| 25 September 2010 (USA)
Sharktopus Trailers

The U.S. Navy's special group "Blue Water" builds a half-shark, half-octopus for combat. But the sharktopus escapes and terrorizes the beaches of Puerto Vallarta.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
pcgness What did you expect from a SyFy original movie? It's badly acted, badly written, bad CGI, bad camera effects, stupid sex jokes, bad humor, stupid plot, bad script. It's perfect for a laughing fest. The whole movie itself was funny. Too bad somebody recorded the death scenes on YouTube and they got flagged Would have loved to watch that again! The way people didn't even react to people getting killed by "S-11" the genetically altered half shark have octopus monster, programmed by the military that went haywire. Yes, the characters are bland. Yes, death scenes happened at random, and were very stupid!! I still laughed my ass off at this movie, and I want the opening theme song on MP3, please!I honestly hope they make a sequel to this stupid but funny garbage. It's like Sharknado!!
Shane Queston The effects were amazing, and I really appreciated the amount of women in tight bikinis. The Octo-shark was a better name than sharktopus in my opinion. A lot of bad remarks have been made about the effects, but I doubt any of you are any good at 3D modeling.I only gave it a seven because when they tried to bait it, they used very liquidly bait, with very little meaty bits. I am a fisherman so I know that you use lots of fishy bits and barely any blood. Also in one scene a guy drinks a ton of booze, but is completely unaffected by the alcohol, the movie seems to say he can drink a bunch because of his Mexican parents.
Glen McCulla I purchased this little nugget in a four-pack of DVDs that also contained cinematic treats such as "Dinoshark" and "MegaPython vs. Gatoroid". I suppose there was no way i could ask for a refund afterwards, as it can't be said that i didn't know what i was getting myself into. Not that id've ever entertained such a notion: for these films are the stuff of a madman's dreams - the kind of thing you and your friends would make up when drunk, and never think someone would actually make.The man forever to be known as "T.V.'s Eric Roberts" (or, in our house, "The Master from the rubbish version of Doctor Who") stars - or at least turned up for the afternoon to film his scenes, possibly for the Scotch he gets to neck on the boat rather than actual wages - as Nathan Sands, mad scientist creating a deadly hybrid monster for a shady government defence project. Will these people never learn? Along for the ride are Sands' hot daughter (Sara Malakul Lane), an ex-marine shark hunter played by possible the most annoying actor ever to walk the face of the earth (Kerem Bursin), a hot in a sleazy kind of way female reporter who looks like she'd be filthy in the sack (Liv Boughn), and comedy drunk fisherman / eyewitness Pez (Blake Lindsay) - who almost salvages this by being pretty funny. Not to be approached when sober!!
oneguyrambling Perhaps I have been hoodwinked. Mega Piranha resparked my love of shonky B Movies like the adrenalin shot Vincent Vega gave Mia Wallace, and I immediately sought other examples.I unfortunately forgot that adrenalin shots are not Plan A, B or C, but to paraphrase Earl Bassett in Tremors "something you do when a plan fails".How's that I just referenced two 10 out of 10 movies to help me describe a 4 / 10 crapfest!As good as Mega Piranha was in being enjoyably terrible Sharktopus is at being normally terrible – and the truth is both beasts (films) are only 5% different.Sharktopus is an army funded genetically engineered amalgam of shark and octopus – if you couldn't have worked that out for yourself. It seems a little unfair to give the most efficient and dangerous underwater predator an eight leg up but they did it anyway.(One thing I can't deny is that it would actually be a way more efficient predator given 8 legs!)The sharktopus has a large helmet strapped to it that conveys electrical impulses sent by its scientist creators, this keeps it on the straight and narrow. Calamari control if you will.No prizes for guessing what happens to the helmet?...Once free of control Sharktopus heads down the coast for some sun, surf and supper. Using the new octopian improvements and its sheer sharkiness – they can make up words so can I – it wreaks havoc on dozens of bikini clad terrible actors all the way to Mexico.Back in the lab lead scientist Nathan Sands (Eric Roberts – he should ask his sister for some money and avoid these films) knows the risks and sends two more over-actors to recapture the beast… in some sort of seafood basket I would expect.The pair are his daughter Nicole (who does little but tap away at a laptop and look worried) and a staff member he fired named Andy (who also seems terribly ill-equipped for the job).Various kooky cats get involved including a hungry reporter and her reluctant cameraman, a crazy local drunk and dozens of dozens of middling bikini chicks. One thing I will say is that for a TV movie there was much cleavage and flesh on display – all PG stuff I assure you – none of it is A-for-Alba Grade but I appreciate the effort and acknowledgment of the inevitable viewing audience, it sure wasn't my wife who put Sharktopus on the DVD pile.Anyway the entire movie should revolve around the beast so let's expand on Sharktopus. Aside from the afore mentioned enhancements the tentacles mean that ol' Sharkey can now walk on land – funny I never saw an octopus do that – it is obviously a cheap FX job and when walking looks like an overly elaborate hood ornament.The CGI is also distracting in that it pops out of the screen rather than blending in, meaning it is hard to take the shark/octopus hybrid seriously… did I just really write that?Let's put a bow on this sucker: While the CGI is better than Mega-Piranha it lacks the same clumsy charm, everything here comes off as calculated and try hard where the giant exploding fish film was cheese personified.All the deaths are the same:Bikini clad bad actor (BCBA) noticing,BCBA wondering,BCBA looks surprised (and often slightly in the wrong direction),Tentacles appear.Dead.Final Rating – 4 / 10. As a guy I appreciate the inclusion of some T&A, even in the form of average women in bikinis and zero nudity. But it's the other T&A that better describes Sharktopus: Tedious & Amateurish.This is no Mega Piranha, when given the choice I can't impress just how much better that is than this film. Where Mega Piranha was ridiculously terrible, this is just terrible.