Another Me
Another Me
PG-13 | 22 August 2014 (USA)
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A teenager finds her perfect life upended when she's stalked by a mysterious doppelganger who has her eyes set on assuming her identity.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
GomezAddams666 I get the concept of Doppelgangers, like 1997's Pafekuto Buru (Perfect Blue), and it's sort of inspired American Adaptation Black Swan.I get the concept of missing siblings as in like The Tale Of Two Sisters, Uninvited, The Unborn.And this movie tried (and failed amazingly) to use these concepts to sell a horror-like thriller, but the result was a very predictable, horrible, boring movie.It's not like these concepts were badly executed is that the movie is painfully draggy, like every scene seems to last 2 hrs longer than it actually does. A bit of a more character developing, a more emotionally deep relationship of Faye and her boyfriend, a deeper rivalry with her competitor... even a flying dog for god's sakes... ANYTHING to turn this slow-slow paced movie into something not boring as in "what the hell was I thinking watching this?" boring.A great cast, great performances (with the little they were given), great photography, and a mediocre underdeveloped ghost story that wouldn't frighten or even surprise a kitten.Avoid at all cost.
ma-cortes This is an intrigue/suspense film with very good cast , being well starred by Sophie Turner along with Rhys Ifans as daddy , Claire Forlani as mom , Jonathan Rhys Meyers as teacher , Gregg Sulkin as boyfriend , all have supporting roles in director Isabel Coixet's thriller . It deals with a normal adolescent girl called Fay (Sophie Turner as the teenager who haunted herself and the movie took so long to be made that when Sophie was cast the first season of Game of thrones (2011) hadn't aired) finds her perfect life upended when she's pursued by a weird double . Neighbors (Geraldine Chaplin) spot this other girl in the stairwell — even though Fay only takes the elevator . While Fay is at school emerges her alter-ego and turns her life into a nightmare until the teen meets with her into a tunnel and moves toward a fateful encounter . Teachers (Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Leonor Watling) and fellow students (Ivana Baquero , Gregg Sulkin , Charlotte Vega) say they interacted with her on the day Fay stays home sick . Could the look-alike be Fay's mean-girl rival who is her understudy in the school play? Or someone more sinister? It's enough to make someone go a little crazy — prompting a moment where Fay chops off her long locks just so people can tell the two of them apart .A gripping psychological/supernatural thriller co-produced between Spain and England ; dealing with a teenage girl whose once seemingly perfect life is upended when her father becomes ill and a mysterious double begins inserting itself in her life and she then starts to fear she's being followed by someone who shares her face . Appeals primarily to those fascinated by Hitchcock intrigue along with ¨Twilight Zone¨ series where mystery matters most . Nice acting by Sophie Turner , this was Turner's first movie after having performed in the television series ¨Game of Thrones¨ . Turner gives perhaps his best screen performance in this interesting chiller-thriller about a teen who finds that her life is being taken over by her ¨double¨ . This her first film, Another Me, based on the book of the same name by Catherine Macphail and also written by Coixet , the film was produced by Fip, Rainy Day Films and Tornasol Films . It premiered in competition at last November's Rome International Film Festival and will be released by Fox in the Us, Spain, Germany and other select international territories . It features the actress in multiple roles, as a teenage girl named Fay who feels like she's being stalked by someone who looks just like her, and who is slowly taking over her life . The talented supporting cast consists of Jonathan Rhys Meyers ('The Tudors'), Claire Forlani (Meet Joe Black) , Rhys Ifans ('The Amazing Spider-Man') and Gregg Sulkin (Avalon High) , Ivana Baquero (Pan's labyrinth) and Leonor Watling (The Oxford murders) . Geraldine Chaplin (Zhivago) steals the supporting honours from a gallery of enjoyable minor roles as a gossip neighbour old woman . And Isabel Coixet revealed in an interview that Jonathan Rhys-Meyers was extremely difficult to work with , she argued that he had no discipline and that he run out Coixet's patience, making work really hard for everyone on set . Colorful though dark cinematography filmed by Jean Claude Larrieau , Coixet's usual . Being shot on location in Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales, UK and studios from Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya Studios, Terrassa, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain . Thrilling as well as suspenseful musical score by Michael Price , including a wonderful song titled ¨You haunt me¨by Richard Hawley . The motion picture was professional though slowly directed by Isabel Coixet . Here director Coixet mixes dull stretches with some palm-sweeping suspense/thriller . Following this year's "Enemy" and "The Double" comes "Elegy" filmmaker Isabel Coixet's "Another Me." Coixet is an acclaimed Spanish filmmaker who has previously found international success with Elegy and The Secret Life of Words and she's the camera operator of her movies . Her filmography includes other feature films such as 'Cosas Que Nunca Dije' (Things I Never Told You) (1995), Elegy (2008), 'Mapa De Sonidos De Tokio' (Map of the Sounds of Tokyo) (2009), and the two latest 'Ayer No Termina Nunca' (Yesterday Never Ends) (2014) and 'Learning to Drive' (2013) besides documentary films, shorts and commercials . And recent premiere in Berlin Festival of 'Nobody Wants the Night' (2015) starred by Juliette Binoche .
slightlymad22 OK, it's not the greatest movie in the world, but its far from the worst and it's not the dull, lame movie some reviewers would have you think. I found it to be an above average flick with a surprise ending.Plot In A Paragraph: Fey (Sophie Turner) finds her perfect life is turned upside down when he Dad is diagnosed as fatally ill, worse is to follow when she starts being stalked by a mysterious doppelganger who has her eyes set on assuming her identity.This was the first time I've seen Turner in anything aside from Game Of Thrones and she does a good job as she pretty much carries this movie on her own, despite the cast including Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Rhys Ifans. Meyers isn't given as much to do as one would hope, and Ifans does what Ifans does, Geraldine Chaplin does well in her small role as an elderly neighbour.
chrismackey1972 Faye's (Sophie Turner) dad is dying, and she's able to get the lead in the school play. Johnathon Rhys Meyers plays her acting teacher and Claire Forlani plays her mother. One day while walking down a school hallway, the lights go out and someone starts running after her. She runs into a lit hallway screaming. She later starts to think her understudy - Monica - who wanted to play the lead is the one frightening her. As she's being driven home one night, she sees a girl standing on the side of the street, and it's an exact look-alike of her. She doesn't pay much attention to it. Apparently, she has problems going up the elevator because she tends to freak out. After she gets home, her mom goes out with "the girls." However, her mom goes into a car in the back alley and proceeds to have sex (no nudity shown) with a guy. Bad mom! Shocker: Faye's doppelganger is right up to the car looking inside.The next day, Faye tells bad mom about her look-alike being seen all over. Bad mom confesses that Faye had a twin who died years ago. Faye starts getting visions. One of the visions is that her acting teacher is also the guy who was having an affair with bad mom. Bad teacher! Faye gets into a fight with Monica because she think Monica is the one impersonating her. Faye tells bad mom she knows about the affair, and she wants bad mom to break up with bad teacher. Bad mom agrees. Meanwhile, Faye begins her own affair with...some guy in the movie, I don't recall his name (no nudity is shown).It turns out that bad mom didn't really end the affair with bad teacher. One night, a girl - probably bad Faye - threw a rock through the windshield of bad teacher's car when bad mom was in there. She went home with a headache, however, teacher went to the hospital.Ugh! I'm done with this review! The movie was boring as all heck. This review, as bad as it is, is probably more entertaining than the 80 minutes you'll waste on this movie. If you wanna tune in just to see Sophie Turner, download a picture. I do NOT recommend.