Ghost Town
Ghost Town
R | 11 November 1988 (USA)
Ghost Town Trailers

Deputy Langley tracks a kidnapped girl to an abandoned ghost town. However, the town is not abandoned, but haunted by the spirits of an outlaw, Devlin, and his gang, who hold the equally deceased townspeople hostage until the outlaws can be killed by a lawman.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Scott LeBrun Deputy Langley (Franc Luz) picks up the trail of Kate (Catherine Hickland), a runaway bride. Soon, he finds out that she has been abducted by otherworldly forces. He ends up in strange territory, in a century old town that has been cursed for a long, long time. Langley, a fairly unflappable man who adjusts rather well to bizarre circumstances, realizes that he will have to be the one who frees this town of its curse. To do this, he will avenge the long ago sheriff, Harper (Blake Conway), by taking on psychotic, undead outlaw Devlin (Jimmie F. Skaggs) and his minions."Ghost Town" bucks the odds to rank as above average for Empire Films product. While some movies from this company are really no more than goofy fun, this one can be taken quite seriously. It benefits a lot from a script (by Duke Sandefur, based on a story by original director David Schmoeller) that is actually not overly predictable from scene to scene. The scenario may test the patience of some, with extended footage devoted to Langley stumbling through his surroundings and taking his bearings, but those who stick it out are rewarded with the perennially strange atmosphere of "Ghost Town". The visual effects are actually nicely done, with a juicy amount of gore as well and some effective makeup on Devlin. The extremely prolific Mac Ahlberg was the cinematographer, and Harvey Cohen composed the eerie score.Luz is a personable lead, and he's well supported by lovely ladies Hickland, Penelope Windust as barmaid Grace, and Laura Schaefer as the young Etta, as well as an enigmatic Bruce Glover as the "dealer", Zitto Kazann as the blacksmith, and Michael Alldredge as Sheriff Bubba. The standout performance is by Skaggs, who appears to be having a good time as the creepy nemesis.If you're a fan of '80s genre movies, this is a modestly enjoyable sleeper worthy of discovery.Seven out of 10.
tshoffie i love this film and i wonder why is hasn't ever been released to DVD cause its a real shame i love the whole old west meets the undead thing thats going on in this movie, i thought it was well acted had a good story and had some cool effects in it I'm afraid its been so long since I've watched it that I'm not sure of a lot of the story points and all i just remember it was one of my fave horror films and i would love to have a copy of it on DVD...i wonder if anyone knows why they don't wanna release it on DVD>? would love to find out if anyone has a transfer of it on DVD at all and if so would they be willing to get in touch with me i would be very very grateful if someone did..not sure what to say now...anyways i really liked this film and pray it will get a release cause now I'm kicking myself for getting rid of my old VHS copy
BloodTheTelepathicDog I have a soft spot for direct-to-video horrors of the 80's and 90's(don't get me started on the terrible cinema of today) and this is one of my favorites. The horror and western collide perfectly in this original little film.Lawman Franc Luz, who does a remarkable job, searches for a missing beauty, Catherine Hickland, in the middle of the desert. During his search, spooky things happen to him, as he sees a phantom rider that terrorizes him at every port of call. Stumbling through the desert, he happens upon an abandoned town, and as a storm approaches, he seeks shelter in one of the buildings.Luz is quickly involved in an age-old town struggle against an evil criminal, creepily portrayed by Skaggs. Skaggs has abducted Hickland because she bears a striking resemblance to an old brothel house singer he was once smitten with.If you enjoy solid horror films with substance rather than blood and guts, than this little gem is right up your alley. I highly recommend picking this up.
Wilfie Possibly the most overlooked and under-rated horror movie of all time. An original idea, well put together, should deserve more respect than the 'getting dusty on a video store shelf' this film received. Good movie. 8/10.