Ghost Shark
Ghost Shark
| 22 August 2013 (USA)
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A coastal town is plagued by a supernatural man-eating shark. A ghost hunter joins forces with a sea captain to uncover the secrets of the area's dark past and find a way to exorcise the spectral predator.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
ronisaurus Summary says it all but, SERIOUSLY THIS MOVIE IS MADE OF AWESOME! There's so many stupid in this one that it just became my #1 drinking movie. You should try it too. Take your friends and drink something really light!!! every time you see stupid! You can thank me later.In this wonderful era, where we get sick-ass awesome titles like Sharktopus, Sharknado, Piranaconda and the likes; we finally get to see this pearl emerge from the very same portal. It is what we've always wanted. It is what we've always hoped for, but never dared to speak of! It has finally shown itself to us, my brethren! THE GHOST SHARK FINALLY CAME! The movie is also entertaining and every time you're about to start not giving a damn, something stupid happens. This occurs quite often so it's okay to watch once even without drinking. I'm guessing that means it's well-paced... but lets not stick to over-analyzing this gem.I'm always a little afraid to start watching flicks of similar concepts, because there's always a possibility that it is so bad I have to turn it off. This was - at least in my case - not how it went with Ghost Shark, so that itself made the experience pretty cool. You know in our time and day one has to keep up with things, even if it means movies with funky creatures eating people, so I was gonna check it out rain or snow. I truly had difficulty deciding if the production team is bunch of level 99 trolls and intentionally packed the flick full of goofs or those were actual mistakes, but that made it even more fun to watch. 8 stars no less!
Aaron1375 This is the first SyFy shark movie I have watched from start to finish and all I have to say for the most part is, "Ugh." Not a good film by any stretch of the imagination; however, I will give it points for having a certain bit of creativity to it. It was not boring and it was fun making fun of it. Though I am not going to make a habit of watching these films as they are lazy for the most part alluding to the only really good shark film in existence "Jaws". Sharknado started up after this one, and that film made this one instantly better as the concept in it was simply too ludicrous. Granted, this one is not believable either, but they have a better concept than a pod of sharks getting sucked up into a hurricane!The story here has a deceased shark going on the rampage as a ghost! Yes, it is insane and it is a way to do a shark on screen and make it look less real than the usual computer generated shark in other films. It also sets up for some interesting and funny kills. I did so enjoy the slip and slide part of the film. The film though has a hard time trying to extend this rather flimsy concept into a full film. Richard Moll of Night Court fame plays the grizzled guy who may know what is going on and has a secret! The film is very bad, but it has enough interesting elements to keep it from being unwatchable and horrid. Like I said, Sharknado came on after this and it was worse and I just could not even sit through it. This one had something to it that kept it a bit interesting and it did some things that made it fun. I predicted a couple of the deaths before they occurred. Ricard Moll was fun to see to hamming it up. The mayor though and all the kids were annoying. I so wanted one more kill at the end as the kids were swimming and doing their Jaws shtick.
Michael_Elliott Ghost Shark (2013) ** (out of 4)A group of friends grow tired of a mysterious ghost shark eating their friends so they decide to stick together and try to figure out what's going on. Yes, the title pretty much tells you everything you need to know as SyFy is back with yet another "shark" movie. While they have shown countless shark movies over the years, this one here is the first to actually tell the story of a haunted shark whose ghost attacks people. You might think this is a stupid idea, and it is, but at the same time there's no question that you've never seen anything quite like this and on that level the film remains mildly entertaining. The idea that a ghost of a shark would go around killing people is just downright silly but the film takes it to a whole 'nother level by making the ghost able to go into any sort of water. This gives us some crazy, over-the-top and at times hilarious scenes where the shark attacks a group of kids inside a pool and even a water puddle isn't safe from this thing. I really hope people don't watch a film called GHOST SHARK and expect some sort of serious, Shakespeare-like drama. Those watching this should just be into it for some cheap fun and I think the film delivers on this level. There's still no question that the film contains quite a few flaws including the fact that it simply runs out of gas towards the end, which keeps it from being better. None of the performances are what you'd call great but they're good enough for this type of material. Fans of the silly should certainly get a few kicks out of this even if it falls short of SHARKNADO.
wes-connors In the opening minutes, expect a trio of southern-accented boaters ("rednecks") to bite the dust. They kill a great white shark, which turns into a blue-glowing "Ghost Shark". Considering later events, the story might have been better off starting with the flashback which occurs near the end. For whatever reasons, the beach community "Smallport" is quickly terrorized. Ghost sharks need to eat, too. This one, being spiritual, is not restricted to the beach. It manifests itself wherever water accumulates...A swimming pool party, bikini car wash, leaky sink and bathtub are among the areas haunted...Versatile director Griff Furst handles this assignment very well. The likable cast is led by Dave Davis (as Blaise Parker) and Mackenzie Rosman (as Ava Reid), both going places. Creepy lighthouse keeper Richard Moll (as Darnell Finch) may be able to solve the mystery, if he can stay sober (and stop shouting) long enough. If spirits are real and all dogs go to Heaven, the world must embrace and accept ghost sharks. The story doesn't take full advantage of the possibilities, but the shark attacks are highly amusing.****** Ghost Shark (8/22/13) G.E. Furst ~ Dave Davis, Mackenzie Rosman, Richard Moll, Sloane Coe