Mobsters and Mormons
Mobsters and Mormons
PG | 09 September 2005 (USA)
Mobsters and Mormons Trailers

A mafia family from New Jersey is placed in the witness relocation program to an all-Mormon community in Utah.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Xander Seavy (RiffRaffMcKinley) Another dismally predictable LDS comedy. Yet this is still better than "The Singles Ward" or "The RM" because this one actually looks and feels different, while most Halestorm movies are identical in look and style.It only took eighteen days to shoot this eye-rolling piece of junk. Quite frankly, the rushed production shows in the actors' moronic delivery, cheap attempts at improv, and the looks on their faces (one wonders, in fact, if the look on Carmine's face means get him out of Utah or get him out of the movie). This movie only preserves the idea that there could never be a good Mormon movie, because so far, there hasn't.And the clichés-- shudder shudder! Not only does the LDS church take a fearful beating, but every dreadful mob-movie pattern is also used past death, making this film offensive to Mormons, non-Mormons, and Italian-Americans! This movie is hideous and should really be avoided at all costs.
movies-510 I think the mark of a good film is it's ability to create strong emotion one way or the other. Clearly this film does that. I think from several perspectives. First off, it's clear to see who the pro-LDS people and the anti-LDS people are, then there are the uptight LDS people and the not so uptight LDS people. This film sends a strong message about communities and people doing what's right by others. It's packaged brilliantly within a clever story line and bright comedy. This is an LDS film for everybody. And I think those who are upset by it are probably the ones who need to hear the message about judgmental Mormons the most!
Chris Partridge I've seen this movie three times and can't wait for the DVD. I've seen John Moyer do stand up and I'll bet the commentary will be a riot. I would say this is the best movie he's done. . . yet. I expect they'll only continue to get better. The only problem I can foresee with the DVD would be my kids wearing it out and driving me nuts repeating dialogue. (Of course quoting Mobsters would bet the heck out of them quoting Ed, Edd and Eddy.)I think the best thing about this movie (other than the comedy) would be that it takes an outsiders view. The main complaint I've heard about Singles Ward and the R.M. is that they have too many inside jokes just for LDS members (or even "Utah Mormons.") Using a displaced mafioso as the main character allowed the movie to explain things to the audience without turning it into a missionary discussion. I think the other nice thing it did was to point out that we are all human and we all have flaws and thinking you are better than someone else for any reason is one of the biggest flaws we can have.and it did all this while making us laugh. . . and without any swearing or sex or violence (well, there was a paint-ball killing.)
Sid Unrau This movie is great fun! The actors are great, the points for both Mormons and non-Mormons are great (and not preachy, except maybe to some uppity Mormons, who are given a great picture of themselves), and the story is just hilarious.I was glad to see some new actors in this one. Yeah, some of the same-old recycled typical Mo-actors were there, but there were some great new faces to enjoy, and not at all bad actors.My only complaint: the filming was WAYYYyyy uneven. In the beginning and sprinkled throughout some of the scenes seem to have been shot on a hand-held standard (i.e. not movie-quality) video camera, and it shows.Yeah, it's cheesy - but it's good clean fun. I gave it a 7 because it's definitely a good movie, family-safe, though not a great classic.