Every Time We Say Goodbye
Every Time We Say Goodbye
PG-13 | 14 November 1986 (USA)
Every Time We Say Goodbye Trailers

A Protestant World War II pilot and a Jewish girl fall in love in Jerusalem, even though their diverse backgrounds threaten to pull them apart.

Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
pc95 "Every Time We Say Goodbye" is one of those movies you never hear of but are surprised to see a famous actor in (Tom Hanks in this case) on the DVD case. The movie seems a bit dated in it's premise but has some charm to it. Locations are well shot and settings and supporting characters are interesting enough. (spoiler) I liked how Hanks meets the Marsillach character at the sort of engagement dance as well as the events that lead him to having dinner with her family. The on-camera chemistry is modest though blown out with a better depiction of the families' ire for their daughter and the extreme sort of discipline that follows - probably believable for a 1940s era reaction. Tom Hanks here in an earlier part of his career does a fair job more quiet and understated. In a quote from him, he said this movie disappeared, and I suppose it's true, but perhaps it's disappearance is harsh as it has some good moments.
malvernp The average moviegoer wants to be entertained----that's a given. And most of us enjoy a good romantic story, lush locations and attractive performers. Well-----here is an early effort by Tom Hanks that attempts to be such a vehicle. Only one difficulty remains. It is intellectually bankrupt and morally dishonest.The Hanks character (David) is an American airman recovering from wounds in Jerusalem early during World War II. He is also the son of a Presbyterian minister and apparently has minimal knowledge of a world that involves observant Jews----let alone Sephardic Jews descended from those expelled from Spain in 1492 during the Inquisition.He meets and falls in love (lust?) with Sarah, a member of a large observant Israeli Sephardic family with deep values steeped in tradition and history. Sarah knows in her own mind that this relationship is completely wrong and will only cause her and her family much grief because of the fundamental clash of her core beliefs with those of the Protestant David.Nonetheless, she and David become involved----and true to the world of most trite movie romance-----the interesting and difficult philosophical and intellectual issues presented by their relationship are conveniently not explored by the principals while the more simplistic aspects of physical attraction come front and center to do their thing. You know, the raging hormones bit.Sure, he is a decent guy and she is a fine young woman. But apart from their hormones raging, they have absolutely nothing in common. Does this seem to matter at all? Apparently not. In the end, after she has had an opportunity to superficially reflect on the world she is about to give up forever for a man whose central values she barely knows----Sarah yields to the unrealistic but fanciful expectation of life as an indefinite honeymoon with David---separated from her family, tradition and history.One scene in the film makes a telling statement. While David and Sarah are beginning their problematic courtship and are walking through the streets of old Jerusalem, Sarah asks him if he would be interested in visiting the Tomb of King David nearby. The Hanks character swiftly indicates absolutely no desire to do so. In this way, we know that he is only In Love with Love, and not the total person Sarah really is. We also understand that he has zero intellectual curiosity about Sarah's world. We finally comprehend that the creators of this movie embraced the KISS principle in making it---Keep It Simple Stupid!This is a shallow and unintelligent film by even generally accepted Hollywood standards. But it is truly shocking when we realize that the film was written, produced and directed by Israelis. What were they thinking about? Apparently, that True Love Always Finds a Way------and that absolutely nothing else seems relevant?Shared values do matter. No wonder that in America, one in two marriages ends in divorce. This film provides a blueprint as to why this happens.This film is for die-hard Tom Hanks fans only----and folks who like their romantic fiction at its most primitive level. Anyone else will be insulted and repelled by the story on any one of several substantive grounds.Hanks must have been pretty hard up financially to get committed to this project. Any other explanation is difficult----perhaps impossible---to find---unless he was looking for a free trip to Israel!
Atoory I just finished watching this movie from start to finish, and wondered weather i could by it on DVD, thats how much i liked it...but unfortunately its not available on DVD. while i was watching it - i kept laughing at some parts of the movie cause the portrayal of the Jewish family reminded me of how true some middle eastern families are...i enjoyed this movie - it had many good points but it wasn't anything wow or spectacular - cause it was rather weak in some areas thats why its understandable why its not that well known or everyones favourite love movie...there isn't much to the plot - thats why i don't feel i can talk about it without feeling I'm giving to much away...and the direction isn't strong and it leaves something to be desired and not to mention the acting at some points feel rather fake or maybe fake is too a strong a word to use and the right word to use would be weak. I'm sad to say that because there was so much potential to this film to have become something really really special - but its let down in so many areas that its not just one thing that can make it better...but saying all that it still has some parts that are really wonderful and moments that just might melt your heart if even they are only but for a few seconds - they are wonderful moments...i think if it didn't feel so dated maybe it would have felt more real and there for more believable...i really enjoyed it and for those of you that like Tom Hanks maybe you should try and get a hold of a copy to view... but over all its a great film - really worth watching - mind you - its not for everyone - but then again what film is?
icemandylan If you like love stories - I usually don't care for them - you should enjoy this one. This is my all-time favorite movie. Marsillach is the most darling young woman I've ever seen. You might fall in love as I did.David falls in love with a girl he meets in Isreal. She's a Jew and he's not, so her family does everything they can to keep them apart. It's a simple movie with no real plot. It doesn't need one. This may be the only time I can say a movie doesn't need a plot.A really interesting side note is that the girl and her family speak Ladino. It is the Spanish spoken in Spain around 1492, when Ferdinand and Isabel expelled the Jews from Spain. That makes the film a bit of a time capsule, as the language remains unchanged. That made the film infinitely more interesting for me than it might have otherwise been.Great period piece! Great love story!