Chemical Cut
Chemical Cut
NR | 24 January 2016 (USA)
Chemical Cut Trailers

A misfit turned L.A. model struggles to define herself in the soul-crushing fashion industry, until a mysterious woman's haunting performance strikes her imagination.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
FIoret Marjorie Conrads first movie and directing hits it out of the park. Very funny, submerse cast and quirky story that makes you wanna cheer the Irene along. I hope this isnt the first and last time shes giving the chance to create a movie. Just wow, watch you wont be disappointed.
jefferbster As an American independent film I was amazed. Most independent film that comes from America is overly abrasive and circumvents any true approach to film as an art. European film tends to be more artistic, and it might simply be a cultural thing for our film to elicit thought instead of relaying on cheap "thrills" and visual chaos. Despite the brighter lighting and taking place in California, I would classify this as my own coined term "euphoric film noir". The subtle darkness establishes an intrinsic connection to the characters without force. The greater brightness balances this, but cannot be accurately described as "light". Seeing that this is very hard to establish in any film, this is a real achievement for a first feature film. I can recommend this for the European crowd looking to find an American film that doesn't seem very American.
grantibrahim Wow, this is a brilliant freshman effort from Conrad, who apparently was on Top Model and decided to disillusion the rest of us with this darkly funny and disturbing portrait piece. It was both heartbreaking and hilarious at times, and truly gets under your skin if, like me, you can relate to being a naive newcomer to an industry that aggressively whitewashes its depravity.
TonyTonyTony777 I don't think I can accurately portray through words what this film meant to me. It was an emotional ride. I really felt for the characters, it was mostly an intense emotional connection that was indescribable. I first heard of this when I was in Chicago on a trip and saw posters on the street. The posters looked really well drawn, and it was like a book: you see a GREAT IMAGE and you want to see more. I couldn't find anything for a long time, maybe two years. I found it on Amazon recently and really enjoyed this. I laughed, cried, and as a man this is rare.I can tell you it's a very unique film I have never seen anything like this before. So, if you are into a film that will make you think about qualities of life, and better appreciate film as an art, you will very likely enjoy this. I don't know if a physical copy is available anywhere, but if there is, I want to buy one.