Divorcing Jack
Divorcing Jack
| 01 October 1998 (USA)
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He's Irish, he's ageing, he drinks, is a touch cynical and when he has time writes a newspaper column. On the eve of the country's first election as an independent state, Dan Starkey's life is about to change after he finds the young woman he has just made love to dead and his only ally is a nun

Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
stoatbo Having just viewed this film as part of my job, I can only say that I was getting paid to do it. It was mind blowingly painful to watch. For a supposed black comedey, it was utterly lacking in comedy, makming it more of a very poorly executed political thriller with badly-staged shoot-outs. The main character is utterly unlovable in every way, and you begin to wish that the IRA would just rub him out and save us the agony of having to put up with him. The rest of the cast go from unconvincing (A stripper nun) to stupidly pointless (A group od inept IRA hitmen) to one-dimensional (Our hero's long suffering wife who he trieats like crap and expects to be loved for it. Oh, the sotry? It doesn't show up till half way through the film, and then we're force-fed it by having one of the characters vomit expostion at the scrteen.The highlights? A see-through bra in the first ten-minutes.
djh_wilson I'm a big fan of Colin Bateman's books, and, although this isn't quite as good, I found it extremely entertaining nonetheless. Part of this is, however, undoubtedly because I'm from Northern Ireland and can relate to a lot of the character based humour (I thought the taxi driver was particularly authentic!) and Ulster in-jokes. Reading some of the other comments made here confirms what I expected- people from outside the province can't quite relate to it. To pick an analogy- I didn't find "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" as funny as Londoners would, and the same sort of thing applies here. Mind you, if you're not from Norn Iron you probably won't be annoyed by Robert Lindsay's dodgy accent, which was the biggest problem from my point of view.
George Parker "Divorcing Jack" is a so-so comedy/drama about a bungling reporter who gets caught up in a series of confounding situations with Irish warring political factions and an assortment of females all of whom can't wait to jump him in spite of his ordinary looks and klutzy behavior. The film's drama is a tad too serious and its comedy a tad too silly resulting in a kind of schizophrenic rift and lack of homogeneity. Griffiths gets top billing but is not seen until an hour into the film and has only one of many small roles. Nonetheless, it manages to make for some enjoyable moments, flows with continuity, pulls itself together at the end, and is a solid tour-de-force by Thewlis. A good film for those interested in British satire.
Robert Clarke Uninspiring time killer which is just about watchable. Billed as a comedy, it turns out to be more of a thriller as we follow down on his luck (and alcoholic) reporter Dan Starkey (David Thewlis - Dragonheart) as he bumbles his way through being convicted of murder, chased by the IRA and the Police while he tries to unravel a conspiracy involving high and mighty politicians trying to make peace in troubled Northern Ireland. Moderately entertaining, it falls down mainly because you will not care less what happens to any of the very dislikable characters involved in the plot and if you really think about it the story doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Best part of the film is the gorgeous Laura Fraser as Thewlis' ‘bit on the side', although she is not in it all that much.