The Beast of Yucca Flats
The Beast of Yucca Flats
NR | 02 June 1961 (USA)
The Beast of Yucca Flats Trailers

A refugee Soviet scientist arrives at a desert airport carrying secret documents, but is attacked by a pair of KGB assassins and escapes into the desert, where he comes in range of an American nuclear test and is transformed into a mindless killing beast.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
jamesgandrew A scientist transforms into a beast after a nuclear explosion goes off in Yucca Flats. He then terrorises those who step in his way. Tor Johnson is a famous face in the b-movie world, starring in the supposedly worst movie of all time 'Plan 9 From Outer Space'. This was his final starring role as Joseph Javorsky/The Beast, a Russian scientist who knows secrets about the moon landing and is affected by the world's 'progress'.Coleman Francis creates an unintentionally hilarious b-movie which to just say it is incompetent is an understatement. From the non-threatening presence of 'The Beast' to the narration ranging from stating the obvious to just being flat out bizarre, this has all you need for a b-movie of this kind.There's a lot of scenes where you notice it's low budget production such as the guns not having any firing effect and in the nuclear explosion scene there's a shot of a suitcase on fire with Tor's non-flaming hand in shot. But it's not just that- there's this murder scene at the beginning which has no connection to the film whatsoever. Apparently, it's in there because Francis wanted a nude scene- go figure.
ofpsmith Unless your day job consists of sitting in a tiny windowless room where you do nothing but count grains of sand by hand, The Beast of Yucca Flats will probably be one of the most boring things you ever experience. I had seen Red Zone Cuba so I knew that this would be boring coming from Coleman Francis. But I had no idea it would be this boring. In Red Zone Cuba at least stuff happens. The pacing is awful but things go on. But this doesn't even get that distinction. Also like Red Zone Cuba, The Beast of Yucca Flats is annoyingly pretentious. The narrator just says simple (and sometimes random) things, but he sounds like he's narrating the Twilight Zone. The acting is also bad, but what can you really expect from Tor Johnson? There are also a lot of random scenes that were put there just for the sake of taking up our time. The beginning scene is of a woman getting out of the shower and then suddenly being strangled. What's the point of this? Why is it in the movie? What significance does this have to the plot? It's never explained! Throughout the rest of the movie it's never even acknowledged. Simply put, this scene would be better left out of the movie. On second thought, so would the whole movie. The only two ways to watch it are on MST3K, or if you have insomnia. End of story.
Rainey Dawn The movie is not good - in fact it is pure junk. Yet there is something strangely entertaining about this film. IDK how a movie this junky can entertain so well but this movie can do that for certain viewers - including myself.The movie is less than an hour long. In my opinion, what was missing was a longer movie to finish telling the story. The movie had the potential to be better and all it really needed was more time to complete the story because the story was incomplete.There is something strangely good about this horrible film... maybe it is simply the fact it had the potential to be better than what it is. I liked the narration, the way the movie was filmed, the odd characters, and even the incomplete story.If you are looking for a movie that is very odd and is a bad b-rated film that is somewhat entertaining then look no further than this campy flick.7/10
mark.waltz Looking like he's covered in plaster of Paris, perennial monster Tor Johnson survives a nuclear explosion and becomes a monstrous killer. Of course, if you can believe that he was once an esteemed Russian scientist out to better the world, then you might believe he would survive this explosion, not to mention his beautiful face attract a cute bunny rabbit to his side in one of cinema's most ridiculously stupid moments. There's no real plot line and no real screenplay even, just 90% narration telling this story which drive-in audiences probably drove out on. The opening sequence, showing a young woman being strangled (barely showing any emotion) also gives the hint that the fiend who did this raped her corpse as well, hints of the bed moving up and down briefly in one of cinema's most disgusting moments. Attempts to get the audience into the story by having two kids lost in the mountains with Johnson on their trail fail completely. You're much better re-visiting "Plan Nine From Outer Space" and all the other Ed Wood films which are "Citizen Kane" in comparison to this pile of cinematic schlock.
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