R | 01 November 1982 (USA)
Nightbeast Trailers

A creature from outer space, nightbeast, crash lands in Baltimore and starts a killing spree that quickly escelates.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Michael_Elliott Nightbeast (1982) ** 1/2 (out of 4)A spaceship crashes in a small town and before long an alien creature escapes and goes on a killing spree. The local police must try and find a way to destroy the alien before the entire town is dead.NIGHTBEAST is pretty much a direct remake of the director's previous film, THE ALIEN FACTOR. I always enjoy watching remakes and I find them even more interesting when the same director does them. Don Dohler was a name that I wasn't too familiar with before reading Stephen Thrower's NIGHTMARE USA and after viewing a couple of his films I must admit that I like him.There's certainly nothing original here since it's basically a remake of the previous movie but at the same time I thought both films did a very good job at keeping the viewer entertained. Both at least look like a professional movie as there aren't any major goofs that you normally see in these types of low-budget features. I also give the director a lot of credit for trying to deliver the gory goods even without much of a budget. There are a couple gory killings here that will keep fans of the genre entertained.The look of the monster is good for what it is. There's no question that this film as well as THE ALIEN FACTOR were meant to be throwbacks to the drive-in era but of course these movies offered up stuff like gore, violence and nudity. The love making scene here has to be one of the silliest that you'll ever witness but it's at least entertaining! The performances are pretty much what you'd expect from a film like this but I thought all of the actors were fun and at least kept you glued into the movie.NIGHTBEAST also has some rather silly sci-fi effects that were influenced by STAR WARS and they add some camp appeal as well. There's certainly nothing ground-breaking here but if you enjoy low- budget movies this one here is certainly entertaining in its own way.
Mr. Pulse If Ed Wood was given color film stock and a budget that was double the nearly four dollars he made his entire library on, I suspect the result would be something that looked vaguely similar to the film "Nightbeast;" wooden actors, terrible effects, confusing dialogue, and plot holes large enough to drive a semi through. The Nightbeast is an alien with a brown head and fangs, who crash lands his space ship on earth in the opening moments of the film. He then goes on a rampage killing anyone in sight. The remainder of the movie finds our "hero," Sheriff Cinder, hunting the beast, while bedding coworkers and trudging through subplots that mean nothing to anyone in or out of the film.This so-called Nightbeast is a fascinating creature. He arrives on earth, and begins his rampage, and throughout the film, no motive is given for the carnage, no explanation provided for his origin or his reason for coming to earth. And none of the characters seem to care, or appear at all surprised that a murderous beast with bad dental work is on the loose. They try to kill it sure, but mostly out of simple survival instinct not even fear of the alien hordes as many a paranoid horror film has shown. The Nightbeast appears primarily during the day (Maybe his name is supposed to be a post-ironic commentary on our society?) and never speaks a word of dialogue. A shame too; he seems like he has a lot on his mind.When Nightbeast hits the town, he first has a small raygun that he uses to dissolve humans away into nothing. He is so trigger happy (And presumably his gun has unlimited ammo) that he just blasts without aiming, and there are scenes filled with literally hundreds of lasers whizzing around our not-so-intrepid heroes who fire at it with their handguns showing on their faces a mixture of extreme heroism and idiocy. Of course, we later learn that the Nightbeast (Whose one weakness is electricity...funny that it doesn't like being electrocuted, SO creative) actually uses the humans for his food, begging the question if he needs to eat us to survive, then why use a raygun that destroys all trace of the humans leaving nothing to eat? The film includes some wife-beating subplots that go nowhere, and a sex scene painful in both the unattractive nature of the participants and in the silliness of the dialogue (Example line: "You know I could take my shirt off..." Response: "And I could take my towel off.") And what kind of women completely undresses in front of her coworker with whom she's never shared a romantic encounter with in her life? She tells him she's going to take a shower then strips right in front of the guy! Did I mention he's got a salt-and-pepper curly afro and huge seventies glasses? Yeah, he's the action hero.Lunacy of this caliber is often hard to come by. And Nightbeast truly fits that description. It won't be easy to secure yourself a copy, but it will be well worth the effort if you can. And watch out for those stupid, big-teethed aliens. Cause you never know...
bob wolf Nightbeast, although never able to rise above it's limited budget, still manages to leave a sweet taste in your mouth.Reeling from a collision with a meteor, a spaceship crashes in the forest of a small town. The alien (which strangely resembles the 'Predator') comes stumbling out, angry and lost. He goes on a killing spree which includes some campers. The sheriff decides to ask the locals to help him go after the creature. The towns-people, mostly farmers, hunters and loggers, reluctantly agree. A violent, gory battle quickly ensues.As I was watching Nightbeast I kept thinking to myself 'this is Mayberry vs The Predator'. Even the sheriff, reminded of Andy Griffith. I hated to admit it but I kind of enjoyed this film. There are some great moments, for example, there is a scene where an elderly hunter, who manages to shoot a weapon out of the creatures hand, falls to his knees and begins to weep. Plus, the creature is often shown fleetingly, like an apparition, and it is apparent that Dohler was hinting at something here but I couldn't figure it out.Sadly, Nightbeast suffers from it's all too small budget. The special effects appear amateurish and the gore scenes look fake. The film also has problems with the plot, there are too many sub-plots. There is like three separate stories going on all at once and you are constantly jumping back and forth amongst them. Also, there is a rather weird sex scene between the sheriff and his deputy, that seems totally out of place here, as if it was inserted afterwards.Outside of all these minuses, there is something I liked about Nightbeast. Maybe it is because of all the minuses that I keep coming back for more, the same reason I keep coming back for Plan Nine From Outer Space.
MADMANMARZ Night Beast is actually quite an entertaining little alien movie. If you can actually find this one on home video rent it. It will entertain you for it's short running time of 80 minutes. If you enjoy low budget and obscure horror. Night Beast is perfect for you. I know I love 80's horror , and this film is just another 80's winner !!