R | 04 March 1983 (USA)
Curtains Trailers

Six young actresses auditioning for a movie role at a remote mansion are targeted by a mysterious masked murderer.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Predrag Well how far would you go to become famous? Apparently, in this film it means murder. Samantha Sherwood has worked with the well-known director Jonathan Stryker on all his major films. She naturally assumes she has been given the title role in his latest venture, "Audra". He tells her that she needs to do some background research on the part, so arranges to have her committed to an asylum (as Audra is a former psychiatric patient). She goes along with this, not realizing that he intends to leave her there indefinitely and audition six young women of various professions for the part instead. She finally manages to escape, and returns to the spooky old mansion where the auditions are taking place. But who is causing the disappearances of the young hopefuls?? The cinematography of this film is spectacular, the setting is somewhere I'd hate to be alone, and the atmosphere is quite chilling, which sets the stage for an outstandingly creepy witch-masked killer to get down to business with a good selection of weapons. John Vernon and Samantha Eggar are great as director and star of an upcoming movie. "Curtains" is a whopper of a slasher film that does nearly everything right. Creepy costume? Check. Intriguing backstory? Check. Likable, if slightly over-the-top, characters? Check. Great death scenes? Double check. I know this movie went though hell in post production. Rumor has it that the film was shelved for a year, during which there were re-writes, re-shoots, and one major re-casting done. Eventually numerous crew members had to be re-hired to shoot the footage to complete the film.Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
LasKeepsItReal This is my review for the horror film Curtains 1983. I shall be giving away some of the plot details so prepare for some spoilers along the way!I like the film Curtains because it mixes horror along with thriller and suspense intelligently. Samantha who is already an established actress rehearses for a new drama film about a woman who kills her lover caller Audra,she originally confident that the role will be given to her, having known the director Jonathan for while and being an associate of hers. Samantha decides to gain further experience for her characters role by mental institution for a short time. The film focuses on six different actresses from various backgrounds including Ballet, Comedy and Ice Skating auditioning for a part in the same film Audra. When one of the actresses is stabbed to death before getting the chance to audition she is replaced by Samantha who meets the other aspiring actresses at a mansion where the audition will take place.Things go from bad to worse for the women after some competition and rivalry they are killed off and in a who done it type fashion. It is left to the final few ladies to try to survive and find out who the killer is and their motive before it is too late.There are some interesting scenes in the film and i like the film soundtrack and music throughout and thought it was suited. There is a fast paced and dramatic sequence involving Christie on the ice skating rink and i liked how Tara was developed more as a character towards the end of the film.I do however find final two scenes fairly pivotal which explain a lot about the film and quickly as one of the characters had hinted about her intentions very early on in the film. I also heard that the film had many re shoots over the early 1980's when it was in production and there were extended scenes and some things were edited out, would hope to see some of those scenes one day even though i have read about them!I would give this film 7 out of 10.
FlashCallahan Samantha Sherwood has worked with director Jonathan Stryker on all his major films. She assumes she has been the title role in his latest venture. He tells her that she needs to do some research on the part, so arranges to have her committed to an asylum. She goes along with this, not realising that he intends to leave her there indefinitely and audition six young women of various professions for the part instead. She manages to escape, and returns to the mansion where the auditions are taking place.....Another one of those slashers from the eighties that disappeared without a trace, and on this occasion, its clear to see why it vanished, it's blooming boring.The concept though is wonderful, but the execution is not giving the concept justice. It's just John Vernon arguing with his partner every other scene, and then one of the girls getting killed, getting discovered by another girl, and so on.It's not good, the performances are below par, and the final reveal is just laughable.But it's the best movie where a main character falls from a window in slow motion ever made in 1984 called Curtains.
Bjorn (ODDBear) Two styles collide; one has a bit more style and flair (with emphasis on mood, lighting and camera angles etc.) while the other treats the material as a straight ahead stalk and slash flick. That's the mishmash that is "Curtains" and while it's a recipe for disaster somehow the film works quite well. Several aspiring actresses (and a seasoned one) gather at a remote country house (in icy winter, no less) and subject themselves to auditions by an eccentric director (Vernon) for an upcoming feature film. Someone among them is a killer and the actresses disappear one by one. What started out as an ambitious Hitchcockian thriller (by an ambitious first time director) was quickly shelved by the film's producer in favor of more slasher film elements that were popular at the time. Even though most viewers don't know what exactly was filmed originally and what was added on later; there is a striking difference in tone throughout the film and the climax, in particular, seems like an afterthought (although it's a thrilling sequence) where there's an extended chase scene in such different surroundings than all that's preceded it. There are some plot elements that appear only to be discarded completely early on (the creepy doll, for instance) and a character played by Michael Wincott must have remained mostly on the cutting room floor as his part is practically non-existent. The beginning; with Samantha Eggar as a seasoned film star voluntarily submitting herself to an asylum for research, is a nifty starting point which doesn't lead anywhere and is resolved rather clumsily once the actresses at the secluded country house storyline has begun. This feels rather disjointed and is definitely the work of two colliding directors. With all that said; "Curtains" is really an OK thriller and it's overall weird vibe propels it through it's rough spots. It's very well acted, not only by pro's Vernon and Eggar but Lynne Griffin and Lesleh Donaldson turn in fine work as well. The look of the film is splendid and there's an absolute stunner of a scene where the killer slowly approaches a victim on ice skates on a frozen lake which culminates in a very nasty and inventive kill scene; the stuff slasher fans eat up with delight. Also I think the "hag" mask the killer dons is quite unsettling and creepy as hell. A complete and utter mishmash but a treat for slasher fans who'll definitely be the ones giving this film a fair shot to begin with anyway. Highly recommended for that lot.Plus; I thought it was a nice touch to credit the main character Jonathan Stryker (the name of John Vernon's character) as the director since neither wanted the credit.