The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day
The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day
R | 24 November 2009 (USA)
The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day Trailers

Skillfully framed by an unknown enemy for the murder of a priest, wanted vigilante MacManus brothers Murphy and Connor must come out of hiding on a sheep farm in Ireland to fight for justice in Boston.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
lathe-of-heaven Sure, a lot of people here pi$$ all over this film because it ISN'T the original... Okay, fine... BUT, let's be realistic. Just exactly HOW many sequels, especially sequels to outright Classics like this one, ever come any where NEAR close to the quality of the first one...? Exactly... Take the awesome film 'GET SHORTY'. Now, if you have had the tragic misfortune to see the horrendous 'sequel' 'BE COOL', then you know PRECISELY what I mean. This film here is not even in the same UNIVERSE as that atrocious sequel as far as genuine quality and the clever thought that clearly went into it.Anyway, what I mean is that the first film is SO completely iconic that just about ANY attempt at a sequel will be bound to disappoint many people. I very much liked the Ultra-Coolness of the first film, and I found this one to be VERY entertaining and funny as Hell. Yes, I think this film leaned more strongly toward direct humour than the original, BUT... I personally felt that most of the humour worked just fine, despite some of it being rather obvious.Romeo was great. I loved his reaction to the constant barrage of racial slurs that came his way. Honestly, I thought that there was some pretty clever writing in a lot of the humour. Like when the guys were making fun of his rather 'Gaudy' car, saying that he had claimed that his car was inconspicuous. He answers, 'I don't like any words with 'spic' in the middle...' I know, I know... Corny as Hell, BUT... :) And YES, Judd Nelson seriously overdid it with his role (and I frigg'n LOVE Judd Nelson!) Personally, I think that rather than trying to come across as a character SO far removed from his usual style, if he had just played it WAY more laid-back and with his usual brand of Snarky-Cool, I really think that it would have gone over a LOT better than trying to force the characterization that he was trying to do.I suppose you could say that the stratospheric heights of 'Cool' that were in the first film are missing here. But, I think that the film makers really tried hard to come up with something that, YES, relies much more heavily on various forms of obvious humour, but I feel is genuinely VERY entertaining overall. There were also some pretty slick sequences, as even haters here will admit. And, Bill Connolly's back-story is quite intriguing and fits well with the story.Honestly, I really, ***REALLY*** liked the film. I thought it was a frigg'n Blast! The characters were not quite as iconic as in the first film, but considering what they had to try to match, I truly feel that they came up with a film that was very entertaining, VERY funny, and had enough cleverness throughout it to relate quite well to it's Cult predecessor.Just ONE thing, at least to me, that REALLY sucked Donkey Balls was the bland, generic, mind-numbingly boring song in the closing credits. That's it... The rest of the soundtrack was awesome.My take on it is that IF you liked the first film and you are NOT too terribly harsh and unreasonably expectant with this one, I honestly feel that you could very well find this movie quite funny and entertaining...
neil-upto11 Not a shred of the original charm remains. It's an animated corpse of a film. Talking of which, what the devil happened to Sean Patrick's face?! Between his plastic surgery and moronic ranting he looks vaguely sub-human. Basically, scenes from the original 'Boondock Saints' are remade into stilted, feeble replicas. It's witless, poorly written and desperate.If you loved the original (and I did) please do yourself a favour, resist the temptation and avoid this mess. At least that way, the magic of the first film will remain untarnished in your memory!(Imdb want more lines, so Im padding.)
ashleynwaldron After discovering the first Boondock Saints in high school, it instantly became my all-time favorite movie. I've lost track of how many times I've watched the movie over the years, or how many times my husband and I have laughingly quoted some of our favorite lines.So when I first heard they were doing a sequel, I was thrilled. Especially when -after such a long amount of time in-between- they even had a lot of the original cast. Could this get any better?And then, my husband watched it with his brother one night. Came home, and told me not to even bother. I was shocked. It couldn't be that bad right? He assured me that it would even taint the first one for me.I couldn't believe that. There was no possible way. And yet... when I sat down and watched this god-awful train wreck of a movie, I couldn't even force myself past the first twenty-five minutes.I'm not even sure where to begin with this. The terrible script, and crappy, awkward dialogue? The idiot who was supposed to be Rocco's replacement? Whoever that stupid, horrible acting bimbo was? The horrible, crappy villains?This movie was probably the biggest sequel disappointment I've ever seen. And my husband was right... While I still love the first movie, I can't watch it without thinking of this fail movie.
ElijahCSkuggs Do I have to mention that I'm a fan of the first? I see that quite a few comments are starting like that, so I guess I'll also roll with the flow. So, yep, I'm also a fan. Actually, in 2000 I bought a Boondock Saints VHS for 35 bucks on Ebay. Of course I'd have expectations for this movie. I want the Saints back in action, but I also want a solid flick, so this 10 year wait, was fine with me. That is, if the movie turned out to be worth it. Was it? No. It wasn't.Boondock Saints 2, even though 10 years in the making, still felt like some sort of cash-in. Instead of using creativity to maybe make something worthwhile and truly sequel-worthy, they made it this sort of over-the-top comedy. Get the f@ck outta here! Duffy, for some reason or another decided to go the easy route. And what's the easy route? By taking every single thing that worked in the original and using it again, in an attempt to improve upon it. That right there, is the pussiest way to go about making a sequel. Oh, I guess you need examples. Alright. Need a new sidekick, right? Sure. Throw in a stereotypical Mexican dude who they have perform an arm-bar in the opening scene (cash in on the MMA craze much?). I would say he's the comedy relief of the film, but no, they have about four other characters being used for the same thing. Anyways, if the sidekick didn't work, in the case he wasn't enough like Rocco, they added a buffoon Mafia character that acted like Rocco. Oh, and if he wasn't enough, Rocco made a return as well! Of course in dream sequences only. And what the f@ck were those stupid macho rants about? Then ya got the new female Willem Dafoe character. Oh man, this was a massive issue for me. Southern accent, walks like a super model, mimics Dafoe's methods from the first…get the hell outta here with this sh!t. That's all they could think of? At least you could have made her gay like Willem's character, or maybe even a tad risqué. A nip slip, maybe? Of course not. Were we really supposed to buy into this character? Was she supposed to live up to one of Dafoe's best performances? Really? Seriously? Wow.One thing that some people don't seem to realize about the first Boondock Saints is that it excelled because of its all-male cast. There was no love-interest bullsh!t. There was no drooling over the girls. Just like with any comic book movie that comes out now, there is this seemingly out of place, romantic/love subplot that has to be put in because there needs to be something to relate to for our more sensitive/mainstream movie-goers. But there wasn't anything like this in the first, and that was wildly successful with all crowds…? Oh yeah, I totally forgot about how this was a comedy. It's all a joke. This movie is a joke. Maybe instead of trying to create a blockbuster, a comedy/action blockbuster, he'll go down a different route. Something on the darker side.Boondock Saints 2 worked story-wise on one level moreso than any other. And that was the flashback sequences of when 'Da', Billy Connolly's character became who he was. One of those scenes truly worked, and non-surprisingly, it was the most violent scene of the movie. ……………………….2/12/12 - Yeah, I just gave up with this review. Bottom line, the movie stunk.