Cruel World
Cruel World
R | 13 October 2005 (USA)
Cruel World Trailers

Following his dismissal from a television reality show, a deranged young man lures a group of beautiful coeds to his abode by telling them they will be the stars of a new show he is creating. What the women do not know is that when they lose their slot on the show, they lose their lives as well.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Andrew Hepburn First off I've watched a LOT of badly made cheap 'horror' films and this is not the worst I've seen. In fact, the plot is interesting, the acting reasonable and the dialogue could be worse. However, there are a number of faults with this movie that would prompt me to dissuade anyone from watching it. My biggest issue comes in the form of characterisation. The group of would be reality show stars starts off as a mixed bag of people with seemingly good representation of various ethnic/cultural groups, but, they are horrendously stereotypical e.g. the Asian contestant is the shy, intelligent one whilst the gay character generally fits in with many other movies' portrayal of the token joke character (whom we later find is also backstabbing and generally less decent than any other male character...figures). Furthermore, the story is often lacking in structure, the so-called tasks that contestants must face are not well thought through and this generally leads to boredom throughout. Overall I'd say this film started relatively well and ended much the same as any other cheap and tacky horror movie, I wouldn't bother with this one again and to be honest wish I hadn't in the first place.
Fulla Hate This is what needs to happen on most reality shows.. then they might actually be watchable. Eddie Furlong captured the essence of a lunatic with great passion and enthusiasm. I've seen this movie about a hundred times now, and will probably watch it 100 more; its just one of those movies that never gets old. I don't think they could have hired a more perfect cast to fulfill this original heartwarming film. This movie is full of quotes that will be remembered throughout film history. Quotes such as "You win some, you lose some." and "Im the bad boy your mother warned you about.", and who could forget "I want Jenny.". If it was possible I would rate this movie an 11 out of 10, and would nominate Cruel World for BEST MOVIE EVER MADE.
Scarecrow-88 Disposable twenty-somethings, each a stereotypical self-absorbed kid with designs on winning a cool million on this reality show which is a cross between Survivor and Real World, find themselves in quite the dilemma:the producer of the show they represent is a deranged sicko, his psychopathy a result of his dismissal on a "Bachellorette" type of reality show, using his equally nutty brother, who hangs on his every command, to carry out a massacre, because you see once a contestant is eliminated or "voted off", they really are ELIMINATED.The film's sole novelty is seeing Edward Furlong as the nutcase producer, who opens the film stalking Jaime Pressly(..I guess she was friends with the director or something, stopping by because she owed him a favor, I guess), successful in getting revenge for how she duped him in front of millions of viewers for another. Furlong sits in this room, watching monitors placed throughout the mansion and it's grounds, his voice barking orders and teases to the contestants, before and after they discover what happens once you are a loser.The games become more and more clever and violent as times goes by(..not enough to satisfy, however), the remaining survivors trying to form a plan to escape their unfortunate predicament. The cast chosen are all attractive, with athletic, toned bodies, their attitudes and mores appropriate for each stock character, represented by the actors / actresses without a hint of depth..they are designed specifically one-dimensional, representing the hunky bad boy, hick cowboy, Latina chick with an attitude, gay and slightly chubby goofball, shy Asian girl with martial arts skills, black intellectual(..his dialogue, particularly when he speaks "scholarly" is as artificial as it gets), hot beach bunny who comes from money and is easy to seduce, etc.Don't worry, the film also provides the viewer with the token blonde "final girl" in Laura Ramsey( of the new horror "it girls", having starred in such recent flicks as "The Covenant", "Venom", and "The Ruins") so that all the slasher guidelines are fulfilled. The violence is tame(..the usual beheading, followed by the head roll down a hill, an arm taken off, finger hacked away, all presented in such a way that look completely underwhelming) and I think one can tell that most of the money went to Furlong instead of proper make-up effects trumping our desire to see these characters die in a properly horrible manner. We aren't even given any nudity as I guess these girls were too prudish to bother flashing us some skin for burdening ourselves through this crap. The film's goal is obvious..a black comic parody on reality programming, and using the slasher template as a means to kill off these greedy partyers who enjoy the lavish location before terror descends upon them. Furlong is often remarking to himself, inside his "headquarters" regarding what his future victims discuss with themselves, and his character, devilish grin intact, peeps on the sexual(..and bathroom) activities of the females. The reactions of the characters as they are terrorized might amuse, since I'm sure many of us have fantasized, in times past, the demise of these immature reality show types who back-stab and bemoan each other for financial gain or if just for the hell of it. Susan Ward is your eye candy for the movie, the sex pot who gets a little "off the top" when she attempts to escape from the grounds. A constant is near-escapes and how Furlong, time and again, prevails to stop them in the nick of time. Daniel Franzese is Furlong's unstable, mentally handicapped and easily manipulative brother Claude. Another movie pointing out poor Furlong's faltering career.
mcatarino Dear movie-goers, How I wish somebody had warned me not to watch this movie... That's why I'm trying to do the same for you. DON'T watch it. It's sooo bad you won't believe, without even being bad enough for you to laugh at it. It's really a movie that insults any possible gray-cell you have. I watched it at a Movie Festival in Portugal, FANTASPORTO, a Festival specialized in horror-sci-fi-alternative movies, therefore you could be expecting almost anything from the selection of movies. But this one is just a plain teenage slashing movie, and just so that you won't think that my appreciation of the movie is due to my general taste in movies, I can tell you that compared to any "I know what you did last Summer", or "Halloween", or such, those movies are works of pure cinematic art compared to "Cruel World". I'm sorry if I'm not being very clear about why I didn't like it, but I wouldn't know where to start: could it be because there is not a drop of originality whatever? No plot? Because the actors suck? Because the director has no idea of the difference between a movie and a cucumber salad? Or maybe the totally misplaced soundtrack? I don't know... Edward Furlong, what happened to you?