Humans vs Zombies
Humans vs Zombies
NR | 11 November 2011 (USA)
Humans vs Zombies Trailers

Students on summer break are exposed to a deadly virus that is spread rapidly through direct human contact. The infected become enslaved by the invading "swarm" intelligence and driven by an insatiable appetite to consume human flesh. Returning home, the students spread the infection to their fellow classmates and other unsuspecting townspeople.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
tkzun Well what can I say not the worst zombie flick I've seen but you would have to have been in this film to score it a 10 Over all its a OK movie the characters are common archetypes ,jock,nerd ,the hot geek girl flaky female ,goofy fat mate The action is OK ,the effects are kinda OK the acting was surprisingly good I wouldn't trash this as badly as others but then I've had to sit though some really terrible zombie movies The geeky zombie expert ,the ex army security guard ,hot geek girl,the nice girl and the jock make for quiet a survivor group it made a great difference for then not to rush out and load up with guns and ammo Only thing that bugged me was the guy trying trying to be Jack Black
Woodyanders Okay, we all know the drill by now: A motley assortment of desperate characters are forced to set aside their differences and work together in order to remain alive after a mysterious virus causes an outbreak of ferocious flesh-eating zombies. So far, so familiar. But fortunately director Brian T. Jaynes, who also co-wrote the clever and inspired script with Devan Sagliani, neatly pokes fun at the standard genre conventions by making the central protagonists a bunch smartaleck college students with above average survival instincts thanks to all the video games they've played concerning zombie infestations. Moreover, Jayne relates the lively and entertaining story at a constant brisk pace, stages the zombie attack scenes and action set pieces with tremendous rip-roaring brio, delivers a handy helping of graphic gore, develops a considerable amount of tension and a strong feeling of mounting dread, and tops it all off with a wickedly amusing sense of pitch-black humor. Better still, Jayne not only keeps everything at a poignant human level (several characters express dismay when their friends get killed), but also comes through with an admirably hard-edged take-no-prisoners attitude that stays savagely true to itself to the devastating bitter end. In addition, the enthusiastic cast have a ball with the wild material, with especially stand-out work from Madison Burge as sassy and sarcastic gamer babe Tommi, Melissa Campbell as the sweet and adorable Amanda, Frederic Doss as gung-ho paranoid conspiracy freak security guard Frank, Chip Joslin as rowdy and obnoxious hipster Brad, Jonah Priour as shy and awkward virginal geek Danny, and Jesse Ferraro as amiable hunky jock James. Francois Frazat's crisp cinematography boasts plenty of cool bird's eye view camera shots and gives the picture an impressive sharp look. Maigin Blank's dynamic throbbing score does the pulse-pounding trick. A total blast.
davidfurlotte It takes a lot for me to not allow a movie to finish so I know what the ending is like. I even finished "2012:Ice Age" and that has got to be one of the most ridiculous movies I have ever seen or reviewed.Now before anyone says that I don't get the genre, I love "The Walking Dead" and have seen almost all the zombie apocalypse movies out there but this one was just...BAD.The plot was err...lame, although with some creative writing it could have been made into something.The dialogue for this must have been written by an eight year old because in reality, my cat could craft better dialogue. Now that doesn't mean that all good movies have great dialogue because there are some out there with very cheesy dialogue, but with a good actor or actress it can be delivered very powerfully.Unfortunately for this movie, only one of the actors appeared to have actually studied the craft. I think the casting interview consisted of one question, "Hey, want to be in a zombie movie?" I place this movie into the category of: "There are some thing we just wish we had never seen."
Mickey Z There really isn't much of redeeming value in the movie, other than the pleasure of watching Madison Burge (as long as she isn't trying to be fair, her horrible performance may be the fault of the director and/or writer).The rest of the movie is just a poorly scripted, poorly directed, poorly acted attempt to cash in on the zombie movie craze. The makeup is awful, the special effects are high-school level.And there's absolutely no sense of urgency. Which is death for a zombie film.There's no use blaming the lack of budget -- Night of the Living Dead probably cost much less than this to make, and yet it remains one of the best of them.I too was conned into watching this film because of the first few positive reviews -- where were obviously written by people involved in the production. No objective viewer could give this more than 3 out of 10 (and again, the movie gets extra points from me only because Madison Burge is easy on the eyes. If she wasn't in this movie, I'd be generous if I gave it 1 out of 10.).