Mobsters and Mormons
Mobsters and Mormons
PG | 09 September 2005 (USA)
Mobsters and Mormons Trailers

A mafia family from New Jersey is placed in the witness relocation program to an all-Mormon community in Utah.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Beulah Bram A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
bkoganbing It was one big old culture shock for Mark DeCarlo and his family in Mobsters and Mormons. The cheerful hit-man who has run afoul of his former associates is now in witness protection. But what a place they've relocated him to. A small town in Utah where 98% of the populace is of the LDS church. The man just can't relate to those folks although at least one neighboring family headed by Scott Christopher does their best to make him feel at home.These folks operate on a whole set of different values than DeCarlo's been brought up to believe. And poor DeCarlo can't get a decent pizza and his craving for real coffee nearly gets him and his family killed.It's an interesting idea for a comedy, but sadly lacking verisimilitude. Witness protection has had almost as many failures as successes. The most notable example of that was Sammy 'the Bull' Gravano who while in witness protection got involved in a few local rackets of his own creation. Those folks don't think like most of us relatively normal gentiles let alone those of the LDS faith. It's a gulf of the minds I think is almost impossible to cross.Still Mobsters And Mormons has a few good moments, my favorite is DeCarlo giving some young kids the gangland New Jersey version of the Three Little Pigs. I wish the film had more moments like those.
Xander Seavy (RiffRaffMcKinley) Another dismally predictable LDS comedy. Yet this is still better than "The Singles Ward" or "The RM" because this one actually looks and feels different, while most Halestorm movies are identical in look and style.It only took eighteen days to shoot this eye-rolling piece of junk. Quite frankly, the rushed production shows in the actors' moronic delivery, cheap attempts at improv, and the looks on their faces (one wonders, in fact, if the look on Carmine's face means get him out of Utah or get him out of the movie). This movie only preserves the idea that there could never be a good Mormon movie, because so far, there hasn't.And the clichés-- shudder shudder! Not only does the LDS church take a fearful beating, but every dreadful mob-movie pattern is also used past death, making this film offensive to Mormons, non-Mormons, and Italian-Americans! This movie is hideous and should really be avoided at all costs.
pwrightken Solid acting, a creative story line, and sharp comedy move this latest addition to the LDS film genre right along. Lead actor DeCarlo couldn't have done a better job as an obnoxious, yet fun to like mafia soldier. Hale Storm Entertainment has had mostly hits for members of the LDS faith, but this film soars passed their previous efforts and delivers a film that appeals to one and all and does not limit itself to members of the LDS church. That is what is so wonderful about this particular installment. The story is about the outside folks, looking in on a very peculiar community. It's a message about getting along and living together as neighborhood and community, not a dogma based preachy film.
sziraki First of all, I liked the movie. But there were times I just felt like crying rather than laughing. It's just too stupid at times. The movie could have been so much better! I didn't like the fact that we never heard about the Mormons beliefs(I find them the silliest in the world), but I guess people in the US wouldn't be ready for some "making fun of a religion." However, the movie manages to show two opposite sides of a spectrum; mobster and Mormon, angry VS happy, good VS evil...continue to tired...Overall: OK+ movie, because it makes me want a Mormon girl, teach her a thing or two about life AND sex!