pokes fun at is the strong macho image of the good guy.if you've seen many westerns,you'll get a lot of the jokes,some of which are accurate,and some of which exaggerate things a bit,or even a great deal.i've seen quite a few westerns,but even if you haven't seen even one,you'll likely still find the movie amusing.the movie is short,at under 90 minutes,and goes by very quickly.for me,Rustler's Rhapsody is an 8/10
gharring50 Personally, I think this film is one of the cleverest and funniest spoofs I've ever seen, and in many ways even warmly uplifting. I have to imagine that the well matched cast had a great time doing this one, and that there were more than a few retakes because the actors kept cracking up at their own performances, which are, in my humble opinion, universally and hilariously well executed without ever retreating into slapstick. I was especially floored by the sidekick/narrator (that first bar scene is priceless). The humor is ongoing, and the film pokes fun at a dozen social stereotypes as it seeks, tongue-in-cheek, to resolve an unexpected and not so unfamiliar wrinkle in the problem of "good vs. bad" using the 1930's Western as a template for the tale. That said, I've recommended "Rustlers Rhapsody" to a variety of people, but have been completely unable to predict with even remote accuracy who will like it and who will not; just one of those movies, I guess. So I've given up on that approach and now I don't try to guess; I just recommend it to everybody.
Alyred No, it's not the best movie of all time -- but it's got a lot of good laughs, and some of the better lines out there. The last reviewer has it down really well. You have to pay attention and listen as the movie comes from a time that the humor wasn't based on bodily functions, or insulted your intelligence because the jokes are simplistic enough for an idiot to understand. Things are understated in some places, and overdone "western style" in others.Overall, light and funny: a good movie to watch for fun - and for the most part, family safe -- there's only a few suggestive jokes, and they are obscure enough that only parents should get them.
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