Blood River
Blood River
| 29 April 2009 (USA)
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A psychological thriller following a successful young married couple on their way to visit family. After a blowout on a desolate stretch of highway in Nevada, they head to the next town only to discover it long abandoned. Here they meet a mysterious stranger who seems to know decidedly more than he is sharing.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Neil Welch This three-hander is essentially a variation on the theme of the couple who pick up a hitcher who then takes them captive and puts them through all sorts of torture.Having said that, it has ideas above its station, with pretensions towards a more meaningful subtext. I applaud its ambitions, but it isn't entirely successful in realising them.The good points are the cinematography, the acting and the music.The bad points? Well, it is very sluggish at times, and you really wish it would get a move on. And, while Tess Panzer performs well, having one character with hysteria turned up to 11 for a huge proportion of the movie does get a bit wearing after a while: I can't imagine how exhausted she must have been after each day's filming, because I was knackered after an hour watching her.
iluvtomservo Blood River currently does not have distribution in the US. Why? Who knows. I really wonder if movies like these are quashed here just to make way for the remakes, and same old torture movies that are clearly threatened by movies such as this. I generally do not jump onto a site and review a movie, but I am tired of these movies getting absolutely no love from the film industry.Blood River has a bare bones cast, the story is straight forward and to the point. Andrew Howard is impressive, as always. I do not want to go into too much about the movie, I hate spoilers and like going into a movie blind. I will say Ian Duncan's turn of his character in this was excellent, and Tess Panzer pulled out all of the stops in the end. the end of the movie left me asking questions, pondering the situation well after the movie was over.If you are a horror fan such as myself, that seeks their movies from outside of the mainstream, this is right up your alley. Yes, there will be haters. There always are. Take the time to decide for yourself, and give Blood River the love that it deserves if you, too, enjoy it.
scaryoutcome1 I watched this film not really expecting much and not really knowing much about it.First of lets see two lovers on a desert highway, crash then end up meeting some weird preacher type figure who likes preying on people. sounds pretty much like every other horror of its type.your wrong.okay, the first 20-30mins is kinda boring but nonetheless mildly entertaining. however after the silent 30 min mark, when things start to pick up i found myself glued and guessing till the end.its starts to become quite an emotional/powerful movie about angels etc that you will either understand or not. The climax of the movie was very entertaining.. and the twist was phenomenal. With this said and with such a good story i think a lot more could of been done with this type of movie. however it is watchable the once.the acting wasn't so bad either.. the husband was outstanding and the preacher was phenomenal.all i say is gt past the 30 min mark and you'l be satisfied.. not the best movie out there but watchable.good directing and camera work too.
dschmeding "Blood River" is a real surprise... I did not expect much and was pretty much blown away since everything in this movie seems to fit perfectly until the song in the credits. The movie starts with a couple heading through the desert and passing a cowboy style guy. They stop in a motel where he re-appears and his face first shows when he lays prayers on the motel owner who ends up slitting her own wrists with a cross carved in her forehead. The couple continues their journey just to have a tire burst and be stuck in the middle of the desert and end up in an abandoned town called "Blood river". I was expecting the whole thing to turn into a cheesy horror movie but it doesn't. Cowboy guy soon re-appears, introduces himself as Jo and starts playing mind games with the couple, the tension between him and the husband rises slowly and the whole atmosphere captures you. There's awesome shots of the desert since right in the title sequence, the acting is stunning and carries a lot of the movie. The final revelation between Jo and the wife is awesome and I hope actress Tess Panzer has a bright future ahead of her since I haven't been captured by such solid acting for a while.The first half of the movie unfolds a little like Kalifornia with the mysterious psycho unmasking his character piece by tiny piece and the dread rising slowly. The tension is thick like in Wolf Creek but there's plenty of hints thrown in that Jo is not the psycho killer you expect at first. All the pieces come together in the end when the constant bible preaching in the radio, the re-appearing crosses and Jos strange philosophical and religious monologues start to make sense."Blood River" after all is a movie about sin and repentance ... the basic idea has been the a hundred times before, but the movie manages to leave enough room for the viewer to reflect the impressions on himself. I wonder if I was the only one having the credits roll to the end while listening to the dark title song in the end and thinking of my own wrongdoings. If a movie manages to capture you that deep in its atmosphere that is quite an achievement. I know some of the directors previous movies like "Broken" but none remotely comes close to this one. "Blood River" is one of those rare underground gems I found on the sidelines of the horror genre which I am surely going to recommend to every movie fanatic I meet. So be sure to put it on your list too!
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