NR | 14 February 2014 (USA)
Jailbait Trailers

A gritty coming of age thriller about a young girl sent to juvenile prison for the murder of her abusive step father. The film follows Anna Nix's journey into the dark world of an all girls jail where she discovers complex relationships, drugs, mental illness and her eventual search for redemption.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
david_barnett1 This may contain spoilers.This film does have a happy ending, which comes quite suddenly, as though the makers of the movie had run out of nasty things to do to the heroine and decided that, maybe, the poor girl had suffered enough. Hard to disagree, for suffer she did. Anna was beaten up several times, sexually abused by the Warden from Day One and locked naked in solitary confinement several times before being sent to the psycho ward and given a Silence of the Lambs mask. She did get to wear nice pyjamas in the hospital wing, though - a vast improvement on the orange wear. Talking of orange, some of the inmates wore white jumpsuits. I wonder why? One important social message conveyed by the film concerns the importance of safety in the home. Drunken, abusive stepfathers need to watch where they are falling. Glass can be lethal.Also, the lecherous, corrupt warden had a voice that reminded me of the villainous J R Ewing in the great TV series, Dallas. Another lesson to be learned is that plastic trays can be a suicide risk. Giving a disturbed girl who has already threatened to kill herself this opportunity to carry out her threat is a major breach of security. I was glad she finally got the chance to play her cello in public, dressed in a nice gown and watched by her mother.
r-decavita This is the letter I wrote to Netflix after having watched the movie...Hi Netflix!My friends and I wanted to watch a movie last night and scrolled through your list of independent movies with strong female leads. "Jailbait" sounded interesting so we watched it. The movie made us all feel really really sick! Instead of a strong female lead the movie was like a low budget soft porn movie starring a women who looked like a trafficking victim with huge silicon implants (she was supposed to play a 17 year old A-student). It's really not appropriate to show such hyper sexist movies, especially not under that category!
Theo Robertson A teenage cello player called Anna fights off the sexual advances of her drunken step father and accidentally kills him . She is found guilty of manslaughter and is sentenced to several years in a maximum security juvenile detention centre "Hold on Theo surely that's self defence and if it was self defence she wouldn't be guilty of anything ?" Yes but that would be realistic and would mean there wouldn't be a film and after seeing JAILBAIT that wouldn't have been much of a loss either!!!!! SUGGESTIVE SPOILER !!!!!! You can imagine the producer getting the screenwriter in to the office at first draft stage and shouting at him "What's going on here ? You've written five pages and so far there hasn't been a lesbian sex session .I don't want to read a screenplay that goes five pages without lesbian sex . Got it ?" And so we do get it . American maximum security juvenile detention centres for young women are hotbeds of lesbian sex . Now to be fair myself and 3.5 billion men would if they're honest admit to liking lesbian sex but not to the point where a film merely exists to indulge male fantasy . We know where to find it on the internet and our primary reason for watching a film in the off chance a couple of hot chicks showing their affection for one another in the most physical way possible isn't really why most of us watch films . Especially if it's presented in such a crass , cynical and banal way as presented here where Anna arrives I prison and within hours her cellmate is masturbating to her while she sleeps . The story and scenario is every bit as fake and plastic as Anna's silicone boobs . There's no character development and no credibility to any of this and the only remit the production team have is to include as much nudity and lesbian sex as possible regardless of how much sense it makes and how it fits in to the confused narrative You can work out the ending as soon as someone mentions they've got an I-phone and this will come back to haunt the prison warder who apart from looking like a cross between an aging Tom Berenger and Dubya Bush is also an obscene sexual predator who also uses Anna as his sex toy . Suddenly lesbian sex - even to the most innocent hetrosexual girl - might have its appeal after all
TdSmth5 Anna is a nice girl, a good student, plays the cello and is raped regularly by her old stepfather. Her mother pretends nothing is going on. One day when he again tries to rape her she pushes him away into a window, the pieces sever his carotid and he dies.Anna ends up in jail. Her cellmate is also nice and just keeps to herself reading books but develops a romantic interest in Anna. Anna attempts to mind her own business and not bother anyone which doesn't go well in jail. But she quickly catches the attention of Kody, the leader of one of the inmate groups. But Kody only has relatively good intentions when it comes to Anna. The leader of the rival group also notices Anna but she is only interested in beating her up.Reluctantly Anna joins Kody's group as refuge. But they can't help her with the warden who seems fairly nice on the surface but quickly takes advantage of her. Kody introduces Anna to drugs but sticks only to smoking. Anna meanwhile keeps getting herself in trouble, rejects the help of Kody, ends up in solitary confinement repeatedly, and starts injecting hard drugs. Things quickly go downhill for Anna. She becomes addicted, ends up in a longer stint in solitary, tries to commit suicide, ends up in the psych ward, the warden continues to abuse her. To help her though he gives her a cello to practice for the talent show. Anna has a parole hearing coming up and the warden promises to put in a good for her if she continues doing him "favors." When the day arrives, of course, he doesn't keep his word which forces Anna to think of another way out.I'm glad to see The Asylum going beyond wild sci fi movies and copies of Hollywood films and returning to its roots by trying something more original. Jailbait is a sexploitation movie of the women-in-prison variety, the kind no one makes anymore, which is why so many reviewers seem to be surprised. So yes, there's going to be nudity and sex. Imagine, the horror! Not to worry though, for some reason, the girls tend to cover their bodies quite a bit. And as a B- movie there's going to be production and acting issues. It's not like big studios would ever dare make a movie like this. The problems are the usual- weak acting by secondary characters, unpolished story, sound issues, odd sets, etc. A lot here seems episodic and repetitive.But on to the positives. Sara Malukul Lane is gorgeous and so is Erin O'Brien. Sara's acting is a bit flat though but you do end up caring for her. Steve Hanks on the other hand is a great actor and you like him more than you should. Interesting that they didn't make his character just purely evil but also gave him a benevolent side. The story itself is good but the script needed a bit more work, and the main characters more depth.I'm giving this movie a high score because it resurrects women-in-prison movies that have all but vanished. Perhaps The Asylum will also dare to make some day a movie of another pretty extinct kind- nunsploitation. Also commendable is the commitment by the actresses to their roles. Some of the stuff they go through couldn't have been easy. If you've never see a movie of this genre, check it out.