Fatal Beauty
Fatal Beauty
R | 30 October 1987 (USA)
Fatal Beauty Trailers

Detective Rita Rizzoli is accustomed to donning costumes and going undercover to nail crooks. But she'll be required to use all of her get-ups and more when a major cocaine ring is suspected of turning out a potent new strain of the drug, called "Fatal Beauty." With the help of her partner and a former bodyguard for a local cartel, Rita will do whatever it takes to find out who's dealing Fatal Beauty and stop them.

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
matthew rice Whoopi Goldberg succeeds in adding spunk, wit, and a little heart in what could have been a boring pro forma shoot-em-up. Tired cop movie clichés suddenly seem fresh with a woman, especially one as charismatic as Whoopi in the lead role.She and Sam Elliot have an undeniable chemistry that's evident from the moment they appear on screen together for the first time. Go figure!The film is pretty climatic; shoot outs where the bad guys miss and the good guys don't, and some moments where the hero's in a jam but their partner appears out of nowhere to save the day, etc.But the film is full of solid, engrossing performances, particularly Goldberg, Elliot, and Dourif, and an engaging, albeit derivative plot.Overall not a bad way to kill an hour and some change.6.5 stars.
moonspinner55 Director Tom Holland attempts to bring the "Whoopi Goldberg caper comedy" into a new era by adding more serious, dramatic content, drugs and violence. The picture ends up being a murky hybrid of different styles, with Goldberg cast as a cop in Los Angeles tracking down a narcotics ring dealing in killer drugs (isn't that redundant?). Sub-plot romance between Whoopi and fellow cop Sam Elliott never gets off the ground (mainly because Holland keeps most of this story-thread off the screen), while Goldberg tosses in a few sassy asides to reassure us she hasn't become Dirty Harriet. The end result shows definite signs of post-production tinkering, and very little of it is successful. *1/2 from ****
Elswet Fatal Beauty has the advantage of allowing Whoopie Goldberg to bounce her keen and cutting wit off Sam Elliott's straight and penetrating gaze. The action is bone-crunching gang-banging blended with South of the Border stylized gun battles, Corporate money, and big drugs.I particularly like this one for Sam Elliott's prominence. He portrays hired muscle for a corporate big wig, who has no idea what his boss is up to. He also has a hint of a love interest with the star, and I found that delightful. His down to earth personality is perfectly cast, and wittingly executed.This one always surprises me.It rates a 7.8/10 on the Buddy Cop Scale from...the Fiend :.
leilanibz Enjoyable movie, albeit a bit violent for my liking. Whoopi shows sentiment and goofiness at the same time. She and Sam Elliot are an odd combination tho, but it seems to work. Whoopi plays a drug cop who made some poor choices as a young mother. She is attempting to pay back society for her mistakes by being a caring cop. She tends to be the butt of the department, but her devotion to her job is endearing. Sam Elliot is self-righteous and not entirely believable, I mean, who would be a body guard for a drug baron and then for a drug cop? Just a bit of a stretch. Still, the movie is better than middle. Bottom line - I wouldn't rush out and buy the DVD, but I do enjoy watching it when it comes on TV.