NR | 06 April 2017 (USA)
Teleios Trailers

A deep space mining vessel has been adrift for two years. It is suspected the crew brutally killed each other, but the reason for the bloodbath is unknown. A rescue crew is sent to find if there are any survivors, what happened and why.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
codive Had this been a 50 million dollar project from a big studio with budget all over the place you'd have stars and perfect lighting, fresh dialogue, a lot of ka-boom, and whatnot, but probably also some really stupid plot holes.Then I would rant on about some of the camera, some lighting here and there, and some of the acting, but most of all about the plot holes. I have a problem with films that tell me one concept in the beginning, and then trash that ten minutes later, as if I didn't remember.But in this case, I just have to root for the makers. They only had a million, and came up with characters, and a pretty good story, that does not have the plot holes. So, at no point in the film I felt as if the makers thought I was stupid. On the contrary. The story even came up with a few twists, that I did not see coming.Is it as intricate and mind-beding as "Primer"? No.Is the acting as staggering as Sam Rockwell in "Moon"? No.But if you saw Primer or Moon, and you liked those, I think you'll have a good time with this one.Or if you like Star Trek.I would put it in the same league. It stays true to what science fiction is.Thanks, Ian Truitner! I also hope to see more from him.Last point: Yes, the acting. They need to work on that a bit, but since I can't act at all, and they really had a limited budget, maybe they just couldn't shoot that take the ten times it takes to get it perfect.
joanneshlobotnik To be clear this film is not a slam bang action film, but is very thought-provoking and raises important themes. It draws you in with a mystery that unravels in unexpected ways. Apart from Michael Nouri you might not recognize the actors, but the cast is excellent and the visuals, given it's only 1million budget (according to IMDB), are also great.
Amira usually you understand if you like a film after first 10 minutes..... after 40 minutes of the film its still boring...... very bad language representation, as they took people who do not speak it. Could ask native speakers to read. I would not watch it again... i would agree with most people who left a review here.... like actors.. there could be anyone instead of them, there is no much dynamics. also a lot of foreign language what was not translated... it is a super boring detective...
Paul Magne Haakonsen I was lured in by the movie poster and the hope that this was actually going to be a good sci-fi movie, and the fact that the synopsis of the movie seemed interesting also caught my attention.Then 39 minutes into the movie, I just gave up. This movie was sheer and utter boredom presented in a shiny and glowing sci-fi wrapping. There was just nothing compelling about this mundane and boring storyline that the writers had mustered to put together.And it didn't help that everything just screamed low budget presented in a mediocre wrapping. Granted, I have seen worse productions of sci-fi movies, but there just was that spark of low budget to "Teleios" such as in the weapons, the sets, and the so-called human-like robot beings. I mean, the way that they were moving was just so 1950's and laughable.I didn't get captured by the storyline, despite the fact that the storyline had potential to make a great movie. It was just the lack of pace and Progress to the movie that killed it off. I could live with the sense of pseudo-low budget, sure, but the inactivity of the storyline and the irrelevant characters was an anchor around the movie."Teleios" didn't bring anything new, memorable or innovating to the sci-fi genre, and it is hardly a movie that will make a lasting impression, even with those in the audience that manages to sit through to the very end. And it is hardly a movie that will stand out as being a milestone in the sci-fi genre.The acting in the movie was adequate, although I can't really claim to be familiar with those cast for the various roles. Some did better jobs than others, of course, as it always go. But no one in the movie were really outstanding or memorable.Not outstanding and not memorable seems to be keywords to this movie.If you enjoy sci-fi, then there are far, far better movies available. And personally I find it hard to see why anyone would actually sit through the entire length of "Teleios", because it was a drag of a movie.