Inspired Guns
Inspired Guns
PG | 24 January 2014 (USA)
Inspired Guns Trailers

Missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ teach two birdbrained members of the mafia who think the Elders are messengers from "The Boss" with a hidden message on the next big job.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Paul Sadek First of all, you should be aware that this is a movie made BY faithful Mormons ABOUT Mormons--but it IS a comedy!Two Mormon missionaries--the guys in the suits--are misidentified as mafia by members of the mob itself, and by the feds.Is it a low-budget film? Yes. Is it devoid of any actors whose names are familiar to you? Yes. But it does a nice job with what was available!Yes, you will see the Mormon faith treated with great respect, but the "preaching" that some have referenced is really very sparse; given the plot point of the missionaries trying to convert two members of the mob, it's nearly unavoidable.There is no sex, and no offensive language. There is a bit of violence, but nobody gets killed...and in the end, the "good guys" win anyway.If you can put up with a very little bit of Mormon teaching and preaching, some punches being thrown, and a few non-lethal gunshots, it's a pretty good family comedy.
Bhat Mon Deserves a one star, but I didn't want to be perceived as mean or "anti-Morman." The premise sounded promising, but the actual script was dull and kind of dopey, not funny. What you should know before watching: 1. Made in Utah 2. For and about Mormans 3. On a Budget of $175,000 That tells you something.I'll watch a Mormon in Polynesia, a Mormon Western, or "Big Love" and enjoy it. Mormons are hilarious! But this is cheaply made, and lacks the main ingredient that a decent comedy must have: COMEDY...I don't write reviews, I just felt I should issue a warning to SAVE YOU so you don't waste an hour and turn it off like I had to. Amen.
kathyandmichellescreations Looked for a movie to watch to be entertained. Read the previous review and thought this might be worth watching. The two mafia guys were strange. The movie started OK, but as you get into it, it really seems like a propaganda movie created by the Mormon church. Very strange acting and not really funny. Not the slapstick humor the other review said it was. Seemed low budget, but accurate, like the silencer on the gun. No violence like the other review said except for a few fighting scenes. Always looking for a good movie to watch over and over, not this one. Once is enough, actually too much!Watched it, but could have lived without watching it
bkoganbing With a cast of people that I guarantee you never heard of the missionary experience is given yet another look in Inspired Guns. In fact in his last week as a missionary elder David Lassetter is given a fresh new missionary to break in.If Lassetter thought he was going to coast on out he was sadly mistaken. Quite frankly if I had to break in Dashiell Wolf I might have constantly repeated to myself I'm out of here in a week, he's someone else's problem. Yet that last week proves to be one wild ride with the two guys getting involved with a final baptism, some Latino gang members and the entrails of the Mafia.Christian Blusath and Jake Suozo pay a pair of Blobbsey twin Mafia wannabes. I have to say these two were very funny, hopefully someone noticed might want to team them again. They get involved with the missionaries and no one can believe these two are that dumb. They should have been whacked on general principle to prevent them from ever multiplying.Inspired Guns is hardly a great film, but it has its moments and more than an LDS audience should like it.