Camel Spiders
Camel Spiders
R | 04 March 2011 (USA)
Camel Spiders Trailers

Based on actual creatures that for years have tormented our armed forces in the Middle East, these creatures have now invaded the southwestern deserts of the United States. The Camel Spiders now freely hunt for prey, unafraid of any predator - including man. No place is safe no one is beyond their paralyzing sting. In the end, a small band of hearty fighters are forced to make one last stand against the creatures.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
thesar-2 About half-way through the dreadful Camel Spiders, some way-too-old-to-be students are running for their lives from the non-spider camel spiders through a forest and when they take up shelter in what appears to be a foreclosed home, one pulls out his phone for an absolute perfect picture he took of one of the creatures as they were fleeing.By this point in the movie, all hope has been lost that any of what you saw was either real, scary, threatening or any kind of lesson for film students – except of what NOT to do. And even after I've given up on the last drop of my suspension of disbelief, when I saw this (see picture) I lost it.I promise to spend as much time on this review as they did making this movie…so I better act quickly as I only have a few minutes to write the rest of this.From the cartoon opening warning of a oh-so-Syfy creature feature that sets the immediate stage of "PLEASE don't take this movie seriously!" to the terrible job of CGI camel spiders – AND CGI BLOOD that made the 1990 Video Games look high-tech, to the actors who were paid to act like your child's 2nd grade Shakespearean performance of the year, the move poses a simple question: Are you afraid of spiders?I am. Definitely. Absolutely. Terrified, I am. They gross me out, especially the large and hairy ones. Granted, these aren't real spiders, despite the name – like pineapples, I suppose, and the script reminds us of this, repeatedly. But, since the little-to-way-too-large creatures were so incredibly cartoonish, they were as frightening to me as Misterjaw.I mean, I get the point of the movie – I wasn't asleep, though that would've been a nice reprieve, but a campy story of stowaway "spiders" from the Middle East to a dying Arizonan town (minus the locations: Arachnophobia anyone?) without any fun, or at least some decent special effects, like the highly superior creature-feature, 2010's Piranha, is just that: damn camp.It's not worth a watch or barely a mention, even for those who know camel spiders do, in fact, exist, and are deathly afraid of spiders.
paul_facchini I had relatively low expectations going into this one (what do you expect with a $500k budget?!), so I'm happy to report I was pleasantly surprised to find a low-budget, fun, monster movie buried in this straight-to-DVD feature.Granted, there are no groundbreaking special effects or acting, but the writing and story was not nearly as bad (i.e. boring) as some of the other current movies in this league. Paraphrasing, my favorite line: "If sarcasm worked as well as bullets on these bugs, I'd contact you first." My biggest complaint is with the bad CGI effects. Money should have been better spent on spider puppets and buckets of fake blood. The CGI looks like something 15-year-olds create for a YouTube video.In the spirit of Tremors and Eight Legged Freaks, Camel Spiders should be remembered has one of the better low-budget, Sci-Fi Channel feature.
opetrie Tawlite sums it up nicely, I watched this the whole way through (not sure how) and I really wish I'd eaten a bowl of glass instead. On top of the criticism that's already been dished out I have a few more points. To start off with when the SUV hits the truck there's no damage to either vehicle, in fact there's only a small amount of smoke coming from the road. I also noted that when the Sheriff escorts the 'damaged truck' back to town there's no mention of the dead joy rider or his vehicle(possibly appears in a later scene parked at the café?). The 1970's army vehicle I'm pretty sure is used by 2 completely different pairs of troops. I'm really confused by the little girl who runs to find her dad...he's quite obviously with the group of 'heroes' outside but she runs downstairs anyway shouting his name. When she's unfortunately rescued I'm not sure why but the soldier runs with her to the back on the warehouse into a small shed with no glass and claims they're trapped...if she'd just turned around they'd been fine! Why does she drop her gun and carry the girl? It actually slows them down more. The ending is just terrible, high 5's all round for blowing up a warehouse...badly and then don't send in a team to wipe out any potential remaining spiders...just assume all is well. -10/10 for the CGI, choppers & jets are out of scale superbly, don't even think jets should fly as low as they did when blowing up a target but then I'm no expert. The spiders also change size dramatically from scene to scene and for some reason everyone loses signal partly through a phone call. Oh and tawlite, I also noticed the 'I got a photo of that spider back there', cue a professional dissection photo of a camel spider. Amazing encyclopedia on his phone, I want one just like that!Anyway rant over, do not watch this abomination......ever!
tawlite Camel Spiders (another syfy offering) crosses all the boundaries of credibility and credulity. I don't think the creators of this movie even cared about detail and plot.Starts off in Iraq, or the Arizona desert, who knows who cares, the writers obviously didn't! After a gun fight between the Americans and the enemy, an American soldier gets shot and dies, then the camel spiders come and drag off all the enemy fighters as it is about lunch time. The Americans don't see this at all, and are puzzled as to where the enemy have gone. They pack the dead soldier into a temporary coffin and three of the camel spiders hitchhike into the coffin. No scene change, same desert scene, and we see a sheriff chasing a joy rider, who then crashes into the Army truck carrying the coffin, and about dozen camel spiders crawl out of the coffin and into the desert, 10 minutes later entire Arizona desert swarming with thousands of camel spiders attacking anyone who happens to be in the area.Students out and about with their professor get chased down by a giant camel spider, the giant spider jumps on the face of one of the students and chomps it off, others run and find an empty house, they break in but none can get a signal on their phones. One of the students says he took a photo of the camel spider that was chasing them, he shows them a stock photo of the camel spider chasing them, he shows them a picture on his phone of a camel spider posing flat on a black background, not a shot of it leaping through air, or munching on his mate's face, but actually a plate picture from a book!!!!!! So the kid says I can identify it through my phones encyclopaedia !!!!!!!! - Tahdah!! 1 second later he tells them it is a Camel spider native to Iraq!!!!!!!!!!!! From then on in, it gets much worse, you wonder is that possible and with this movie, yes it is not only possible but an unpleasant reality. Next follows half an hour of boring dialogue as several people from the local diner, Sheriff and Army crew hide out in a building and do various things like chat, flirt, sleep and play the harmonica, with occasional hysterics from a couple of irritating females, one who screams in clichés 'We're all going to die!!!' etc.CGI is usual SyFy fodder. Acting dreadful. Dialogue: awful. Screech factor unbearable. Yawn factor high! A bad movie!