Hostile Border
Hostile Border
| 16 April 2015 (USA)
Hostile Border Trailers

When she’s deported to México, Claudia must choose between reconciling with her estranged father or partnering with a dangerous smuggler to return to the U.S.

Alicia I love this movie so much
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Mark Turner With all the discussion about illegal immigrants and problems along the Mexican border you would think more movies would be made about the topic. The only problem is if that happened then sides would be taken, arguments would follow and according to the press mass hysteria would occur. So when this movie arrived I wasn't sure what to make of it but I'm glad I got to see it. Rather than take sides on the issues it tells a story instead and that's a good sign of a well-made movie.Claudia (Veronica Sixtos) is an illegal immigrant living in living in the US with her mother and making a living via credit card fraud and identity theft. Living beyond her means in what seems to be a soulless stupor she is caught by the FBI and deported across the border to live with her father, Andres (Julio Cedillo). Andres has not been a big part of Claudia's life in the past and he has little sympathy for her nor intentions of taking it easy on her. His ranch is a hard lifestyle to change too and the work isn't easy but he expects her to carry her own load.All the while Claudia thinks of nothing but returning across the border illegally and back to the US. Andres has his ranch hand Arturo take Claudia with him to work on the fences. While out at a far end of the ranch Arturo sees a car headed for them and runs for a nearby hill. In the car is Ricky (Roberto Urbina), a smuggler that Arturo works for on the side. Having stolen from him Ricky and his men have every intention of killing Arturo and Claudia leaving no witnesses behind. When Claudia offers her services to Ricky to help him do the job assigned to Arturo he agrees and leaves with Arturo tied to the back of his car.As the movie progresses Claudia continues to seem to have no life inside of her. While her father constantly argues with her Claudia's grandmother tells him he needs patience and to guide her. Claudia goes from helping Ricky to sharing his bed, all with the hopes of making enough money and a connection with him that he'll smuggle her back across the border. It's a deadly game and one she might not survive, especially when the military shows to put an end to the border smuggling operation. Just who will survive and the question of Claudia finding her soul make for an interesting film.As I said from the start what really made this film interesting was the fact that it took the issues of border security and illegal immigrants and turned it on its head, not taking one side or the other and discussing both the lure of coming to America (taking a part of the vast wealth possible there) and the story of a young woman who is so caught up in her desire to live the high life that she never thinks further than her own needs and how she matures before the film ends. By taking on these issues rather than those most would expect we have a fleshed out story rather than rhetoric from one side or the other on the political aspects of the concept. In the end while each of those issues posed are discussed the film provokes one to consider those political ideas at the same time in a back door sort of way.The film is well made and looks great. The performances from actors I for one am unfamiliar with were so well done that you never thought you were watching anyone act, they seemed to be the roles they were playing. There are some scenes of sexuality that some might be bothered by but the majority of people will simply gloss over; that being said it is definitely not a movie for children. But for those willing to watch this film you will find yourself engrossed in the story of Claudia and her family and think more when it comes to the issues of the border.
Philipp Hertz Fantastic first effort for the screenwriter. Movie is full of nuance as well as great suspense. Viewer is constantly questioning the reasons for the action. The story works on many levels. It deserves to be shown to a wider audience on big screens. We were fortunate to see in in a special screening in a theater but most people will have to settle for downloads. To create such a great moving on a shoe-string budget is almost unbelievable. Can't wait to see the next picture which will hopefully have a bigger budget.Well worth 90 minutes of time to check out this film.
Katy_Scary I really enjoyed this Movie. Claudia is a sexy scamming chick working her way to get back into America on her Dad's ranch in Mexico and while also dealing with a violent soft spoken thug named Ricky. Claudia is pulled in so many directions from the gentle nature of her Grandma, to her unforgiving Dad and finally to Ricky who she sees as being her best chance of getting back into America. The sex scenes were short and bad ass! The actors in this movie did a great job, although Claudia's Mom looked pretty creepy. Her face was very bloated or it could've have been too much Botox. Weird. Now I finally know what 'Pocha' means and it ain't a compliment. Typically, Pochas speak English and lack fluency in Spanish. In the movie Pocha was likened to being a Fraud or Rotten Fruit. I was shocked by some of things that happened in the end but I wasn't disappointed. Watch this Movie!
marycarolmcl I have to say the adventurousness of this humanistic thriller lived up to the trailer and did not disappoint. A controversial subject matter to say the least! It' is certainly a different perspective for the movie goer to have to make so many decisions about how to feel about a main character. I find myself still shocked by some of the decisions and consequences experienced by Claudia, the main character. This film is both high action and socially and emotionally complex. The film is beautifully shot. These filmmakers did not cheat the audience of the opportunity to experience some breathtaking countryside. I will need to watch it again to see if my opinion of some of the intense situations and scenarios evolve. This movie is entertaining, thought provoking and dramatic! Definitely check it out.
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