| 20 January 2008 (USA)
Incendiary Trailers

A woman's life is torn apart when her husband and infant son are killed in a suicide bombing at a soccer match.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
jaymestephens84-965-919114 Maybe I'm biased because of my adoration for Michelle Williams, but I've been able to pick out her not so great performances without feeling bad in the past. This was the best I've ever seen her.Perhaps if you've never really experienced a terrible loss it could be outside of your comfort zone, maybe thats the reason for the long winded pick-aparts. I've never lost a child, but I've lost some very dear people and watched both my mother and step mother deal with the loss of children. This was a beautifully honest and raw depiction of the turmoil one goes through. The self blame, the need to fill the hole left behind, snapping completely, and then finally finding joy amongst the rubble.I also must point out that Michelle's accent was incredible. Its been hard in some of her films to remove her from "Jen Lindley" of her Dawson's Creek days because her voice is so familiar to me. In this film she was completely the character and without a single reminder of Jen. That is a huge feat in the eyes of a Dawson's Creek obsessive like myself.
aroundM21 Incredibly slow. Long periods when they didn't find dialogue so filled it with repetitive monotonous piano music. A plot with a good centre but too many twists or 'devices' to be believable. Because of the tenuous plot, characters are more difficult to relate to or care about. Too many themes / subjects.So I didn't like it much ! I thought the above was a succinct review but now IMDb is making me write 10 lines, which is ironically similar to how I feel about the film actually given all the long slow panoramic shots over music while the actors look sad or longingly or suchlike. So yes this paragraph is just for that end, sorry everyone, but this review is less time than the film, so it's of some value. Ha !
kenjha An adulterous British woman tries to cope with the loss of her husband and infant son to a terrorist bombing at a soccer match. This film is a complete disaster, failing on all levels. The main problem is a script that seems to have no rhyme or reason and becomes increasingly dreary. The woman suffers from delusions and has random relationships with a reporter and a colleague of her husband's, but none of it is the least bit interesting. Williams is certainly a talented young actress but this is arguably her worst performance. She sports a thick Cockney accent that may be authentic sounding, but is also annoying and nearly incomprehensible.
maskedmovieman I just rented this yesterday without knowing anything about it beforehand. I sincerely think that it is an awfully bad film. I read a few of the reviews posted and cannot agree with the reviewers that say that if you don't like this movie you are either "an idiot, a zombie or who someone who likes action films and (evidently in their opinion) cannot understand anything else". If we are here to discuss (or comment) about movies let's just do so. Here are my plus points: good acting all around, good photography. Here are my minus points: 1) Unnecessarily complicated storyline. If you take away the Ewan McGregor character and the affair with the policeman, the story, which regards a woman losing her husband and child in a terrorist attack in London, would still stand-up and probably have been more focused. Did they need to make the movie longer just to reach 90mins? 2) Some characters are not believable. How does Ewan McGregor get to own an Aston Martin etc? Someone commented "who cares about the car". I wouldn't care but in films, if you have something that doesn't fit-in with the character it makes you think that maybe there is a reason for it then you start thinking what that reason could it be and, will running after butterflies, you lose focus on the principal storyline which I think is the drama of a woman losing her child in a bomb attack and everything else that goes with it.. Given that for some reason this character had to be in the film, if he had a Ford (for example) I think it would have been much better. By the way, for once I think that the Italian title is much more apt: translated it means "without apparent reason" which I believe answers the question of why this film was made.