| 19 July 2013 (USA)
Beneath Trailers

Six high school seniors celebrating with day's excursion find themselves on rowboat attacked by man-eating fish and must decide who must be sacrificed as they fight their way back to shore.

Cortechba Overrated
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
politehere I had this movie before, fast forwarded it and decided it wasn't visually interesting, so I put it in the trash can. I got the movie for a second time by accident when I was looking for another movie with a similar title released the same year, so I decided to watch it to the end. Man did I enjoy this movie. I was really surprised that I even liked it! I have watched many high budget horror movies and most of them bore me to death, but with this little gem I realized what makes a movie watchable is how real it seems.I felt as if I was in the boat with them. With most other movies I feel detached from the characters, so I don't really care about who lives and who dies.I have come to the realization that I prefer movies where the story unfolds in one single setting (in this case a boat in a lake) to most other movies that cut from one setting to another before you even begin to feel you are there with the characters. The actors in this movie were a bunch of nobodys, but their acting was so good that at times I felt I was watching a high-budget movie with A list actors. The only problem was with the camera work, which seemed a little amateurish, specially when zooming in on characters' faces rather than focusing on their faces one at a time, but besides awesome acting, this very amateurish camera work made the movie look seamless and natural, and that's exactly what absorbed me into the movie.The constant rush of bad luck was really interesting as well as the way each character was trying to convince others how they deserved to survive and not be fed to the fish to create a distraction. The characters seemed like innocent kids, but as the movie goes on you start to vote for the fish. That was unexpected. I never saw the ending coming and it came as a big surprise. The mysterious fish in the movie acted in the way a real "mysterious" fish would; i.e. low-profile, rather than a CGI fish jumping ten feet high into the air just to create special effects!I'm not sure if this is one of those "so bad it's good" movies. Maybe it is. What I do know is if this movie managed to entertain me so much, it would have probably been a blockbuster had it had a few famous actors and a higher budget. I can't even believe I'm writing such a long review for a movie that got a 3.8 on IMDb. For the joy it gave me I'm going to give it a 9/10 and I hope people begin to realize that CGI is not everything. What you need is a movie that will make you feel you are in the movie. Only then will you start caring about the characters and enjoy the movie.
jlthornb51 An exciting cast of fresh young faces deliver some superb performances in director Larry Fessenden's classic horror film, Beneath. With his unique style and creative camera work, Fessenden creates an environment that is quite realistic and unrelenting in its terror. Actress Bonnie Dennison is particularly stunning in both beauty and talent, doing some of her best work before this director's cameras. It is a memorable performance and one that should be noted for its sheer artistry. The audience will squirm in their seats as the tension mounts while the characters attempt to escape from a murderous creature stalking them in a small lake. The vulnerability of the hunted, confined to a fragile rowboat and fighting for their very lives, is palpable and the pulse pounding suspense never lets up. Working with a limited budget, the special effects are surprisingly well done and horrifically produced. At times, audiences will be jolted from their seats as they are shaken by some of the more graphically intense sequences. As the story progresses, most viewers will find the interaction between these desperate young people as mesmerizing as the threat of the evil swimming tirelessly about them. Obviously inspired by Hitchcock's, "Lifeboat", with clever nods to that classic film sprinkled throughout, this is a motion picture that strives heroically to be more than just another genre entry. That it succeeds in doing so in such brilliant fashion is a credit to Fessendon, his screenwriters, production team, and a very gifted cast of young actors destined for great things.
Michael Thompson Frankly I don't know how these young actors could keep straight faces while making this stupid movie, yes I said stupid. Also I don't understand how anybody and everybody involved just did not refuse to make this movie.?????This movie could have been a bit better if the giant fish in the river had not looked so false. It looked like a huge wind up toy.It looked like it come from the puppet TV series Stingray.Also I've seen many rubbish movies, and so I cant understand why they are made ??????. Why would a director, direct a rubbish film in general.???.In the movie world today there are so many unanswered questions.Part of the story line in this film is about several young people suddenly without oars to get their boat to back to land, so what do they do with their time ?????. Argue amongst themselves. I felt like telling them all to shut bloody, up!This movie was frustratingly stupid. End of story.
karlsenior369 Dreadful teen horror story set up - teens, love triangle, lake, boat, beer, party, monster, death blah blah blahIt seemed like everyone -silent one, jock, jock's bro, t'other lass, everyone except the geek that is, had shagged the slut, even the other lass.I liked the way the sides of the fish looked as it moved through the water, it did indeed look fish-like.I hated all the characters, which in my book means they played their parts well because they were all indeed pretty despicable. And I didn't understand how they never seemed to get any closer to the shore when they were in a lake.!All in all it was pretty dire.