The Prodigy
The Prodigy
| 01 January 2005 (USA)
The Prodigy Trailers

"The Prodigy" tells the story of small-time enforcer Truman Fisher's vicious conflict with a sadistic assassin who has chosen the unwilling Truman to be his successor. The assassin, who goes by the alias Rains and whose exploits have become the source of legend among Truman's underworld colleagues, drives Truman, through the pressure of constant violence and grief, to understand his own capacity for both bloodshed and compassion. Ultimately this reveals to Truman that he as with all of us, must find our place in this world or as Rains would say "our place in this grand design." This action begins quickly as Truman meets with a turncoat from a rival gang. This tense showdown erupts quickly into mayhem, when Rains makes his unexpected entrance. In the wake of the ensuing bloodbath, Truman is forced to reevaluate his own role in the small, violent world he inhabits, suddenly aware that there are larger powers at work which he does not understand...

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
originalbadguy I used to work with Glen Vorhis. He was a supervisor of mine at one point in time. He did not tell a lot of people he was an actor. He gave me a DVD of The Prodogy. He told me there was a lot of gifts given to the movie. There is a million dollar green screen effect that they had done for listing in the credits, I believe. the whole movie is intense. The villain comes across as a more intense version of Jason. The shoot outs are realistic, and the action is gripping. I could see who they might have cast, if they had the money. Granted, I only saw this movie because Glen gave me a copy, but I also never saw that side of Glen. He always came across as mild mannered. Great movie.
trickstott When I first heard of this film, I was afraid that it would just be some vaguely action-oriented slasher flick. Fortunately, my fears were baseless: what I found was a well-shot action-thriller. The cliché's I feared never appeared, and when they seemed about to, my expectations were turned upside down.I was surprised by the sheer number of images that have stuck with me. Oddly, such great images are not inside their trailer, so I was caught totally unaware by the talent of the Director of Photography.Also, and this is a concern in many movies, there are not many strong women characters. There is one woman, memorably, in the film that puts up a really excellent fight. I was surprised, and I wish that there were more women in these kinds of film that are more than window dressing and bad-guy fodder.Highly Entertaining.
shatguintruo After see this movie, go urgently to a rental films store and look for a movie intituled "Caché"! If the intentions of Mr. William Kaufman were innovate the cinematographic language, you must watch that french movie and discover what innovation means. While the opening scenes of "Caché" is something never seen before - at least for me (I've watched almost 10.000 films in my 60 years of live) - "The Prodigy" (in its first 30 minutes) caused me a weird sensation: "Am I watching someone playing a video game or am I watching a film?". What a sequence of gratuitous scenes of violence! But after all, a ridiculous plot leads to ridiculous situations, for instance, that scene in which the "heroe(?)" has the opportunity to kill his "enemy": what a stupid cop would shot anyone in the body, mainly when that person is wearing night vision goggles, indicating surely the use of other safety equipments? By the way, Sam Peckinpak used scenes of extreme violence in his movie "Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia", shocking the majority of the spectators in 1974. But those "takes" were perfectly inserted in the context, what is not the case of "The prodigy"... As I don't want waste too many words to classify something that's better to forget, in a scale of 10, I vote: 1 (awful).
dfwscout Although I'm a little fatigued with the 'bullets and blood' shorts and features that are produced wholesale, I was genuinely stunned with the quality of this production. I have produced 10 shorts and 2 micro-budget features, so I feel the pain of being held back by monetary restrictions. Yet with this film I never once thought 'if only they had the funds and/or time to do that the right way'. If they would have announced the budget at 5 million, I would have said that it was money well spent. The cinematography was the best I have seen from a local production, the characters and acting were completely convincing, and the editing, pacing, and score were spot-on (if you notice any of these, then it becomes irritating) and did nothing to detract from the story…which I found refreshingly unique and richly layered. If I had a distribution company I would have signed them in the lobby after the screening.