Bone Eater
Bone Eater
| 15 February 2008 (USA)
Bone Eater Trailers

Ancient Native American legend of the Bone Eater rises up and begins terrorizing the local townspeople

Micitype Pretty Good
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Leofwine_draca BONE EATER isn't too shabby for a Sci-Fi Channel monster movie, although it's still a distinctly average production. The story is based around Native American legend and sees the Bone Eater of the title rising up to wreak havoc after being disturbed by some excavations. This Bone Eater takes the form of a giant skeleton warrior who absorbs the bone dust of his victims, growing with each kill. He also rides a skeletal horse at some points in the production.It's business as usual, of course, although at least BONE EATER offers a fast pace and some CGI effects which aren't quite as bad as you'd expect from this genre. The bloodless kills are reminiscent of those in Spielberg's WAR OF THE WORLDS remake and achieved fairly well. This is definitely one of the better Jim Wynorski films I've sat through.Viewers can play "spot the old timer" with this one, with lots of old and grey faces from yesteryear making appearances. The dull Bruce Boxleitner (TRON) headlines the cast, but there are fun cameos from both Walter Koenig (STAR TREK) and William Katt (CARRIE) playing doctor types. Buck Rogers himself, Gil Gerard, is a human villain of the story.
Wuchak "Bone Eater" (2007) is yet another Syfy Grade B monster movie. All these creature features have the same basic plot: Strange monster appears, people start dying, and the locals have to figure out how to destroy it or, at least, escape it. The only things that change are the creature, the setting and the characters."Gargoyles" from 1972 is one of the greatest examples of these types of low-budget monster flicks and the genre is still going strong 40 years later. What is it about these kinds of stories that attract people? Perhaps it's because imagination and legend are about good and evil and the power of selfless courage against impossible odds. In short, there's nothing more heroic than man against monster. (I say "man" in the generic sense, of course, which includes male and female)."Bone Eater" mixes elements of films like "Gargoyles," "Ghost Rider," "The Prophecy," and -- believe it or not -- "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly". It's pretty entertaining throughout and sometimes surprisingly moving. Despite its cartoony trappings, the filmmakers effectively strike a reverential chord with some of the relationships, the Native Americans and the spiritual parts of the music. Speaking of the music, the score is quite notable even though the Western-ized portions rip-off Ennio Morricone's classic score for "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly".The main characters are distinguished and impressive while the protagonists are very likable. For instance, you have the stalwart sheriff, his loyal men and beautiful daughter, her bad boy boyfriend, the crew-supervisor dad, his son, the wise Native chief, his winsome granddaughter and the angry brave, Black Hawk. You also have the evil entrepreneur and his lackeys.As far as women go, Clara Bryant is stunning as the Sheriff's blossoming daughter, to say the least, and Jennifer Lee Wiggins shines as Stormcloud's ultra-charming granddaughter, Kaya.The writers throw in some potent insights and moral conflicts here and there. For instance, the crew-supervisor's son says it's wrong for them to hide archaeological artifacts; his father counters that it's easy to be idealistic when you're young but, when you're older, your paycheck and security come first.The film runs 90 minutes and was shot in Santa Clarita and Vasquez Rocks, California.FINAL WORD: Yes, "Bone Eater" is a juvenile monster movie, but it's pretty entertaining; and many aspects of it are impressive and sometimes moving. There are even some gems to mine. So if you have a taste for Grade B creature features like 1972's "Gargoyles" you'll probably appreciate it. If, on the other hand, you can't handle the cartoony storytelling and TV-budget effects of these types of flicks, stay away.GRADE: B+
Matt Kracht Jim Wynorski has made some of the absolute worst movies that I've ever seen, and, after struggling to make it through some of the worst-of-the-worst (I hate giving up on a movie halfway through), I swore that I would never again watch another.The problem is that Wynorski uses a wide variety of aliases. I'm convinced that it's because he's trying to trick me into watching his horrible movies. You win again, you bastard. That's another one of your worthless movies that I've watched in its entirety. Every time that you win, I swear that I'm going to memorize all of your aliases, and, just to be safe, keep track of every one of your movies as they're released. I was not vigilant. I got lazy.Enjoy your fleeting victory, Wynorski. I swear Bone Eater shall truly be the last one. I draw the line at Bone Eater. Never again will my senses be assaulted by your horrific writing, directing, or producing. In case there's someone out there who is actually thinking about watching this movie, let my sacrifice be warning enough. Don't make the same mistake that I did.I'm almost tempted to award a second star, out of pity for the washed-up actors (Bruce Boxleitner, Gil Gerard, Walter Koenig, etc), but I urge my fellow reviewers to steel their hearts and award a single star. If we stay strong, we may actually get every one of Wynorski's movies on to the Bottom 100.
srvblooze If you're like me and you occasionally enjoy watching terrible movies (I guess it's kind of like slowing down at a car crash), you can't do better than this! The plot is inane, the special effects are hilarious and the acting is some of the worst you'll ever see! 4 THUMBS DOWN! WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!! Seriously, I have no idea how the director and the "actors" can sleep at night! It's painful, and yet hysterically funny, to watch and I highly recommend it for those who want to punish themselves for something. If you can watch this crap without wincing, you're a better man than I'll ever be! I wonder if the producer of this garbage had any idea what he was getting himself (and his money) into!