6 Souls
6 Souls
R | 05 April 2013 (USA)
6 Souls Trailers

A female forensic psychiatrist discovers that all of one of her patient's multiple personalities are murder victims. She will have to find out what's happening before her time is finished.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
jessikinley Excellence film! I was blown away by Jonathan Rhys Meyers' outstanding acting in this film. It kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish and would recommend to anyone who enjoys a psychological thriller. I'd give it a 10/10, personally!
Paul Evans I quite enjoyed this, it's one of those films I saw the trailer, was wowed by it, and wanted to be utterly blown away by. Excellent in a number of ways, principally the performances of Julianne Moore and Jonathan Rhys Meyers, the latter in particular fantastic. A very dark story, with some cracking concepts. Lost its way a bit when the Witch Doctor was introduced, those scenes were so over the top they spoiled it a bit.I wonder if M Night Shyamalan took anything from this when it came to developing Split.Some genuinely creepy, dark moments, not least the moments with Cara's father, and then daughter suffering at the hands of David. To begin with it's a little slow, the directing could have been a bit punchier, but as it opens up and moves along it becomes rather engrossing.Dark, watchable, but could have been so much better, 7/10
auroravadams This film held a lot of promise. Julianne Moore and Jonathan Rhys Meyers give compelling performances during the first hour. It is the story that goes off the rails. I believe that horror/possession films make an implied contract with the audience that they will understand the premise and reason for the story by the end. Instead, what begins as a great idea of multiple personalities, turns toward Appalachian magic, with no real explanation beyond telling us that around World War I, a preacher told the local folk to turn their faith from the local belief system and science and trust in him to protect them against an outbreak of influenza. He secretly has his children immunized. Flu vaccines were not available until 1938 courtesy of Jonas Salk. The locals murder him and his children, the local witch pulls his soul out of is body.So then we learn that the man with multiple personalities, is really the preacher, and that he is going around first cursing his victims to die from an influenza like cough, and a strange rash on their backs before stealing their souls by sucking them out of their bodies. The multiple personalities are then the stolen souls manifesting in the preacher's body. In no way does the film (edited for Television) explain how the preacher's body is still running around murdering people. Julianne Moore's character's reactions are flat when faced with her father's death, the death of her brother, and finally her daughter. By the end of the movie, we are supposed to be scared by the final scene (reminiscent of The Omen) but instead we are left wondering how did the story evolve into this thread, and feeling cheated and led on a wild goose chase for the last 112 minutes. The first part of the movie is so well done, it makes me want to find the script and then salvage the ending. Finally, the movie was originally released in the UK under the name "The Sheltering", but though the term is used in the second half of the movie associated with the soul-stealing, it is never really defined.
David Arnold Julianne Moore plays Dr. Cara Harding, a forensic psychiatrist who works in the field of disproving criminals who claim to have multiple personalities. Her views & beliefs are put to the test, though, when she's given the case of a patient who goes by the name of David (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), who inexplicably seems to change personalities right in front of her. Harding's investigation takes her deeper into the unknown and ultimately tests her faith in science as well as her own religious beliefs.6 Souls is a pretty decent supernatural mystery/thriller which is well played out by Moore and especially Rhys Meyers, whose performance in playing the multiple characters/personalities is excellent. He's very believable with all his characters and the way he goes from being a sweet, caring person like David one minute to then being someone a bit more sinister like Wesley so suddenly is impressive.The movie starts off pretty well and does keep your attention throughout. It does get to a point - about an hour in maybe - where it has a danger of stalling and coming to a complete halt, but thankfully it manages to pick itself up to keep on going.The film is a wee bit predictable in all honesty as in it being the classic skeptical psychiatrist who turns believer, and there are possibly a few things that don't really seem to make sense at first, but even with that 6 Souls is still a good wee film to watch.