I Drink Your Blood
I Drink Your Blood
R | 07 May 1971 (USA)
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A group of Satanic hippies wreak havoc on a small town where a young boy, whose sister and grandfather were victimized by them, tries to get even - with deadly results.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
popcorninhell I Drink Your Blood is the genuine article in a certain sense. Sure for the uninitiated, the film is just another low-budget 70's oddity but to true horror connoisseurs it's the kind of schlocky, late night treat that greased the late-fee wheel of many a video-rental shop. It's the kind of bizarre outlayer that guys in their thirties sandwiched in-between innocuous titles and backroom porn to not look like some kind of weirdo. Made for next-to-nothing and saying more than most, this little exploitation flick just may be the perfect example of "so bad, it's good."The film is centered on a cabal of Satanic hippies who descend on a small town in upstate New York. After causing considerable panic among the townsfolk (in reality, like five people), the hippies find themselves victims of a revenge plot involving meat pies infected with rabies. Instead of killing them however, the pies turn them into quasi-zombies with a lust for blood and chaos. Can the survivors lead by bakery owner Mildred (Marner-Brooks) and wayward teen Sylvia (Brooks) survive?Much of the film's unintentional hilarity ensues with the constant presence of Bhaskar Roy Chowdhury's Horace, the leader of the group. Something of an analog of Manson Family, Horace's group is glued to his hip due to what should come across as wide-eyed charisma. Yet his wild gesticulations and off-kilter roguishness is so over the moon that he highhandedly derails the film within the first frames. From that point on, it's no holds barred as to where the movie is going and with whom.Or why for that matter, the characters are so poorly developed and simperingly stupid that there's nothing for us, the audience to anchor ourselves to let alone sympathize with. The editing is simultaneously the best and worst aspect of this film. Best because it snaps back and forth between groups of people so quickly that it's impossible to get bored. Worst because so much is built up only to be left by the wayside while certain payoffs seem to come out of nowhere. There's shock but no awe and then awe lacking shock. It's as if we're reading the journal of a lunatic yet the journal has been partially burned in a basement furnace.To give credit where credits due, the film ably cash in on the perceived evils of drugs, free love, cross-racial integration, Vietnam anxiety and teenagers run amok. Then in an act of frightening forethought director David E. Durston married those fears with overt and unabashed devil worship pre-dating the satanic panic of the 1980's. While I won't go so far as to say I Drink Your Blood caused such cultural overreaction and hysteria, the film did ride a pretty big wave of 1970's exploitation films concerning our relationship with a certain dark master.Yet if you're looking for cogent social commentary from the bloodied, drooling maws of an exploitation film like I Drink Your Blood, you might just be connecting dots that aren't there. As it is, this 1970 gorefest is a garbled mess made memorable only because its too inept to be taken seriously and too frenzied to be boring.
GroovyDoom I am one of those who will never forget this movie's ad campaign, which advertised a double bill of this film and a movie called "I Eat Your Skin". If you already know "I Eat Your Skin" contained no eating of skin, then it will not come as a shock to you that "I Drink Your Blood" is not about vampires, and aside from an opening scene where a little blood is swilled, the focus of the film is not on blood drinking at all. It does turn into a freaked-out pseudo-zombie film in the vein of "The Crazies".A weird hippie and his small band of followers spend their time taking acid and conducting Satanic rituals. Their Satanic, wanderin' ways bring them to a little town on the verge of being completely abandoned; when they begin to terrorize the locals, a little kid gets revenge on them by injecting meat pies with the blood of a rabid dog and feeding them to the hippies, who then go on a homicidal rampage. When a group of rowdy construction workers also get infected, the spit really hits the fan.The ultra low budget gives the film a rickety appearance; you will either love it or hate it for that reason. Personally I loved it and think it's one of the best examples of a crazy 70s drive-in flick. It makes no sense, but there's a definite uneasy feeling going on throughout the whole thing, not the least of which is due to the obvious Manson family references. The violence is also often disturbing, and if the special effects are not always convincing, the eager spirit of things is enough to get under your skin.
Coventry Gory, obscure, raunchy and utterly demented independent cinematic exploitation-trash from the early 70's; that's what I live for! And "I Drink Your Blood" just happens to be one of the most – perhaps even THE most – quintessential titles to answer to this definition! The unquestionably deranged writer/director David E. Durston took as many contemporary sources of inspiration as possible and scripted down a crazed low-budget horror flick that is guaranteed to entertain all fans of the golden "grindhouse" classics. Judging by the title alone already, "I Drink Your Blood" obviously isn't the type of horror film that you watch for its incredibly suspenseful atmosphere (although some sequences are quite intense) or profound character drawings, but to get a lot of horror-related kicks and laughs out of it. This is a pretty sick- spirited puppy in terms of tone and content, but the final result is an often laugh-out-loud funny due to the amateurish acting performances, grotesque make-up arts and errors in continuity. Undoubtedly inspired by the Charles Manson killings, "I Drink Your Blood" introduces a group of drug-addicted hippies who call themselves the Sons and Daughters of Satan and throw devil-worshiping orgy parties in the woods during the middle of the night. The group passes through a little town called Valley Hill. The place is practically abandoned due to the construction of a new dam, but the hippies nevertheless manage to rise amok among people who left behind by raping a young girl and forcing the elderly veterinarian to take LSD. The grandson, who witnessed the hippies' vile behavior, decides to take revenge by processing the infected blood of a rabid dog into meat pies and then subsequently serving them to the hippies. The "prank" runs a little out of control when the hippies become homicidal and go on a killing spree across the area. Hell ultimately breaks loose when one of the female hippies gang-bangs with the construction workers and infects the whole lot of them. The great thing about "I Drink Your Blood" is that you often don't even properly realize how incredibly twisted and offensive it actually is. Many elements are totally bonkers and sick, like the rat-barbecue, forcing the old guy to take LSD, the self-initiated abortion, the dam workers gang-bang and – most importantly – the idea that the whole idea of spreading the rabies was thought up and executed by a 12-year-old kid! The gore is plentiful and outrageous, with multiple decapitations, impalement, disembowelment, stabbings and electric carving knife action! Apparently this was the first movie ever to receive an X-certificate based on violence alone, so I guess that should be enough argumentation for true horror fanatics to check it out. As far as I'm concerned, it's a must- see exploitation/grindhouse classic!
tonymurphylee A group of Satan worshiping hippies begin to cause chaos around in a small town. When a young boy injects a bunch of meat pies with blood from a rabid dog as payback for tormenting his grandfather, the hippies go insane and embark on a gory killing spree in which the entire town in at their mercy.This is quite a shocking and bizarre little film. I'm surprised it's not more well-known. It was the first film to receive an X rating primarily for it's graphic violence. While it is certainly somewhat tame compared to today's gorefests, it still has some very sickening scenes of graphic violence. What surprised me more about this film was how intense and horrific it was as a film! Seriously, there is a good shock every minute! There is rarely a moment to breathe.In addition to that, it's plot(obviously inspired by the Manson family murders) is really quite original. The idea of killer hippies is quite ironic and yet still quite creepy considering how they were back then with their seemingly strange activities and their often legendary body odor. This film may seem dated to some, but I think part of it's charm is it's bizarre sense of nostalgia and old-fashioned humor.The film itself is kind of like a cross between NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, but if you're looking for a good shocker full of surprises and gory violence, this is a must-see. One final note, if you're going to see this film for any reason, see it for Lynn Lowery's performance. Her character is nothing short of spine-tingling.
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