Shark Swarm
Shark Swarm
| 09 March 2008 (USA)
Shark Swarm Trailers

A fisherman and his family fight to take down a greedy real estate developer who has released toxins into the ocean, turning the area's sharks into bloodthirsty hunters.

BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Zoooma Surprisingly not terrible. This made-for-TV action-horror-thriller has a good amount of shark kills and blood, especially for the ultra-gooey, super-sappy Hallmark Channel. I didn't know going into this that it was 2 hours and 38 minutes long (apparently shown in two parts over two nights on television.) When I finally glanced at the time on the DVD player, it showed 1:52 and we were nowhere near wrapping it up yet! Okay, if the time passed by that easily it must not be that horrible. John Schneider (Bo Duke) was actually really good. Darryl Hannah meh. Armand Assante was in his element in a stereotypical bad guy role. Lots of blood but little gore but still like 2 to 3 dozen kills. But why was no one concerned all these people were going missing?!?! Not exactly the most well-written script but I have seen much, much worse. Production value is better than I expected. Anything on Syfy Channel would have been pure trash. This actually rises to the top of the trash can.4.8 / 10 stars--Zoooma, a Kat Pirate Screener
jodiego The previous reviews pretty much summed up my feelings about this really bad movie, so I'll just add a few more tidbits that might further encourage you not to watch it. Lots of people killed by sharks and nobody misses them. Shark attacks and dead sharks on the beach and no shark warnings to keep people out of the water. Everyone who falls into the ocean gets eaten by sharks except the stars of the movie. This movie was so bad I stopped watching it 30 minutes before the ending. I'm guessing the ending was "sharks destroyed, boy gets girl, everyone lives happily ever after". 4 hours was about 240 minutes too long. What a waste of my time.
lvelho-1 The movie has Terrible script. It show us terrible performances and awful lines. Just couldn't waist my time to see it until the end. Very very bad. Several scenes in the movie are plainly useless. Don't have connection with the story, and don't add any value. Why are they there ? Bad editing ? Some lines are just ridiculous and one could not believe people talk like that to each other in real life. Some things happen that result from very dumb decisions from the characters. For instance: There are these 3 boats side by side in the middle of the sea (actually one can tell it is shot in an harbour so calm the water is) the bigger boat has the engine broken and main characters want to get away from a bad guy and sharks. Instead of choosing the middle fiber boat they decide to get away using the smaller rubber boat...plainly dumb.
slayrrr666 "Shark Swarm" is a fine, if unspectacular killer shark miniseries.**SPOILERS**Due to a fishing shortage, Hamilton Lux, (Armand Assante) grows frustrated with top fisher Kane Markus, (John Enos III) who is having a personal feud with Daniel Wilder, (John Schneider) an independent fisher in town. When his younger brother Phillip, (Roark Critchlow) is sent to town through a University experiment, he comes in right during the middle of a large property dispute in town, and they both refuse to sell. As he starts his experiments, he finds that the local water supply has been corrupted by toxic waste from a local construction company, which has turned a group of sharks into vicious killers that are targeting the local population. Along with his friend Clint Duran, (Brent King) and wife Brooke, (Daryl Hannah) they take to the seas to stops the sharks from their rampage.The Good News: As far as killer shark films go, this one isn't completely terrible. One of the most important things about it is that, like all good creature features, it makes them into a credible force to be reckoned with. This here is one in two ways, both of which are perfect at that point. The first is that the film has a great body count, with about a dozen kills in it. That's a welcome addition to any shark film, where the fact that it takes out a rather sizable amount of the cast with some good points to it. Though most are pulled underwater, it has enough in here to make it count, and by featuring as much as it does, it makes for some really great moves on the sharks. The other big factor toward them is that they're depicted as a threat al the way through, using the same kind of attack patterns and not really changing at all during them. That there's a frequent amount of attacks is really great, giving it a lot of action that certainly works. The extended sequence with the henchmen works to introduce the sharks taking them out one at a time, and the inclusion of a cage helps matters a lot, the assaults on the separate teams of divers are rather fun, and the triple assault on the three beaches at the end derives some great parts to it. The last part that works is the important way it handles the sharks at the end. Rather than kill them for being vicious, this one has them driven away and saved, keeping them alive at the end. That's a great improvement over others out there, and is a part of the film's good parts.The Bad News: This one had a couple of flaws to it that hold it down. The biggest one here is that the film is really way too long. There's no reason this one couldn't have been two hours long, but since it tacks on a good half-hour more, there's a lot of rather dull scenes that really hurt this one. The inane subplot in this one about the building developments around the town really should've been scaled back considerably, as this one takes it over-the-edge and just goes on and on in here with absolutely no real interest to the rest of the film. It just eats up absolutely a ton of time on a story that has nothing to make it interesting at all. All it does is just irritate by going so long on such a dull and incredibly boring part of the film by making it go on for so long. That it takes up so much time in the running time also affects the action scenes in here, as although there's a lot in here which do work well, the fact that they're so short is where the time comes up. They're really quick and over a lot sooner than they should've been, and it reduces the epic feeling it was going for significantly by doing this. The last flaw in here is the terrible CGI for the sharks. They abandon the few relatively decent-looking real sharks in here to go for a constant series of incredibly badly done and fake-looking CGI sharks, which has nothing to do at all with being realistic, is easily spotted in the sequences for doing so and just makes the film look even cheaper. These here are the film's flaws.The Final Verdict: Though there's some good points to this one, the sheer fact that it's so long to really make most of those stick around. If the length can be tolerated, then this one isn't all that bad to give a chance on, or for the more tolerant creature feature fans, though the length is going to be a turn-off for some.Rated R: Violence and Language