Female Ninjas Magic Chronicles: Legend of Yagyu Part 1
Female Ninjas Magic Chronicles: Legend of Yagyu Part 1
| 21 August 1998 (USA)
Female Ninjas Magic Chronicles: Legend of Yagyu Part 1 Trailers

Yuko Moriyama stars in this ninja period piece as one of seven women determined to exact revenge on the evil lord Akinari Katou and “The 7 Spears”, the band of soldiers he commands. Trained assassins and skilled in sorcery, these men took over the Aizu prefecture and took its most beautiful young women as concubines. They left behind 7 daughters now seeking out Jyubei Yagyuu to help get revenge.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Micitype Pretty Good
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
BKinzeys The other review hit the major points. A screaming howler of a bad movie. The version I saw was subtitled in English. I really wished I knew Japanese because I'm sure plenty of "entertainment" was lost in translation.I'm not a Ninja movie fan, and the fight sequences are poorly shot - edited - directed, so I found it funny that during fight sequences you just had to wait to the end to see who would loose body parts. The high pressure misting blood was classic! C'mon! The shear goofyness was bizarre! This was based on a story and I kept wondering who made more trips to the Opium Den? The original story writer, the one who adapted it to the screen, or the Director? In one scene a hero & heroine fall through a trap door into a slime pit rife with the remnants of others. As they think on how to escape our heroine mentions the hero will need a sharp blade upon their escape. Wouldn't you know a virgin's blood would be just the trick. Let the fornication begin! The nasty bad guy is appalled they would have the gall to have sex in his Pit O' Death and starts shooting arrows at the copulating couple. Our hero dances and parries about with his good woman still mounted. His sword slicing each arrow. Cut to an extreme close up of the shining blade deftly held for one drop of blood to sing the blade electric! Now that's "Bad Cinema" at it's best and there is plenty more.
Ky-D I have to tell ya, I really wanted to like this movie. Hot ninja chicks, revenge plot, spurts of blood, and Jubei Yagyu doing his thing. And yet, I was left wanting so much more.A mission is set upon by an evil clan and the mistress is murdered. Several of the young girls (called the 'Hori women', try to say that and not laugh) decide to seek revenge and enlist the help of swordsman Jubei of the Yagyu clan for aid and guidance. They also discover that they have magic powers that can only be released under extreme duress. Then the plot is off and running.Everything is in place for a great hack and slash fest. The heroins are, every one of them, cute as they come. The villains are wacky and eccentric. Plenty of blood, dismemberment and a considerable amount of bared female flesh. So why was I disappointed? For one the direction is not very good, even by the conventions of the genre. For another, the fight choreography is limp at it's best, and in a sword fighting movie that really hurts. And a movie that tries to use SFX should at least put a little money into how they look.What else? Well, the girls' magic powers are just plain ridiculous (one shoots lighting out of her nipples and another sucks things into her...you get the picture) and both the writing and acting flat out suck. Also, these girls are supposed a bunch of tough as nails assassins, yet they start dying early and at regular intervals. Oh, and don't get me started on the dubbing, which is so bad it's damn near good.So what's left? An OK genre piece that should hold over rabid fans (maybe), but won't win over any new ones.5/10
John Seal There's quite a lot to recommend in Kunoichi: Lady Ninja, but you have to be prepared for the bad that comes with the good. First, the good stuff: this film looks terrific. Media Blasters print is letterboxed and subtitled, and Shoji Ebara's cinematography is at times breathtaking, echoing the best of Japanese cinema. Action fans will also enjoy the copious amounts of bloodshed and endless fight scenes, some of them staged very imaginatively. Now the not so good: Kunoichi reflects the ambivalence toward women seen in popular Japanese culture. Our proto-feminist heroines shed their outfits with remarkable ease, use ridiculous special powers located in their nipples and nether regions (these animated sequences are particularly embarrassing), and are subjected to some rather grueling rape and torture sequences that had this viewer squirming with discomfort. There are moments of great beauty in this film, offset by the kind of childish misogyny that will set most western viewers teeth on edge. Just be prepared.
Andre Nagel This is trash but it's somewhat entertaining. Young Lady Ninjas on a revenge trip with lots of strange special effects and cuts that make you dizzy. You guess there is a fight but you can't see what's happening until the fight ends and a huge blood fountain gushes out of one of the fighters. I only saw this movie because I was too early for the film I really wanted to see and that was the only choice. It wasn't boring but I wouldn't recommend this film to anybody.(4/10)