R | 20 September 2014 (USA)
Everly Trailers

After she betrays a powerful mob boss, a woman matches wits and weaponry with a legion of killers who are out to collect the bounty on the heads of her and her family.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
nicholls_les If you like overly violent for the sake of being overly violent movies then you Will like this.But everything about it is silly. The plot, the acting, the so called action. It is all over the top nonsense.What puzzles me is why an intelligent and good actress like Salma Hayek wanted to do this movie in the first place? I now find it hard to say anything else but no doubt have to follow this incredibly silly ten line rule.Why doesn't IMDb end that stupidity. A short pithy review is always better in my humble opinion.
wesley-ml Everly (Salma Hayek) is an excellent bit of entertainment from beginning to end. Who knew Ms. Hayek could be such a well-rounded action hero? From the moment the movie began, I knew I was in for the long hall. This movie is well acted and directed, no holes, no missing pieces, just an honest look at the character's life as it was at a particular point in time. Highly, recommended.I enjoyed this movie because the Everly character, in the context of movie, was so well acted. Everly was with realism, style and emotions that seemed absolutely believable. Also, the setting,rather dismal and claustrophobic, complemented her character, her situation and helped the viewer understand and thus justify her actions.
osan97 My dad likes to ask me sometimes regarding action movies: "Is there a purpose to all this?" There IS no purpose. The whole movie is one big, fat excuse to slam a bunch of crazy action scenes at you. As an exercise in brutal violence, it succeeds. It's got style, and it's even got some genuinely funny moments of black humour to go along with it. The movie's premise is absolutely ridiculous and stupid, and laughably insane, but it plows through it with an almost completely straight face. In that respect, the movie is a deadpan masterpiece.Anyway. Salma Hayek's acting, along with Joe Lynch's neat direction, are both too good for this type of movie. This is a modern-day exploitation film at its most blatant. This is Die Hard with Salma Hayek and the Yakuza. It's limited to one floor of an apartment building as a setting, and it's set during Christmas, and the main character is trapped in one room. Only unlike Die Hard, this movie has some truly cruel material to make you squirm in it. I mean wow.Despite its flaws (and it has a lot of them) it was an entertaining movie. It's shallow, it's not all too smart, and for people with weak stomachs, it's pretty much unwatchable. Its low- budgetness isn't all that obvious unless you REALLY look for it, and most of its effects are refreshingly practical. It's nice to see blood squibs in action movies this day and age, instead of the regular old CGI clouds we're stuck with eighty (or ninety?) percent of the time. Salma Hayek hasn't been this good since Desperado, and that was freaking 1995.
grantss Has its moments but mostly quite unoriginal and mediocre.A woman, Everly (played by Salma Hayek), is attacked in her apartment by a gang of thugs. She manages to turn the tables on them but a crime boss is determined to make her pay for this, sending wave after wave of assassins. Soon she is not just fighting for her own life, but those of her mother and daughter too...Well, that's what I could ascertain about the plot. It really is all over the place, plot-wise. The storyline, for what there is, seems quite contrived and nonsensical and is really just a device for a series of action scenes.The action scenes aren't that bad, but ultimately it all seems predictable and unoriginal. Like a bad ripoff of a Tarantino movie, if Tarantino didn't believe in plot and character depth.Salma Hayek must have been desperate to do this. Though, maybe on paper it seemed like a good movie... This said, she is about the only reason to watch this movie.