Indecent Proposal
Indecent Proposal
R | 07 April 1993 (USA)
Indecent Proposal Trailers

John Gage offers a down-on-his-luck yuppie husband $1 million for the opportunity to spend the night with the man's wife.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
OllieSuave-007 Demi Moore and Woody Harrelson star as couple David and Diana Murphy, who are financially in trouble and in danger of losing their dream home. While on a trip to Las Vegas, they meet billionaire John Gage (Robert Redford), who offers them 1 million dollars in exchange for a one-night stand with Diana.This film was actually pretty good I thought - it kept me engaged and kept me wondering how the unpredictable plot would unfold at the end. The plot offers a moral message of the limits money can buy, and the old cliché that money really couldn't buy love. The acting also wasn't bad. Harrelson gave a thoughtful performance of a husband in financial and relationship troubles who strives to overcome his woes and pick up the pieces to move forward; Redford gave an eloquent portrayal of the invincible, but heartfelt billionaire; and Moore exhibited complexity and vulnerability in her character as she faces the choices she has to make between the two men.I have to admit the movie is mind-boggling at certain points, I mean, the thought of seeing a marriage torn apart of an out-of-this-world proposal, and the implications that resulted from it. And, there are some failed attempts at humor, at the expense of Oliver Platt's character. But overall, the movie has something we can all learn from and is, again, a pretty engaging story.Grade B
FilmBuff1994 Indecent Proposal is a mediocre movie with a poorly written storyline, but a terrific cast that manage to make it a little more bearable. The film boasts very impressive performances from Demi Moore, Robert Redford and Woody Harrelson, who made the best out of this mediocre script, I think the scenes between Moore and Harrelson are the best, they are very intense and it is very believable that they are husband and wife. The films story is very far fetched and the writers did a poor job of making it feel more realistic, it all felt like Diana was having a bad dream, it seemed very uninspired and was simply made because the book was obviously popular at the time. The character of John Gage is the weakest aspect of the movie, despite some stellar acting from Robert Redford, he is creepy and for the majority of the film we are suppose to look at it him as the villain, but later on they try and make us sympathise with his character, which I found had to do as he was impossible to relate to. It has it moments and it's not awful, but I still feel Indecent Proposal has too many flaws to recommend. A millionaire's financial offer makes a couple question their relationship strengths. Best Performance: Woody Harrelson Worst Performance: Billy Connolly
Howlin Wolf (This is an extension of an earlier review that has been resubmitted)This film takes important questions such as "What constitutes love for your partner?" and "How important is sex in a relationship?", and treats them as glibly as if they were teledrama fodder. We never get the sense that director Lyne has pondered the issues inherent in his material; he has just gathered some nice shots and spliced them together in the hope that they will create an absorbing movie. It's not without entertainment on a superficial level, but this is generated more by how appallingly cliché the characters are than by any serious thematic exploration.The loving couple played by Harrelson and Moore never convince. Of the 3 principles, only Redford escapes from this with any credit; but even his performance lapses into something vaguely reminiscent of "Swiss Tony" from "The Fast Show" ("Gambling is like making love to a beautiful woman for a price of 1 million dollars...")I wanted so much to like the movie, since I'm very interested in the sexual conventions of society, and how we each trade off with one another in order to find and cultivate a respectful and invigourating relationship... However, I don't think the movie explores any of that properly, despite providing an ideal launching pad for doing so.This is a gimmick movie that wants to ask its audience whether or not they would cheat on their partner with Robert Redford for a cool million bucks? (or Sharon Stone perhaps, to use an equivalent mid 90's sex symbol that would flip the issue... ) When you cast such sexual icons though, it immediately weakens the dilemma that's in play... It's relatively easy to assent to a Robert Redford or a Sharon Stone, because they represent a fantasy - and the film refuses to relinquish the notion of that fantasy for the duration of its entire running time. This has the effect of making it hard to play make-believe, when it comes to embracing the idea that serious ethical considerations are underfoot... Like the lucky coin in the movie, it's indicative of an already-done deal.I feel that, in terms of the story, as much moral importance should have been placed upon the DECISION itself, besides the rendering of its consequences being employed for sentimental manipulation.The route that the makers elected to take means that the project ends up playing out like a glossy, cheesy movie of the week, populated with several big names who were somehow unwittingly roped in... That's what some people like, I suppose, but in my opinion it seriously defaults on the complications that the initial premise should throw up... As I said, not completely without entertainment value, but only if you treat it as exploitative trash.
slightlymad22 A struggling married couple (Demi Moore and Woody Harrelson) lose all their money in Las Vegas. Whilst there, they meet a charismatic billionaire (Robert Redford) who offers them one million dollars for one night with the wife.Demi Moore has never looked better than she did in 'Indecent Proposal' so it's easy to see why Redford would be willing to pay $1,000,000 to spend one night with her, and Redford is very charming here, despite what is a very sleazy offer. But it's Harrelson who is the stand out performer for me, I'd only seen him in the TV show 'Cheers' and the comedy 'White Men Can't Jump' the previous year and was very surprised and impressed with his performance here as the tortured husband. Seymour Cassel and Oliver Platt are good supporting players worthy of mention, and I must also mention the score by John Barry is hauntingly beautiful.