Friends and Family
Friends and Family
| 17 June 2001 (USA)
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Gay New York couple Stephen Torcelli and Danny Russo have something to hide from Stephen's parents -- their jobs as Mafia enforcers. When the Torcelli family plans to visit, Stephen and Danny panic because Stephen's father works for the FBI. Despite efforts to keep family and Mafia separate, a birthday party gets mixed up with a mobster's daughter's engagement party. Trouble arises when the mobsters concoct a political scheme at the party.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
gavin6942 A gay couple are hit men for the mafia.This is your standard comedy of twists, turns and mistaken identity. The twist here is that the main characters are gay, but their parents do not know... that they are mob hit men. It is pretty good, and this simple plot device gets carried on for quite a while successfully.The strength of this film is in its approach to "gay themes". Obviously it relies on stereotypes, but I think that it handles them in a tasteful manner that is not derogatory or insulting to the LGBT community. The very fact so many openly gay people were involved gives it a certain stamp of approval.There is less emphasis on the mob parts, so if you are looking for a Mafia comedy, this might not necessarily be your thing. It is good, it is funny, but the Mafia is really not as central as it first appears.
wistariawing It's a good movie, although not excellent, but I think I still enjoy it. Those two guys are just damn hot!!! The single one flaw is that they seem more like real close friends than lovers to me. Okay sure for whatever's sake I can understand the no sex act and even no kiss part, but I'm quite confused that I don't even see them do the touching like a real couple would do -- no hugs, no pats, not even hand casually put on each other's shoulder or small of the back -- that's just not feeling right. Okay so they don't do any of these in public, but that scene where they two are sitting at the couch? That's at their own home! And they're sitting half an arm's length to each other! It's just so totally off especially with the topic they're talking. Anyway you can maybe, *maybe* put it for the reason of that "internal homophobia" they're talking about, but I just really having a hard time to buy that.Anyhow, Steven and Danny are HOT. Period. Got cute little scenes too, if only that they could make the feeling of lovers better.
ldonica I am gay and my partner and I had to force ourselves to stick with this one through the end. The script could have been developed a bit more and perhaps it would have been OK, but no such luck here. The possibility for a sophisticated, funny movie revolves around the fact that the gay male lead duo are the antithesis of stereotypical. While they are macho mob hit men, the straight sons of their boss love cooking and fashion design. That's fine, but it goes a bit too far when at one point the lead guys can't figure out, even working together, that egg shells shouldn't end up in something people are going to eat. What does that prove? That gay people can be stupid, too? Despite the role reversal, all the stereotypical gays eventually are incorporated into the story en masse. This seems to suggest that the non-stereotypical lead characters are an anomaly among gay men. If I wasn't gay, I am guessing I would have enjoyed it - but we gave it 4 thumbs and 4 big toes down.
barbara_please I saw this uproariously funny little film this summer and bought it as soon as it came out on video. What a breath of fresh air it is to see a movie that goes back to the basics of classic comedy rather than pandering to the current vogue of substituting posing and attitude for genuine humor. The plot revolves around a gay couple who are hitmen for the Mafia, but don't expect a one-joke film that caters to stereotypes. Instead, expect several wacky but seamlessly interwoven plotlines that are handled in the style of the old screwball comedies, with wit and panache. And one of the film's strongest elements is the way it sends up and subverts stereotypes rather than exploit them.I've read some criticisms of this film because the two guys don't kiss. Well, I'm a gay man and in a long-term relationship and I thought this was one of the most convincing, affectionate and natural portrayals of a gay couple in memory. Obviously, the couple has a sex life, but we don't have to see it. And the final love scene (without a kiss) was one of the most erotic, beautiful things I've seen in any recent movie, gay or straight.
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