R | 10 July 2009 (USA)
Brüno Trailers

Flamboyantly gay Austrian television reporter Bruno stirs up trouble with unsuspecting guests and large crowds through brutally frank interviews and painfully hilarious public displays of homosexuality.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
TinsHeadline Touches You
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
invisibleunicornninja I don't get why this has an average rating that is so much lower than Borat. In terms of political commentary, pacing, music, cinematography, and premise, both are nearly the same. Is it because he's gay? I mean I'm gay and I know that a lot of other gay people found this funny. The political commentary in Borat was more about race but people got less offended I guess? I don't understand why this movie has such a low rating.I'd recommend this movie. I didn't laugh quite as much as I did watching Borat, but it was still absolutely hilarious, and a lot of fun. If you enjoy a lot of crude humor, then you'll like this one. And if you haven't seen Borat either, then watch that too.
jonsefcik How does Borat have a 7.3 and this only a 5.8? Both movies follow basically the same formula: A crazy, super exaggerated walking stereotype played by Sacha Baron Cohen goes to America, getting involved in wacky antics and meeting some celebrities along the way, often in front of real unsuspecting crowds. Do people hate this movie because its the same formula again? I guess you could argue Borat is a little funnier than Bruno, but even still, its hard to get a laugh out of me and I involuntarily burst out laughing at least 15 or 20 times. Is it because of offensive, overly exaggerated gay stereotypes? I know this movie goes a bit far at points, but come on people, have a sense of humor! Pointing out Americans' ignorance of foreigners with funny accents is OK but doing the same thing with gays is too much? Sure. I often find myself rating movies lower than the average score, but this is a great movie, and I'd easily give it a 7 or 8. I honestly have no idea where the hate for this movie is coming from. Granted, its a HARD R and some of its more extreme content might be a little off putting to some, but come on people, this movie is hilarious!
patomartinezfgo If you have seen the movie Borat, you probably know what to expect from this film. This film is Sacha playing as "Bruno", an Austrian homosexual that wants to become famous in America. This movie follows the same tropes as Borat, including talking to celebrities and being ridiculous in public while pretending to be this character.This movie, like Borat, contains a lot of explicit content and try to do some outrageous things and you get to see how people react to it. One thing that both movies have in common is that apart from the comedy, they have things to say about America and its culture. This one has a lot of things to say, just like Borat.Actually, I feel almost the same way about Borat and Bruno. I do believe that the movie Borat was way funnier. Don't get me wrong, Bruno is a very funny movie, but Borat is way better.Also, I do believe this movie doesn't have a very underlining plot such as Borat. Borat's plot was way more entertaining and got him into funnier situations.I know I shouldn't compare a movie with another one. But it is so hard not to compare these two because they really are similar. In my opinion, you should watch Borat first, if you have watched it, and you liked it, you are probably going to like this one too.
Megan S I started watching this movie because I expected it to be funny. Instead, it tops the list of one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I feel embarrassed for Sacha Cohen Barren for having made it. I seriously felt like I lost brain cells watching this movie. If you LOVE movies like Anchorman or Zoolander then I think you might find this movie mildly amusing but otherwise I would strongly recommend against watching it. The reason why this movie is so bad is because it's way over the top to the point of being unbelievable. I have never in my life met a person that is as "flamboyant" as him. I put flamboyant in quotes because he's really not flamboyant as much as overly offensive. The only reason I watched most of it (I couldn't finish it) was because there was some male nudity, but even that was pretty disappointing.